Chapter 91 Dating
"It's not that I'm waiting for you, I'm just a little worried. After all, it's been a week since the agreed time to come back, and I can't help but want to go find you."

"As a result, when I just arrived at the gate of the city, I saw you coming back." Lin Yan did not hide, and expressed his true thoughts.

If Yura and the others don't come back, maybe he will really go out to look for them, although it will take some time.

"That's right, I just said how can you calculate so accurately." Yula smiled, she knew it was a coincidence, and the more coincidence happened between the two of them, the more it would make her happy.

Because coincidence is simply fate.

After leaving the spot, the two walked side by side on the street.

Lin Yan couldn't help holding Yula's hand, and the other party didn't choose to resist this behavior, after all, they were used to it.

"Speaking of which, it took such a long time for this mission, so it must have achieved a lot of results." Lin Yan asked Yula about the results of this mission, and in the end, it was just to find a topic to chat with her.

"Of course." Yula's expression looked very proud, it seems that they have achieved quite a lot in this mission, "We have wiped out many Qiuqiu people's camps, including some strongholds of the Abyssal Cult. Even the half-way plan of the Treasure Bandit was discovered and terminated by us."

"When we passed by Qingquan Town yesterday afternoon, we also helped the hunters in the town solve some troubles. The leader of the hunters, Dulav, also expressed his gratitude to us. But it wasted a lot of time, otherwise, we will be able to do it this morning at the latest Hurry back."

"There is no attrition in the team, but there are two newcomers who just joined. Because they desperately wanted to express themselves, they were injured by a sneak attack by monsters. But fortunately, the loss has been minimized."

As the captain, even if the task cannot be completed, Yura doesn't want to see the reduction of staff.It's a good thing for newcomers to get injured while performing tasks, because they can learn a lesson, as long as it's not a fatal injury.

Looking at the happy Yula, Lin Yan couldn't help but said: "Since you are so happy, how about we go to the tavern for a drink."

"Okay." Yula immediately agreed to Lin Yan's proposal.

The night before her mission, Lin Yan heard the news and planned to go to the tavern to drink with her, but she refused.

Because she has her own principle: that is, you must never get drunk before the mission starts or on the way to the mission.

At that time, Lin Yan bought two glasses of dandelion wine, and after begging for a long time, she finally agreed to drink a glass without getting drunk.

In fact, she was quite regretful at the time. It wasn't that she didn't want to drink with Lin Yan, but that as a knight of the West Wind, she must follow the rules at all times, even the principles she set herself must not be violated.

Now that the task is over, she actually has this idea herself, but Lin Yan said it before her.

"Speaking of which, we should count it as a date. After all, drinking is your hobby. From the perspective of love, it does conform to the law of dating." Lin Yan said, and after turning his head to look at Yula, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to tidy up. Her messy looking hair.

Upon hearing Lin Yan's words, Yula's face couldn't help turning red, but she wasn't as shy as she was in the first few days, or she wasn't so shy.

"Dating or something, I just...forget it, just go on a date, anyway, I'm already a lover, it's quite normal to go on a date."

"But you have to wait, I'm going back to take a shower and change clothes." Yula said, since it was a date and it was the first time, of course she couldn't go like this, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

After going out to perform tasks for half a month, although she brought a few sets of clothes, she only took a bath twice, because there are not many places suitable for bathing in the wild.

Especially in the middle of bathing, if you are suddenly attacked by monsters, it will be troublesome.

Moreover, it is very easy to sweat when fighting monsters. Lin Yan may not have felt it yet, but Yura just put her nose against her sleeve and sniffed it lightly, and she could smell a nauseating smell of sweat.

She can accept it herself, because it happens every time she goes out on a long-term mission, so she has long been used to it.

But whether it's the clothes that have been soaked in sweat many times, or her slightly sloppy look, it's not suitable for going on a date.

Lin Yan made a request to go back to the dormitory to take a shower and change clothes, but Lin Yan did not refuse, and promised that she would wait downstairs in the dormitory.

After Yula left, Lin Yan himself went back to the dormitory to dress up, and changed into the new clothes he bought just two days ago.

Of course he knew why Yura had to go back to the dormitory to take a shower and change clothes first, and he also knew better than her what the meaning of the first date was, so he came back to dress up.

After making all the preparations, Lin Yan looked at the time, if Yula still wanted to dress up after taking a bath, it would be too late.

Arriving downstairs in the girls' dormitory, Yula did not show up, and all Lin Yan had to do was to wait quietly.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Yura finally walked out of the building.

She had just taken a shower, her hair still looked wet, and she had changed into a completely different outfit from the style of painting when she performed the task before, and her temperament had also undergone some changes.

She looks a little more vigorous than usual, and this style of clothes will inevitably make Lin Yan wonder if Amber recommended it to her.With a slightly flushed face and a slightly arrogant expression, she looks a little cute at the moment.

After walking in front of Lin Yan, she couldn't help asking him: "How about it, it doesn't look particularly strange."

"Of course not, I think you look good no matter what you wear." Lin Yan couldn't help pinching Yula's face lightly, and said.

"Slick tongue." Although Yula said so, the corners of her mouth gradually curved can fully explain her mood at the moment.

"Then, let's go." He chose to hold Lin Yan's hand, and the two walked towards the street like this.

Passers-by along the way cast strange glances. Although the entire Mond City almost knew the news that the two of them had become lovers, they were still a little surprised after seeing it with their own eyes.

The offspring of sinners and the hero who saved Mond, these two things just don't sound like a good match.

The most important thing is that after eating a jug full of dog food, they don't even need to eat in the afternoon.

"Should we still go to Angel's Gift?" Lin Yan asked which tavern to go to. In his opinion, Angel's Gift should be the best choice, because he is more familiar with it, but he also needs to listen to Yula's opinion.

Yura thought for a while, and finally said: "We have already been to Angel's Gift once, so let's change to another place, and you haven't been to other taverns in Mond City, have you?"

Lin Yan nodded when he heard the words. Indeed, apart from the angel's gift, he has never been to other pubs in Mond City.

It's not that I don't want to go, but it's not necessary.Because he is not good at drinking, he never goes to the tavern alone.

(End of this chapter)

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