Chapter 132 Before we meet

At sunset, the sky was covered with dark red clouds, and the street was bathed in the afterglow of the rosy clouds. A woman wearing a half-mask walked in the ancient street, followed by two or three people.
Although the woman's full face cannot be seen clearly, the woman's innate beauty and elegant and noble temperament have attracted many passing men to stop

"Purchasing medicinal materials, the demand and the delivery account are slightly larger. I have been too busy recently and I am tired."

Feng Qianxuan's eyes were half closed, she moved her fingers, her expression was a little tired

"Young lady, thank you for your hard work." The servant followed behind her, fanning the air with a fan considerately for her.
When passing by a restaurant, Feng Qianxuan was attracted by the bustling brothel in the distance

"Tonight is Ye Raochen in Xianle Tower, let's go in quickly on auction night!" A fat woman led a tall and thin woman, leading the way to pass her, and said
And these words, neither big nor small, happened to be heard by Feng Qianxuan who was at the side

"Who is Ye Raochen?" Feng Qianxuan looked suspiciously at the bustling building in the distance
"Returning to the young master's wife, he is the husband master of the world's number one brothel, Ye Raochen. There are not many men who are known as the 'world's most beautiful man' in the world and can be recognized by all kinds of heroes in the world."

In the early years, Ye Raochen's husband was aloof and arrogant, and he did not pay attention to everyone. He couldn't even see the beauty of the most beautiful man in the world.

Today, the most beautiful man in the world is publicly asking for a price. Not to mention the news that the capital is shaking, it is estimated that many girls in the world will also appear
Feng Qianxuan murmured softly, "The most beautiful man in the world?"

Curiosity was suddenly ignited, looking at the plaque of "Xianle Tower" in the building not far away, his eyes were a little hot
"Young Master's Madam, let's go home quickly, the Young Master's scolding is inevitable for coming back late, last time"

"When I mentioned the last time, it made me angry. I was in the restaurant to accompany the VIP because of a social engagement, but I didn't go back by the stipulated time. He looked like his wife cheated, and ran to the restaurant aggressively with a group of servants, jealous of his husband."

"Young master, I love you too much."

"Don't mention him to me. Today I went to the brothel. If I have the guts, he will lead someone and tear up the brothel." Feng Qianxuan stepped into the Xianle Tower with a strong momentum.
"Young Master's Madam" the servant eagerly shouted from behind.

"Shut up, you guys go back first" Feng Qianxuan impatiently said to the group of servants at the gate of the building
She didn't come to the brothel because of anger, but when she heard the name 'Ye Rao Chen', she couldn't move away.

There seems to be a voice in my heart, calling her again, I must go in
Xian Le Lou

"Master, are you really going?"

Everyone knelt on the ground together, their faces turned red eagerly towards the high position, and persuaded
"Shut up, it's too noisy"

Ye Raochen sits in the elegant room, before dressing up, taps lightly with her slender bare hands, the powder foundation in the box is thin, and wipes it evenly on the face
His face, which was originally pale and feeble, became a little more delicate, and he tapped his left finger lightly. On the desk, he touched the red lips with a rouge box, and the rose-colored lips were displayed in front of the mirror.

Dressed in a gorgeous red dress, a cluster of snow-white and soft gauze, tight and flat body gauze reveals her charm, and a red ribbon is lightly tied around her waist
"Red clothes? You once said that you want to see me wearing a fiery red color like a wedding dress, and I will obey you"

"Now I always wear red clothes, why why are you separated from me by Yin and Yang?"

Ye Raochen felt hurt when he touched the scene, he stretched out his hand to himself in the mirror, and Feng Qianxuan's stunning face appeared in his mind

"Husband master, the preparations have been completed according to your order." The old bustard stood respectfully behind Ye Raochen.
(End of this chapter)

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