Chapter 122 Kneeling
Oh, that's right, it's just so calm and unhurried. It's expected that the person behind him will leave

Feng Qianxuan, as the prince regent of the current dynasty, was very lonely. Even the high and mighty empress did not bow down to her easily, let alone kneel down for a guard of humble origin...

People can have nothing, but they must never lose their dignity as a human being, not to mention the dignity of power and imperial prestige that bet on their reputation

Ye Raochen looked clear, strode forward and sat on the chair she had just been sitting on, her thoughts had already drifted far away
Feng Qianxuan walked out of Xianle Building, looked at the slightly dark sky, then looked back at the third floor standing outside the window, a red shadow appeared, as if she had made up her mind

Unhurriedly, facing the direction of Xianle Tower, under the sight of all passers-by, he knelt down abruptly
Immediately, people who didn't know the truth rushed towards her one after another, surrounding her in a half circle
Pointing at her, saying some unpleasant dirty words, because in the kingdom of women, women are always more noble, and women have gold under their knees, even if they are put on the neck by the enemy, they still have to stand in death.

Ignoring the vulgar language around her, Feng Qianxuan's heart is still like water at this moment, as if the people around her are as indifferent as the air, and she doesn't take it seriously

The commotion outside caught Ye Raochen's attention. He stared into the distance. The person who was supposed to leave actually appeared at the downstairs door, and he still knelt down.

This made Ye Raochen even more angry, Feng Qianxuan, you actually put down your dignity for that person.
He clenched his right hand tightly, and there was a creaking sound of the bones in his hand. He stared at the kneeling white figure with his red eyes, and said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, let's see, my husband, how long will you hold on for Leng Yue?"

After finishing speaking, she withdrew her gaze from Feng Qianxuan, turned around mercilessly, and walked into the inner room
The weather was gray, making the surrounding air a bit stuffy, and the cold and hard feeling came from under her knees, which made Feng Qianxuan involuntarily frowned.

Her legs began to ache a little, but she still knelt down unwillingly, in order to make Ye Raochen promise herself that the chance of dying in this battle is too small, and Leng Yue is her only concern

Tick, cold raindrops fell in mid-air and landed on her forehead, followed by bigger raindrops, falling on her forehead.
The people who were watching the excitement, when they saw that the weather was going to rain, hurriedly dispersed and left the place
"My lord, it's raining outside." The man in blue knocked on the mahogany door, kindly reminding my lord
"Really? Then she has already left!" The magnetic voice was exhausted, and came from the inner room to the door
"No, she's still kneeling there"

"What? That person is still there? Are you crazy!"

Unbelievable, Ye Raochen came to the window again and looked out

Because of the rain, the street was empty, leaving her kneeling alone there, letting the rain get wet.

The clothes on her body were already wet from the rain, her figure was faintly revealing, and Qingcheng's small face showed an extraordinary firmness that could not be lost to others.

Even though she is so down and out, she can't hide her innate temperament
The bangs and hair on the forehead have already been soaked, and the raindrops dripped from the hair and dripped straight to the ground

"Idiot, what a hopeless idiot!" Ye Raochen cursed in a low voice

Bian picked up a red umbrella from a table not far away, and ran directly downstairs

A red shadow flew towards her, her eyes were blurred by the rain, even though she couldn't see his monstrous face clearly, she knew it was that person

 Thank you for the reward from the fish beauty, okay (* ̄3 ̄)
(End of this chapter)

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