Chapter 111 I Want To Stay By Her Side

"Even if that person doesn't have me in his heart, it doesn't matter. It's fine if I have her. It doesn't matter if she doesn't love me, as long as I love her."

Seeing that his younger brother was determined, he couldn't continue his persuasion, so he asked him slowly

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to stay with her"

"Stay by her side? Watching her and his husband loving each other, while you hide in a dark corner and weep quietly alone..."


"That's enough, I can't stand it anymore." Hearing this, Ye Ziyuan's heart tightened instantly. The younger brother he had always known as a treasure, because the person who was ungrateful was so hurt by love, what else could he do besides comforting him? Woolen cloth?

"Brother, rest well, I will come again." He suddenly thought of something, and slightly patted Ye Raochen's shoulder


Wearing an evil purple dress, stepping out of the threshold, hatred appeared in her eyes, Feng Qianxuan, if you don't make my brother feel better, don't even think about it

A few days later

Feng Qianxuan stood halfway to one side, looking into the distance, and Mo Yan, who was dressed up, directed a group of guards to move the luggage back and forth

"Cough, cough~"

"Master, there is too much wind here, you'd better go back to the house." Mo Yan took off his coat and put it on for Feng Qianxuan.

Ever since the master came out of that illusion, not only has his body lost all his powers, but he has also become prone to illnesses
"It's okay."

As soon as the words fell, so many people suddenly descended from the sky, all of them were dressed in black clothes, and all of them were strong in martial arts. When they saw Feng Qianxuan, they all drew their swords and pointed at her, forming a The forbidden enemy circle, the purpose is very obvious, the target is her

The guards who moved the luggage saw that the visitor was not friendly, so they showed their weapons one after another. The two sides joined the battle like enemies, and the guards were all first-class masters in Fengxue Country, so they couldn't tell each other apart. high and low
Mo Yan couldn't help but protect Feng Qianxuan behind him, put the sword in front of him, half closed his eyes, and was alert to them
suddenly assassinated
Dressed in purple and half veiled, he stabbed at Feng Qianxuan with a sword in his hand, and Mo Yan greeted his attack without thinking.
Feng Qianxuan looked at the scuffle in front of her if she thought about it, she smiled as if it was nothing to do
She is still in the area of ​​Yan Kingdom, and she is the prince from a foreign country, and it is too late for the people of Yan Kingdom to protect her, how can they hurt her?
In Yan Kingdom, the only one who disrespects her as a prince, in order to protect her shortcomings, who else is there besides that person?

Mo Yan lost to the attack of the man in purple, and he slapped Feng Qianxuan into the distance with his palm wind. With his superb martial arts, he held Feng Qianxuan hostage

"Master Ye Ziyuan, this farewell banquet is really unique."

"Why don't you use your internal strength? With your martial arts skills, it's more than enough to deal with them."

"My lord, to deal with you unknown people, use your internal strength to think too highly of them!" When questioned behind her, she still smiled at the power of the lord, and said nonsense in a serious manner.

"Oh? I don't want to use it, or can't use it?"

"Since you know, why bother to bring someone to test this king?"

"You have exhausted all your internal energy in this life to save him, why don't you dare tell him?"

After Ye Ziyuan finished speaking, she fell silent for a moment, took back the sharp sword that was holding her hostage, and originally planned to teach her a lesson before she returned to the country and vent her anger at Ye Raochen, but after hearing the report from Jinzhitang, she said that she was trying to save Ye Raochen. Raochen, I lost all my martial arts skills, so I came to lead someone to test

"It's not that I'm cowardly and incompetent and dare not face it, but I'm afraid that he will worry, and I don't want to make him feel guilty for such a trivial matter. This is my last tenderness to him."

A gust of wind blew by, messing up the hair on her forehead, revealing her stunning little face, although a little pale, but still gentle
"Small matter? In this world where the jungle preys on the weak, without martial arts, it is equivalent to being the same as a useless person, and being slaughtered by the strong, not to mention that you are still an emperor. If you don't have the ability to protect yourself with martial arts, how can you survive in this trap?"

(End of this chapter)

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