Chapter 97
"In addition, the main organizer of the party is our honorary knight." Pointing to Ying standing behind the piano, Kaiya's expression suddenly became a little strange, "Whether it's drinks or ingredients, it's all done by her." Arranged, even the delicacies on the table are all cooked by her."

Ying certainly didn't expect Kaia to say that, because in her memory, she had never arranged any party at all.Even before coming to the tavern, she was kept in the dark like Qin.

"These urgent orders are obviously you"

Before she finished speaking, Kaiya turned her gaze to Di Luke who was standing behind the bar, drawing Qin's attention away from Ying.

"Of course, Grandpa Di Luke is also responsible for this. If it weren't for his magnanimity, we would have suffered a lot from the booking fee."

The reason why there are no drinkers in the tavern today is because after hearing the news that Qin had fainted, Di Luke agreed to Kaiya's proposal to hold a grand condolence party for her.

Um. Although the number of people may be a little small.

Provided them with a party venue for free, at the cost of half a day's income from the tavern.

However, for Diluc, who is the noble son of Chenxi Winery, this is simply negligible.

"Although I don't want to participate in the activities of your Knights at all. However, as an ordinary citizen of Mond City, I still need to thank Qin for her hard work." Standing behind the bar, Di Luke crossed his arms and his expression was as indifferent as usual.

"Senior Diluc"

Just when Qin was about to fall into the second touch, Amber, who is a vigorous girl, suddenly jumped out.

"Okay, okay, didn't you say that you want Qin to relax? So don't talk to her all the time, but don't forget what we are doing now."

"Then, let the party begin—!"

It was almost a carnival party. Although the number of people was relatively small, the entire tavern was still very noisy.

Lin Yan can be said to have the lowest sense of presence among all the people. He doesn't want to go to any party. If An Boqiang hadn't pulled him over, he would have finished eating at the Deer Hunter and returned to the dormitory to sleep.

He thought that he could still use the same tricks as he did at noon, but just as he came to the door of the tavern, Paimon suddenly appeared and blocked his way.

"Lin Yan, where are you going?" With his hands on his hips, Paimon looked as if he was about to judge him.

Ying also came over at this time, with her hands on her hips like Paimeng, her expression looked very dissatisfied.

"At noon today, why did you suddenly disappear from the church, and where did you go after you disappeared?"

Facing Paimon's doubts, Lin Yan explained with a wry smile: "Some emergency happened at that time, so I left before I could tell you."

Hearing Lin Yan's sophistry, Paimon's brows suddenly trembled, and his expression looked even more dissatisfied.

"Oh? Urgent matter? You mean going on a date with Yura at a cattail tavern?"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, I don't understand." Lin Yan, who had been exposed, tried to quibble, but the tone of his speech sounded like he had lost all confidence.

Seeing that Lin Yan didn't intend to admit it, Paimon told him what happened today: "Today we received an entrustment to help Miss Margaret find the [Little Prince]. After meeting Margaret When I was a young lady, she said that she saw you and Yura went to the cattail tavern together, and they went on a date."

After finishing speaking, Pai Meng flew to Lin Yan's side and kept hitting him on the head with his fists: "Really, I'll tell you why you disappeared as soon as we were discussing things. It turned out that it was because you were afraid of trouble." Ah, when did you become like that singer."

At this time, Wendy, who was sitting on the wine table drinking with Kaya, suddenly sneezed.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Lin Yan could only admit it.

"I'm sorry, I won't dare to do it again next time." Putting his hands together, Lin Yan begged the two to forgive him.

Seeing Lin Yan's sincere apology, Paimon nodded with satisfaction: "Well, yes, I forgive you this time. If there is a next time, it will not be so simple!"

After finishing speaking, Paimeng and Ying joined the party again, while Lin Yan raised his head on the spot and noticed something was wrong.

"No, I don't seem to have done anything wrong, right? Besides, you are so arrogant about emergency food?" Looking at Paimon who had already returned to the dining table to eat and drink, Lin Yan suddenly had a feeling in his heart that he wanted to take her Stew off the idea.

Hunger came from his abdomen, and Lin Yan, who was planning to leave here, gave up that idea.He was also inadvertently affected by seeing everyone enjoying the party.

Picking up a piece of chicken leg that was placed on the dining table, Lin Yan took a bite, and the sense of satisfaction immediately filled his mouth.

And just like that, he also joined the party.

Time passed quickly, and before you knew it, it was already late at night.

Most of the food on the table has been wiped out, and almost no food on the plate is still complete.

Qin and Amber were already drunk, and they were lying on the table and sleeping soundly.

Kaiya sat in front of the bar and drank with Lisa, while Di Luke stood behind the bar expressionlessly, occasionally glanced at Wendy who was still drinking, and silently counted how many glasses he had drunk.

After all, tonight's drinks are only free for members of the Knights.

Paimon patted his round belly and sat on the chair, saying a few very satisfying words from time to time.

Ying was also drunk, but she could still maintain some sobriety, occasionally picking up the food on the table and taking a bite.

Lin Yan didn't drink, but his stomach was already full, and he began to doze off uncontrollably.

Because Barbara doesn't know how to drink and doesn't eat much, she is now the most sober person in the entire tavern.

In this way, the atmosphere of party carnival has weakened by half, and as drowsiness gradually enveloped the whole brain, Lin Yan also unconsciously fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

After moving his sore limbs and stretching his waist, Lin Yan found that he was still in the tavern.

In addition to him, Ying, Amber, and Paimon were also there. As for the others, I don't know, after all, I didn't see them when I woke up.

"Mr. Lin Yan, you're finally awake." The bartender Charles put a plate of sumptuous food in front of him. It could be seen that it seemed that Diluc had specially called him to take care of them.

Ying and the others are still sleeping. It seems that yesterday's party was really overjoyed, otherwise they wouldn't be awake by now.

As for why Lin Yan was the first to wake up, it might be because he didn't drink alcohol last night.

After taking a sip of the raspberry mint drink on the plate, the cold mint flavor immediately woke Lin Yan up a lot.

Because they haven't left yet, the tavern hasn't opened yet, which should be Diluc's special order.

Speaking of which, Lin Yan seemed to have forgotten to pay for a drink at the Cattail Bar yesterday, and I don't know if Diona would care about this kind of thing, after all, it was not a small amount, and it would have to be tens of thousands of moras.

After eating, Lin Yan didn't plan to stay here any longer, and after greeting Charles, he turned and left the tavern.



Thanks to book friend Yanglin Qiankun for the 100 point coins
Thanks to book friend Mo Qianliu for a monthly ticket

Thanks for the support guys!

(End of this chapter)

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