Chapter 99
Looking around Lin Yan through the lens, Ying found that he actually had an imaginary friend.

"Lin Yan's fantasy friend is the armor he used in battle." Through the lens, Ying saw a black figure standing beside Lin Yan.

That is magic armor.

"Why is Lin Yan's imaginary friend his armor?" Paimon looked puzzled, "Didn't the singer say that an imaginary friend is a friend that a person desperately desires, and Lin Yan has already obtained his armor. Why is his imaginary friend still his armor? Could it be that the armor is not actually his thing?"

For this question, no one can give an answer, maybe only Lin Yan knows why his fantasy friend is a magic armor.

But now Lin Yan didn't even understand what happened.

These three people suddenly ran up with a lens, and they said strange things like fantasizing friends around you.
If you must use four concise words to describe the actions of the three of them, then it should be inexplicable.

Anyway, Lin Yan thinks so.

"So... what are you guys talking about, what fantasizing about friends, can you explain to me?" Looking at the inexplicable doubts on the faces of the three of them, Lin Ren couldn't help asking.

Later, Paimon explained to him what an imaginary friend is.

Fantasy friends, to put it simply, are [imagined friends].This imaginary friend does not have to be a human being, but may also be other animals or plants, or even monsters.

For example, Flora, who is buying flowers near the gate of the city, has a puffed fruit as her imaginary friend.

Or Timmy with the pigeons on the Mond Bridge, whose imaginary friend is the Guardian of the Ruins.When they saw the guards of the ruins, Ying and the others were taken aback. After all, those things were not toys.

But not everyone has imaginary friends.Some younger children are more likely to have imaginary friends, while older adults generally do not have imaginary friends.

For example, Kaia and Di Luke just now had no imaginary friends because they were too old, or their minds were too mature.

After listening to Paimon's explanation, Lin Yan suddenly realized, and quickly recalled that something like "fantasy friend" also appeared in Wendy's legendary mission.

That is to say, they discovered Stanley's true identity by using the lens that can see other people's imaginary friends.

But Lin Yan couldn't remember the final result, because that part of the plot didn't affect the overall situation, and there was a long time interval, so it's normal to forget.

Regarding the fact that his imaginary friend is actually a magic armor, Lin Yan himself did not expect it.

Compared with the magic armor, he was actually more eager to get a magic light rod, which was an idea he had dreamed of since he was a child, but it was a pity that he couldn't realize it.

"Although Lin Yan has imaginary friends, we can't be sure that people of his age will definitely have imaginary friends." Paimon said, she seemed to be looking for the next lucky one, "Ying, the singer , let's go, and continue to find the next person who may have imaginary friends, preferably someone who is about the same age as Lin Yan."

After finishing speaking, the three of them said goodbye to Lin Yan and left in a hurry.

Lin Yan, who was standing there, watched the three of them gradually go away, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Damn, how come everyone I met today is like this, talking without beginning or end."

At this time, Lin Yan found that Kaiya on the wine table in the distance was waving towards him, and it seemed that he wanted to invite him to drink together.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Yan finally stepped forward.

He hasn't drunk for half a month, it's okay to drink a little, not to mention drinking, no one will limit himself.

And drinking with Di Luke and the others. This seems to be the first time, although there is not much newness.

Time passed bit by bit, Lin Yan drank a lot of wine this time, although most of the alcohol content of the wine was low, but his alcohol capacity was indeed not very good.

Feeling a little drunk, Lin Yan chose to leave first.

After all, he didn't pay for the drink this time.

After leaving, he returned to the dormitory with a somewhat drowsy head. As usual, he fell on the bed without taking off his clothes, and fell asleep after a while.

When he woke up again, he found that the sky outside had become dark, and the wall clock on the wall also showed that it was seven o'clock in the evening.

Stretching, Lin Yan came to the downstairs of the dormitory, ready to buy some food to fill his stomach.

Thinking of the pizza he ate at Angel's Gift half a month ago, Lin Yan actually got a little greedy.

Although Deer Hunter also has the same type of pizza, but Lin Yan ate it a few days ago, and the taste is slightly different.

So, he took a special detour, came to the angel's gift, and prepared to order a pizza to take home.

Unexpectedly, when he walked to the door of the tavern, he collided head-on with Ying who was also going to the angel's gift.

In addition to Ying, there were Paimon and Wendy who were with her during the day, but the expressions of the three of them seemed a little strange now.

"Why did I meet him again?" Paimon couldn't help asking when he ran into Lin Yan again, "Is that why we are so destined? Why didn't we find out before?"

Wendy chuckled at this moment: "It must be fate. If it wasn't fate, how could we meet twice on the same day?"

"What you mean is that you want me to buy you a drink." Lin Yan looked at Wendy's indecency written on his face, and couldn't help but expose his true thoughts.

"Hey." The exposed Wendy stuck out her tongue and smiled awkwardly.

Afterwards, several people came to the tavern, and Paimon also explained to Lin Yan why they came here.

During the day today, after the three said goodbye to Lin Yan, they went to the training ground to find Irene.After practicing against Irene for a while, the other party was exhausted and defeated soon.

After that, Irene asked them to find Jack, the new adventurer Lin Yan met during the day.

Originally, the two of them made an appointment to discuss the adventure plan together tonight, but Irene changed her mind temporarily, so I hope they can send a message for themselves.

Ying and Paimeng, the strongest working duo in Tivat, naturally would not refuse such a request, and agreed almost without thinking about it.

Wendy went along because she wanted to continue to explore about imaginary friends.

In the temple of the Lion of the South Wind, several people found Jack and Stanley who were trapped in the secret realm to explore. After a little time, they successfully escaped from the secret realm.

It is worth mentioning that Paimon discovered in the secret realm that Stanley's imaginary friend was himself.But different from the current self, the self he imagined is an image closer to the legendary adventurer.

His whole body was covered in scars, and his expression was also very determined. Just from the perspective of temperament, he was completely outstripped by the current him, and it was hard to imagine that it would be the same person.

In fact, that is the real Stanley, but many years ago, he died in the [Sea of ​​Ember Silence], leaving only the current [Stanley], who escaped from the [Sea of ​​Ember Silence] alone back.

After escaping from the secret realm, Jack proposed to go to Dadaupa Valley to find two artifacts, and invited Ying and them to go together.

I heard that the two artifacts are the relics left by the first lion tooth knight Vanessa - [Sword of Brilliant Courage] and [Shield of Radiant Will].



Thanks to book friend Bingyanxuewu for rewarding 500 points
Thanks to book friend Cha Lemon for the reward of 100 points
Thanks for the support guys!

(End of this chapter)

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