Invincible Storage Ring

Chapter 175 Kung Fu Master

Chapter 175 Kung Fu Master
"Crack!" There was a crisp sound, it was the sound of the palm touching the skin of the face.

Zhao Dong had never thought of hitting a woman, she always thought it was shameful to hit a woman, but today he slapped her, and the slap was quite severe, this slap directly slapped Song Yuzhu twice in a row, if she hadn't been beaten Zhang Tianlong behind supported her, and she had to sit down on the ground.

Zhao Dong was really angry at this time. A woman can be mean or hurt her mouth, but don't hurt others and her family. Last time Zhao Dong endured it for Cheng Keshu, but this time Zhao Dong didn't want to bear it anymore. This woman even Cheng Keshu It didn't look pleasing to the eye, so why did Zhao Dong tolerate her for Cheng Keshu, this slap simply knocked out all the anger that was suffocated last time.

At this time, Song Yuzhu's eyes were full of shaking little stars, her brain was completely in a state of sluggishness, her face was numb instead of painful, leaning on Zhang Tianlong's body, she didn't recover for a long time.

At this moment, Cheng Keshu secretly screamed that it was terrible. She had never stayed in the Song family for a few days since she was a child, but she also knew a lot about the Song family. Cheng Keshu has always disliked the reason for letting others know her family background.

And her grandfather was a very powerful person. Few people dared to speak loudly to him in Qingping. Dong actually beat her aunt, this trouble was really serious.

He raised his eyes to Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu. They were looking at Zhao Dong with fiery eyes. Under their noses, the youngest daughter of the old man was beaten. They were obviously dereliction of duty. In the enlightened Song Yuzhu, Liu Yuhu has already walked towards Zhao Dong with heavy steps.

"Dongzi, go away!" Cheng Keshu yelled inwardly. If the aunt was not here, or if Zhao Dong hadn't hit her aunt, this matter could be resolved, but if Zhao Dong made a move now, she, the Song family, would say nothing. People can no longer control the situation, and they instinctively want Zhao Dong to run away. As long as Zhao Dong runs into the school, even if her grandfather comes, he can't go to the school to arrest people.

Zhao Dong looked coldly at Liu Yuhu who was approaching, and stood there without moving.

"Dongzi, hurry up, they are not easy to mess with. I will tell them to go back to grandpa and tell them that if you don't run away, you will die." Cheng Keshu saw that Zhao Dong was not moving, and anxiously stretched out his arms to block Zhao Dong's front.

Liu Yuhu's footsteps stopped suddenly. Anyway, Cheng Keshu is also the granddaughter of the old man. Even if there is a conflict now, the bones are still connected after all. They are just outsiders, so they still can't do anything to Cheng Keshu.

"" Song Yuzhu finally came to her senses at this moment. After the numbness passed, her face was in burning pain. In this life, she had never been bullied since she was a child because of her awesome father. She has always been domineering towards people, and she can say whatever she wants, but today she was beaten up, and she was slapped heavily, how could she bear it, pointing at Zhao Dong with trembling lips, she was speechless It's coming, and with this trembling, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, making his face even more hideous.

"Miss, how are you?" Zhang Tianlong asked Song Yuzhu at this time.

Song Yuzhu suddenly jumped up like a cat's tail was stepped on, pointing at Zhao Dong and yelling: "You little bastard, dare to hit me! Zhang Tianlong, Liu Yuhu, you two put the bones of this little bastard!" Take it apart for me."

"Yes!" Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu agreed, and they both walked towards Zhao Dong, but looking at Cheng Keshu, they still hesitated.

"Hit! Hit me together. I've been beaten up by this bastard girl, but she still protects her. She's no longer considered our Song family. Hit me together!" The following words That was simply hoarse.

Cheng Keshu has already seen the seriousness of the situation, so if she doesn't run away now, not to mention Zhao Dong, even she will not be spared. In the Song family's status, she, the granddaughter of a dead mother, has the least status. Want to run backwards.

But her body turned around at this time, and she was sent to the back by Zhao Dong, and Zhao Dong had already gone up to meet Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu at this time, which made Cheng Keshu feel miserable and stopped her steps. How, Zhao Dong is protecting her, now that Zhao Dong can't leave, she definitely won't leave, looking around, not far away, there are already many students watching here, but those students are one by one at this time They were all dumbfounded, this didn't look like the usual gangster fights at all, it was really like a kung fu movie in a movie, the two sides punched and kicked, and the fight was exhilarating, even those who knew Zhao Dong didn't Dare to come and help.

