Chapter 6 Amber
The next day, when Lin Yan woke up, it was already noon.

The first thing to do after waking up is of course to deal with the unbearable feeling of hunger. There are many food shops in Mond City, but there is only one that is the most famous and has the longest opening time, which is the [Hunter] that appears in the game. Deerman].

The deer hunter was not very far from Lin Yan's hotel, and he was already familiar with Mond City, so he found it quickly.

The Mora that Yula gave last night still has about [-] left, which should be enough for a meal, but after that, he may have to think about how to maintain his own economy, or he will be as poor as a certain astrologer It's a bit troublesome to be hungry and faint in the laboratory.

When I came to the Deer Hunter, the waiter at the front desk was a woman named Sarah. Her appearance was ordinary, and she was completely the face of the public in the original god world, but these were not important, because a red back had already attracted Lin Hiko's gaze.

The red-based clothing, red stockings and white boots on the lower body, form an absolute field with the hot pants, and the red rabbit ear hair accessories swing twice from time to time, which is extremely eye-catching.

"Hey, isn't this Amber, the strongest fire-type archer in Tivat?" Lin Yan recognized the other party's identity at a glance. She is the scout knight Amber of the West Wind Knights. A character, Lin Yan still has some impressions of her.

Of course, the most impressive thing is Amber's energetic character.

"Well, how about something to eat?" At this moment, Amber was standing at the front desk, holding the menu in both hands, as if he was worrying about something. "Forget it, as usual, let's have a barbecue steak."

After speaking, Amber handed the menu to Sarah who was standing at the front desk.

"Okay, a barbecue steak, delivered right away."

At this time, Amber seemed to have noticed something, turned around, and she saw Lin Yan standing not far away.

When his eyes fell on Lin Yan, Amber showed a puzzled expression, and even moved to Lin Yan's side, sizing him up carefully.

Looking at Amber's hair accessory with rabbit ears that kept swinging while he was thinking, Lin Yan subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch it, but just when he was about to do it, Amber suddenly spoke to him.

"I haven't seen you in the city before, are you a foreign traveler?"

The sudden opening made Lin Yangang's thought of reaching out to touch the Amber rabbit ear hair ornament instantly dispelled.

Touching his head in embarrassment, Lin Yan said, "Yes, my name is Lin Yan, and I just arrived in Mond yesterday."

"Really, then, welcome to Mond, the traveler who comes with the wind." After speaking, Amber performed a standard knight salute.

Then, she looked at the Deer Hunter restaurant behind her: "Are you going to eat? That's right, come eat with me."

After finishing speaking, Amber took Lin Yan's hand to the front desk regardless of whether Lin Yan agreed or not, and picked up the menu.

"The deer hunters have a lot of unique delicacies, but the most representative ones should be [Mid-rare deer steak] and [Satisfied salad]. If this is the case, then let's have one each."

After handing the menu to Sarah again, Amber turned around and said to Lin Yan: "Since this is your first time in Mond, then I will invite you this time. You are welcome. This is the most basic task of being a Zephyr Knight." way of hospitality."

"Then... how embarrassing it is." Lin Yan, who was blocked by Amber's enthusiasm and didn't know how to speak, could only smile wryly.

After the dishes were served, Lin Yan was dragged by Amber to sit at the same table with her to eat. Generally speaking, who would not like such a proactive girl?Lin Yan also thought that he would like it before, but after actually meeting him, his first reaction was to feel uncomfortable.

"I always feel like I'm being led away." Lin Yan tried his best to keep it gentle as he ate [Mid-rare Deer Steak] in small bites.

"Well, the deer hunter's barbecue steak, you really won't feel tired no matter how many times you eat it." Contrary to him who was uncomfortable all over, Amber ate the barbecue steak with big mouthfuls, and the corners of his mouth could even see obvious oily shine , with an unreserved look.

Time is running out, and the food on the plate of the two is being wiped out little by little. When the plate is completely emptied, Lin Yan wipes his mouth with a paper towel, and asks Amber the question he is most concerned about now .

"Miss Amber, is there any way to make money quickly in Mond City?"

Amber, who was still satisfied with the feeling of being full, was stunned by Lin Yan's question. As a scouting knight, what she had to do every day was to go outside the city to conduct various scoutings, and her salary and other things were paid every month. It's a fixed amount, so she didn't care much about it.

But soon, she still thought of it: "If you want to make money, there should be the fastest way to receive commissions from the Adventurers Association, but the premise is that you must have a certain strength yourself, because most of the commissions from the Adventurers Association are to destroy The monsters outside the city, especially the recent dragon disaster, the monsters outside are getting more and more rampant."

"Of course, you can also choose to do some commissions such as helping find pets, which will be relatively safe."

"Adventurer's Association?" Lin Yan murmured, usually in the game, the Adventurer's Association will release four commissions every day, and every time a commission is completed or all commissions are completed, they will receive corresponding rewards. Is it the same here? If so, the reward shouldn't be too bad.

As for the degree of danger of entrusting, as long as the other party is not as powerful as the Dust Seven ruling, Lin Yan should have a way to deal with it.

"Since this is the case, then I will take my leave first, Miss Amber. It is an honor to have dinner with you today. Let's talk next time if we have a chance to talk." Maybe it was because I met Yula at the angel's gift last night. That's why, now that Lin Yan talks to others, he will subconsciously show great respect. It's better to say that this is actually the attitude he should have?
"Well, I'm going to perform a mission too. Mond is not very peaceful recently. Mr. Lin Yan, you must be more careful." After greeting Lin Yan politely, Amber turned and left.

Lin Yan at the same place did not stay too long, because Amber had already paid the bill in advance, so he didn't have to go to the front desk to pay.

Following his memory, Lin Yan went down the steps next to the deer hunter and finally found the Adventurers Association.

"To the stars and the abyss, welcome to the Adventurers Association."

The receptionist Catherine stood at the front desk and politely said the slogan of the Adventurers Association to Lin Yan.

"Ah, the grass has been growing for too long. I even forgot that there is half a sentence behind it. I always thought that the only slogan of the Adventurers' Association is [Towards the Stars.]."

(End of this chapter)

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