Chapter 103 Dreamland
In the luxurious mansion, bright red is everywhere, layers of scarlet veils are hung in every corner, bright red happy characters are posted on every door, and the atmosphere of happiness is everywhere.

The servants who came and went showed anxious and dark expressions on their faces, looking for someone everywhere.
Above the corridor, there are also red veils and hydrangeas hanging. A woman is wearing a gorgeous wedding dress, leaning halfway on the corridor railing, her eyes are lightly closed, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, as if she is dreaming some sweet dream

A gust of wind blew by, and the flowing red ribbon pulled up a section of her black hair, and another man in the center, wearing a pattern, was waving a red silk handkerchief. When he saw Feng Qianxuan, his anxious eyes With a look of relief, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, he came to her side gently, calling her

"My lord, my lord, wake up."

who?who is it?calling me?

Feng Qianxuan slightly opened her eyes, and what came into view was a group of strangely dressed men with a black mole on the lower corner of his mouth, and a familiar yet unfamiliar place behind him.

Isn't this her mansion?And red veil and red hydrangea?When did she order the servants to do it like this? My head hurts so much, I think it's about to explode
"My lord, why are you still dawdling here? If you don't hurry up, you will miss the auspicious time." The matchmaker raised his voice, as if he was afraid that she would not hear him.

"What auspicious time? Isn't this king looking for the scroll of historical records in the Heavenly Punishment Illusion?" Feng Qianxuan's eyes were a little confused, she propped her right hand, and said in a daze
"My lord, don't talk stupidly, what scroll of historical records?"

"Today is your lord's big day"

"My king's big day? With whom?" Feng Qianxuan asked with an uncertain tone, then got up, only to find that her clothes had changed into red wedding clothes at some point

"Look, my lord, you must be so happy and silly, of course you are married to Leng Yue"

"My lord and Leng Yue got married today?!" Feng Qianxuan's eyes felt moist immediately, and her heart trembled with joy as she spoke

"Is it real? It can't be a dream." She was disappointed as if she was afraid, and raised her volume again to make sure

"Of course it's not a dream. If the lord is not hurrying up, the husband will be in a hurry." The matchmaker smiled and pushed Feng Qianxuan halfway from behind, urging the wedding room to go.

"Yes, of course, if you hurry up, Leng Yue, my Leng Yue" Feng Qianxuan couldn't care about anything else, all she could think about was Leng Yue's figure, and she went to the depths of the corridor with her inner memory. go to

Under the pillars in the distance, under the moonlight, a figure in red clothes was slowly revealed. His pair of affectionate and sad red pupils watched her go away in happy clothes.

It turns out that what you want most is to marry that person
I clearly know the result, why?My heart will be so sad, so sad that I can't breathe
Did I fall in love with you inadvertently?

I don't know if it's because of Jing Yi, or something else, but the man's smile appeared in front of my eyes, and my heart suddenly panicked like suffocation.

No, it's impossible. The one I like is obviously the former Feng Qianxuan. Ye Raochen wanted to prove something, so he quickly caught up with her in Xiyi
She opened the room, and she saw the word "囍" on a big red paper and black brush on the high platform table, and there were two thick, burning dragon and phoenix red candles next to it, illuminating the whole room at once.
And go straight to the right, on the wedding bed, his body stiffened due to nervousness, sitting there blankly, with a red cloth in front of his eyes, wearing a water-red wedding dress, the gold sleeves are embroidered with dragons and phoenixes just like her wedding dress Auspicious brocade flowers.

Under the happy sleeves, the two hands are slightly hugged due to tension, the purple ink hair is rolled up in a simple bun, and the light and simple jadeite hairpin is tied on the top of the head, which is used to decorate the headgear, not too complicated but not luxurious but not vulgar

(End of this chapter)

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