Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 85 Noelle, Lin Yan's troubles

Chapter 85 Noelle, Lin Yan's troubles

After eliminating all the Qiuqiu people on Yingxiang Beach, the two did not choose to go back immediately.

Lin Yan followed Yula to the mountain pass of the canyon, feeling the coolness brought by the strong wind.

When they were hungry, they made a simple grill with sticks and stones on the spot.

Afterwards, they caught a wild boar, cut its flesh, and roasted it on a grill.

Although there was no seasoning and the taste was not as delicious as the barbecue they ate before, they still enjoyed it very much.

After they had a full meal, the sun was about to set.

This is to remind them to go back.

When the sky completely darkened, they finally rushed back to Mond City.

At the city gate, Lawrence and Swan were standing guard as usual.

Suddenly, they saw two figures not far away, and Swan, who suspected they were suspicious persons, immediately stepped forward to check.

Then he saw Lin Yan and Yula walking hand in hand.

An expression that cannot be described in words suddenly appeared on his face.

How should I put it, that expression. It's like seeing a ghost.

The same was true for Lawrence. With question marks on his face, he and Swann looked at each other for a while, then stared blankly at them as they entered the city.

The streets of Mond City were full of pedestrians at the moment, and they entered the city holding hands, which naturally attracted the attention of others.

Like Lawrence and Swann, when they saw Lin Yan holding hands with Yula, an inexplicable atmosphere filled the air, and everyone just looked at them without saying a word.

Yula, who became the focus, still had some blush on her face that hadn't completely dissipated, and her expression was very unnatural. She was usually able to act calm and composed in front of everyone, but she didn't know why she couldn't do it now.

Compared with her, Lin Yan seemed much calmer. As he was advancing, he still did not forget to say hello to the pedestrians on the side of the road.

This move was clearly telling them about their current relationship with Yula.

He didn't care if these people would change their views on him, there was nothing wrong with Yula, and there was nothing wrong with him dating Yula. The reason these people rejected her was only because of her surname, Lawrence.

Moreover, even if they changed their views on him, he didn't believe that they would go to the Knights with their knives to chop themselves.

Even if they really dared to take a knife to the knights to cut themselves, Lin Yan didn't think they could beat them, and he could take this opportunity to give them a bad blow, because these people are just used to it.

Walking forward under the gaze of everyone, the two finally came to the dormitory of the knight order.

Yula didn't live at home, but chose to live in the dormitory of the knight order, because her relationship with the family was not compatible, especially when she joined the Zephyr Knight Order, she was considered by the adults in the family to be "the scum of the family" .

"I'll send you here. If I go forward, I will be imprisoned by Captain Qin." After sending Yula to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory, Lin Yan dared not go any further.

"Well," Yula nodded, and now her expression finally looks a little more natural, "I didn't expect to be so happy today, it's beyond my expectation, I thought love was just two people liking each other .”

"Then you have to read books about love. If you don't understand anything, it's easy to make mistakes." Lin Yan joked with a smile.

"You don't need to teach me this!" After finishing speaking, Yula, who pretended to be angry, planned to go back to the dormitory, "Okay, I'm going back now, so you should hurry back too."

But at this moment, Lin Yan suddenly stopped her: "Wait!"

"Is there anything else?" Yura who was called turned around with a puzzled expression.

The moment she turned around, Lin Yan rushed up suddenly, then opened his arms and hugged her.

Because the height difference was not particularly large, Lin Yan couldn't hold her directly in his arms.

Holding Yula's back with both hands, Lin Yan's face was pressed against the back of her neck. Just inhaling gently through his nose, he could smell a fragrance that only a woman would emit.

And Yula, who was suddenly attacked by him, stood there with a blank head, her face turned red rapidly, and at the same time, the surrounding atmosphere gradually became ambiguous.

"How could you do such a disrespectful thing to a lady?" Yula's first reaction after recovering from her senses was to break away from Lin Yan, but after trying a few times, she found that it was useless at all. Instead, she let Lin Yan Hugged even tighter.

In the end, she chose to stop resisting, and then chose to hug Lin Yan's waist with both hands.

Eyes closed slowly, Yura put her face close to the middle of Lin Yan's collarbone, enjoying the present moment.

The two hugged like this for more than a minute. After Lin Yan saw that the atmosphere was completely mature, his hands began to become dishonest.

Slowly moving down from Yula's back, when it was about to approach her waist, Yula pinched the fat on his waist hard.

Although the pain did not make Lin Yan cry out directly, it made his hands stop moving.

"Don't be dishonest." Yula warned Lin Yan in a sullen tone, but her face was full of smiles.

After the hug was over, Lin Yan didn't intend to continue making love with Yula here.

"Then I'm leaving." Taking two steps back, Lin Yan waved at her, then turned and left.

Lin Yan, who left from the downstairs of the girls' dormitory, came all the way to the boys' dormitory and returned to his room.

He was going to use the key to open the door, but was surprised to find that the door of the room was unlocked.

"No, I clearly remembered that I locked it before I left." With puzzlement written on his face, Lin Yan pushed the door open.

Then, he saw Noelle who was cleaning the room.

"it is as expected!"

Lin Yan had already guessed what was going on, just standing at the door, Noelle, who was focused on cleaning the room, didn't seem to notice him.

It wasn't until Noelle turned her head while wiping the sweat off her forehead that she finally saw him.

"It's senior! You're back!" Seeing Lin Yan, Noelle was very excited, but this excitement quickly turned into an inexplicable apology, "I'm so sorry, when I came to knock on your door today, I found that you didn't seem to be inside, so I asked the dormitory administrator to ask for the key to your room."

"But don't worry! I'm just helping senior clean the room, and I haven't touched anything of yours. If you don't believe me, senior, you can search me."

Lin Yan, who didn't say a word, couldn't help but twitched his eyes.

How dare he do a body search, this kind of behavior that will inevitably lead to physical contact, if Yula finds out about it, he will probably cut himself into eight pieces with a knife.

"No need, I believe you." After finishing speaking, Lin Yan walked into the room that Noelle had cleaned spotlessly. Even the luggage he had misplaced yesterday was neatly arranged.

"Good job, you can go out now." Nodding in satisfaction, Lin Yan planned to send Noelle away.

"Cocoa, I haven't yet" Noelle's expression seemed to be that she didn't complete the task, so she didn't want to leave.

"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed now, are you sure you want to stay here?"

"Ah, I'm so sorry, I'm going out now." After speaking, Noelle took the broom and rushed out of the room with her head bowed.

After Noelle left, Lin Yan closed the door and lay on the bed lost in thought.

"I can't go on like this, I have to find a way to get her away."


Thanks to Shuyoubing_Luoyue for the 200 starting coins

Thanks for the 100 coins rewarded by book friend Ling Mowuhe
Thanks for a monthly ticket from book friends and strangers

Thank you for your support!
In addition, there is a question about the last chapter, that is, when Lin Yan and Yula shook hands, Di Luke stood in the distance and saw this scene

But it seems that many book friends think that Di Luke is interested in Yula, but it is not like that

The purpose of my writing that paragraph was just to make a joke. After all, a single dog who has been single for ten thousand years has eaten a wave of dog food for no reason. Anyone who changed it would probably want to kill someone

The author is also Diqintui, so doing this may make some book friends who are also Diqintui angry, so I apologize here, I did not express clearly

It's changed now, so it shouldn't be like that anymore

Today's data is very good, many people have tipped, and the monthly tickets are much more than before, but the recommendation tickets and collections are still the same as before

But it doesn't matter, after all, it has just begun, and this book will definitely be finished. I hope everyone can continue to support it!
(End of this chapter)

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