Cheng Keshu is usually a person with a relatively tough heart. Seeing that her classmates were not on the list, she immediately called the police. She quickly took out her phone and called the police, but she didn't report any hope in her heart. If you do something, ordinary little policemen don't dare to take care of it at all.

At this time, Zhao Dong had already fought hard with Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu. The master Zhao Dong met was Nakata Masako, but he and Nakata Masako were always on point, so it was inevitable that they would not be able to display their full abilities. Today, Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu are really serious, their fists and feet are like wind, as long as Zhao Dong is hit, Zhao Dong completely believes that he will lie on the ground and cannot get up. The most dangerous time.

So this also made him devote all his mind to the teleportation skill that he studied painstakingly at the end, and he dared not slack off in the slightest.

Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu were getting more and more frightened as they fought more and more. They knew that Zhao Dong was capable of kung fu, but they never imagined that he would be so strong. With either of them, they had never met an opponent in Qingping. Now they are together When he made a move, he thought he would take Zhao Dong down at once, and then bring him back to the old man to deal with, but now that he has been fighting for so long, there is still nothing he can do about Zhao Dong.

Zhao Dong's speed is really too weird, sometimes he was about to hit Zhao Dong, but Zhao Dong didn't know how to dodge, so that their attacks missed, and Zhao Dong's counterattack was also extremely weird, he clearly felt Zhao Dong's attack. Dong's fists were still far away from him, but they would be in front of them in the next moment. If they hadn't had an extraordinary reaction, they wouldn't have known how many fists Zhao Dong would have suffered at this time, but of course for Zhao Dong's weird They still took a few hits at the same speed.

And after being beaten like this, they knew that Zhao Dong's strength was not great, and his attack power was not strong either. With their strong bodies, they completely ignored such ordinary attacks, but they really took Zhao Dong's reaction No matter how powerful they are, even if they can kill the tiger with one punch, but they can't hit Zhao Dong in one blow, it's useless.

So after fighting for a long time, it was useless for Zhao Dong to take them, and they couldn't beat Zhao Dong. Still prevailed.

Cheng Keshu was worried to death at first, and was anxiously waiting for the police, but after watching for a while, she found that Zhao Dong was not at a disadvantage, and was still fighting them with vigor, which surprised Cheng Keshu, and then she thought of Zhao Dong. Dong once told her that someone who had learned magic from someone else had also learned a whole body of kung fu. Thinking of this made Cheng Keshu feel at ease, but she still looked nervously at the three of them fighting together.

Song Yuzhu was slapped, and now she covered her face and waited to see Zhao Dong's miserable appearance, but she saw that Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu hadn't knocked Zhao Dong down yet, so she couldn't help shouting: "You two! Bastard, I didn’t eat today, I can’t even handle a child, I really don’t know why the old man has used you for so many years.”

Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu were already depressed when they were fighting at this time, and Song Yuzhu felt even more embarrassed when he said this. They were considered prominent figures in Qingping. The old man asked them to invite Cheng Keshu this time. It is because of Cheng Keshu's sensitive identity, but now they have made a mess of things and let the lady be beaten, and they can't go back and confess, so they are also in a hurry at this time.

Zhao Dong was very excited to fight at this time. Such a strong opponent is perfect for practicing moves. At the beginning, he was a little nervous, afraid that he could not deal with them with only his teleportation, but after fighting for a while Afterwards, his understanding of this kind of kung fu became deeper and deeper, when is the best time to move, when is the best time to counterattack, and he even said that he didn't need to use any special thoughts at all, his body was already natural. Use the ring space to dodge.

This feeling was so cool that it couldn't be any better. Zhao Dong even felt that he had merged with the ring. Whatever he wanted, the ring would respond automatically, without his thinking at all.

This kind of reaction speed is naturally faster, Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu can't get even a little bit of Zhao Dong's clothes, and Zhao Dong's attack on them is as fast as lightning, it's like beating the two of them as sandbags.

At this time, not only the onlookers were stunned, but even Song Yuzhu was stunned. How could she not know how powerful the two bodyguards in her family were, but they were beaten like this by a child. Thinking about the slap he received just now, his heart also felt cold secretly. If Zhao Dong came so many times, or if his hands were heavy, he would not be disfigured.

While Liu was at this moment, a police car rushed over suddenly, and several police officers jumped out of the car immediately, and Zhao Dong separated from Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu.

But looking at Zhang Tianlong and Liu Yuhu, people around suddenly started to snicker, and then many people burst into laughter. The faces of these two senior bodyguards at this time... can only be described as horrible what.

 Thanks to Feng Tianyu for the monthly ticket, and thanks to Tianya Buxiaoyao for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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