Chapter 71 Seeing Keli Again (Please collect and recommend tickets)

Lin Yan and Keli haven't known each other for a long time, but children are very easy to get along with, and Lin Yan has almost never refused any of her requests except for frying fish, so Keli has a particularly deep impression on him.

In Mond, Keli must avoid the eyes of the adults when she does anything she wants to do. Only Lin Yan will do it with herself without reporting to Qin, and she will take her with her at night. Hang out by yourself.

In the whole of Mond, except for the white brother, only Lin Yan is willing to indulge himself like this.

"Ke Li, I haven't seen you for a while. You haven't been imprisoned by Captain Qin for doing something wrong." After touching Ke Li's little head, Lin Yan's eyes gradually became doting.

Damn, if I don't treat her as a wife, can't I raise her as a daughter?
"No, no," Keli shook her head very quickly, "Keli has been obedient these days, because brother Lin Yan, you said that those who are imprisoned are bad children, you won't like it, let alone, If brother Lin Yan takes me out to play, I can still play with bombs."

"Because I haven't found you in this period of time, I have been learning to draw in my room. Brother Abeduo is very good at drawing and has painted a lot of portraits for Keli, so Keli also wants to draw a few for him."

Picking up the scattered papers one by one, Keli sorted them out and began to search for the portrait she drew for Lin Yan.

"This is the portrait of Captain Qin, here is the portrait of Brother Kaiya, this is the portrait of Sister Lisa, and this is the portrait of Lei Ze."

"And this, this is the portrait of those friends who played bombs with me last time." When flipping to a portrait, Keli showed it in front of Lin Yan.

Lin Yan looked at it and found that there were a few Qiuqiu people drawn crookedly on it.

Good fellow, the co-author treats you as a big devil in red, yet you actually treat him as a friend.

After rummaging through several portraits, Keli finally found the one of Lin Yan: "I found it! This is the portrait that Keli drew for Brother Lin Yan, and Keli herself is in it."

He excitedly raised the portrait in his hand, and after Lin Yan took it, he began to admire it seriously.

It's not as detailed as the artist's work, and it's the same style as the kindergarten children's paintings. The content is the scene of Lin Yan and Keli frying fish together.

Just as a child, Keli's drawing skills are already quite top-notch, at least in Lin Yan's opinion.

"The painting is really good." Nodding in satisfaction, Lin Yan said.

"Really? That's really great!" Ke Li happily jumped up on the spot, "If that's the case, then give this portrait to Brother Lin Yan."

In this way, Lin Yan received the first gift from Keli.

"Speaking of which, what is Lin Yan's brother doing here? Is he here to play with Keli?! That's really great! Let's go now!" He took Lin Yan's hand without saying a word, but Li walked towards the outside of the knight order.

Lin Yan is not in the mood to mess around with Keli now. The lady will suddenly appear at some point and snatch Wendy's God's Heart. In order to stop her, he must be fully prepared.

And learning elemental combat skills and elemental explosion is the primary preparation for fighting against ladies.

"Kelly, I'm so sorry that I can't play with you today."

Keli stopped suddenly when she heard this, and looked at Lin Yan with a pitiful expression: "Why? Brother Lin Yan hasn't played with Keli for many days."

Seeing Keli's disappointed expression, Lin Yan had no choice but to tell her the purpose of coming to the Knights headquarters.

After listening to Lin Yan's explanation, Keli scratched her head in confusion, as if she didn't understand anything with question marks all over her face.

"I don't understand, elemental combat skills and elemental explosion. What are those things? You said that my bouncing bombs and booming sparks are, but they were all taught by my mother, and my mother never told me about them. something like that."

Noticing the distress on Lin Yan's face, Ke Li actually put the play behind her and began to think of ways to help Lin Yan.

"I thought of it!" Thinking of a way, Keli said suddenly, "Go to Brother Abedo, brother Abedo is very smart, he knows everything, and even Keli didn't understand many things because of him I explained it."

"Brother Lin Yan, if you want to know how to learn elemental combat skills and elemental explosions, go to Brother Abedo, he will definitely know!"

Lin Yan was startled when he heard this. He knew Abedo. After all, he was a character who had appeared in the game, and he was still a five-star character, although he had the lowest sense of presence among the five stars.

Abedo is the chief alchemist of the Zephyr Knights. His alchemy attainments are considered outstanding in Mond and even the entire Tivat.

Not only that, but he also has a wide range of knowledge. It can be said that he is the only wise man in the current knight order, and the other is Lisa.

In addition, his drawing skills are also top-notch, and he even cooperated with a certain novelist in Liyue to provide illustrations for his novels.

However, because of the style of the book written by the other party, the sales of the novel are not very optimistic.

Regarding the research on the Eye of God, Abedo may know more than Lisa, and he seems to be the only one who can answer his doubts now.

Coincidentally, he can also take this opportunity to get to know some characters that have appeared in the game.

"Then go to Abedo, I just want to see how capable the chief alchemist of the Knights is." Lin Yan said after a moment of silence.

After hearing that Lin Yan was going to find Abedo, Keli raised her little hand and said, "Okay! Keli is going too, and just brought him the portrait of Brother Abedo. Let me show you the way!"

After finishing speaking, Keli ran to the headquarters of the Knights in a flash, and Lin Yan hurriedly followed after seeing this.

Abedo generally doesn't show up in Mond City. Even if he needs to buy something, he will only let his two assistants—San Tang and Timaus—purchase for him.

Usually, Abedo stays in his own workshop, and his workshop is located in the Longji Snow Mountain in the south of Mond.

Under the leadership of Keli, Lin Yan left Mond City and headed south all the way, passing by the side of Fengqi Land on the way.

Encountered some monsters on the road, Lin Yan originally planned to do it himself, but Ke Li said that she wanted to play bombs with her friends.

As a result, it is conceivable that those poor monsters were all blown to the sky by Keli with bombs.

But Keli herself didn't know that her behavior had seriously hurt the friend she said in her mouth.

It is worth mentioning that Keli can use bombs to destroy most of the monsters, except for fire slime, after all, the other party is immune to any type of fire elemental attack.

Since Keli couldn't be eliminated, Lin Yan could only be allowed to come.

And obviously, Lin Yan's method of destroying monsters is more cruel than Keli's.

In this way, the monsters were eliminated all the way, and the two came to the foot of Longji Snow Mountain without knowing it.

Standing in front of a broken bridge, Lin Yan looked up at the majestic and majestic snow mountain in front of him. In addition to the huge mountain itself, besides the top of the mountain, there were many circle-shaped clouds surrounding a stone pillar.

The name of that stone pillar is [Nail of the Cold Sky]. Lin Yan doesn't know much about it, but it seems to be related to [Tianli].

(End of this chapter)

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