Chapter 128 Ask the world what love is

"You said so much? You just want to clarify things"

Leng Yue suddenly calmed down, recalling her purpose of sending herself into the palace,
Isn't her purpose just to let herself monitor the queen and help her win the throne, the position of princess
"Heh, suddenly you think she is very sad?" Ye Raochen looked at the somewhat embarrassed Leng Yue with an angry yet amused look.

Feng Qianxuan, Feng Qianxuan, you are good at everything, why did you fall in love with the wrong person emotionally?
You tried every means to be nice to him, in order not to hurt him, and fearing that he would be involved in the battle to win the princess, you sent him to the harem with all your heart
And for him, he did not hesitate to take risks with his own body, bravely created the illusion of heavenly punishment, and almost fell into a dream and lost his life
Now, he is so indifferent, thinking that you are profitable, is it for the high throne?
"It was found from her mansion. She should have thought that something unexpected might happen to her. She wrote it before leaving. You should take a good look at it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Ye Raochen threw the envelope in his arms in front of him, tapped his feet, and disappeared here with Meixiang in the courtyard
Knowing that she wrote a letter to himself, he trembled and carefully picked up the envelope on the ground. On the envelope was written "Leng Yue kisses" in big characters

There is no mistake, this is her handwriting, open the envelope, open the letter paper, all the handwriting is printed in front of him

Chilling Moon, when you read this letter, maybe I am no longer in this world, don't be sad because of my sadness, in this world, the person I am most grateful to is you
When I was lonely and helpless, you appeared by my side like a patron saint

Whether now or in the future, you are the first person I live in my heart
I'm willing to pay any price for you

In exchange for your peace

I will punish you for the mistakes you made

I will seal the hatred in your heart

I just wish I could be on the side

When I look at you, purple eyes flash with a smile
i want to protect you forever
but it's too late
I can't stay with you forever

give you what you want

In this life, I owe you three sorry, the first sorry, I shouldn’t have sent you into the palace, the second sorry, I failed to fulfill my promise to you, the third sorry, I didn’t have time to say I like you ...

——Feng Qianxuan's last pen
His eyes were blurred with water, his silent tears ran across the side of his face, and the sad tears wet the corner of the letter drop by drop.

It turns out that you have always loved me, but I have never found your heart

Leng Yue half leaned under the plum tree, brocade sleeves, took out a small porcelain bottle, poured a pill into the palm of his hand, and swallowed it in one gulp

"The road to Huangquan is too lonely, hey, how about I accompany you? Xuan'er"

Leng Yue looked at the blossoming plum blossoms on the treetops, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth

In an instant, the corners of the lips slowly shed bright red blood, which stained the brocade clothes and flowed into the white snow, like red plums blooming in the snow

He closed his purple eyes as if relieved from a heavy burden. Since he cannot be with you in life, he will be with you in death...

Feng Lin's face was slightly pale, and with the help of the old mother, he took a step into the palace gate, with a complicated look on his face, and looked at Siqian Palace not far away.

How should she open her mouth and tell that man that the person he loved so much is not alive?
A little servant dressed in gray knelt tremblingly in front of Feng Lin, followed by the maids from Siqian Palace, knelt down in unison
"What's the matter?" Feng Lin opened his mouth and said, recognizing these people from Siqian Palace
"Go back to the queen, the Siqian Palace is gone"

"Heh, ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death to meet each other. Flying guests from all over the world, the old wing has a few cold and heat."

Feng Linling wrote a few poems. Although she didn't know how the news leaked out, she was indeed moved by Leng Yue's infatuation.

"Honorable burial, do not enter the imperial concubine's mausoleum," Feng Lin said solemnly,

He is so infatuated and willing to die for love with Xuan'er, how could he be willing to let him enter his concubine mausoleum?
Behind "Zunzhi", a row of palace people kneeled behind them, bowed their heads and said
(End of this chapter)

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