Chapter 147 Restoring memory
Baililian shook her head, looking at the red figure, a helpless smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, feeling sorry for herself?I am afraid that in the future, he will be the same!

Country House

Although the restaurant is gorgeously decorated, but the popularity is too deserted, it can be described as 'a crowd of people', probably because the location of the restaurant is too remote

Feng Qianxuan rested her head on her right hand, looking at everything in the restaurant in every possible way

She raised her eyebrows, these people are really strange, either they choose to talk business in brothels, or they choose this remote restaurant
After waiting for a long time, but she didn't see the other party coming, she was a little furious, and hated those who were not punctual the most

"This guest officer, you must be thirsty after waiting for a long time. The shop will give you a pot of high-quality green tea for free."

Xiao Er showed her affection, carrying a pot of tea, put it on Feng Qianxuan's table, bowed her head and said

free?It was probably just a marketing tactic in the name of free tasting in modern supermarkets, but she thanked her out of politeness.

Before leaving, Xiaoer glanced at the teapot on the table with a vague look in his eyes.

She poured a cup of tea for herself, lowered her head to taste it lightly, the temperature of the tea was just right

The memory opened in her mind like a scroll, and rushed towards her like a herd of beasts, rushing to the depths of her memory, everything, all remembered
Open the eyes again, the eyes are no longer pure, but have a complex and deep expression

Feng Qianxuan stared, Mo Yan waited for a group of people to kneel on the ground, the people behind her were not members of the 'You Feng' sect

"Master, Mo Yan and 'You Feng' have been waiting for you for a long time."

Without saying a word, she flicked her white sleeves, got up from the seat, and when she pushed open the attic door, all the ministers and generals in armor were standing in the courtyard.
When everyone saw Feng Qianxuan on the high stairs, their eyes were full of hope, now Feng Xueguo is saved

"The ministers welcome the prince regent back to the palace, the prince will be a thousand years old."

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs in the courtyard bowed to Feng Qianxuan with a high-pitched and loud voice, not inferior to the slogans shouted by the soldiers in the barracks before going out

At this time, Ye Raochen, who rushed over, heard the passionate sound, and he knew that the man had recovered his memory.

The civil servant who was closest to Feng Qianxuan bowed silently to her, and said anxiously, "Your Majesty Regent, about the coup d'état of the six emperors and the situation in foreign countries"

Feng Qianxuan glanced at her, "I have something to go back to the palace, let's discuss later"


"Ping, drive back to the palace" She stood on the high platform, inspected everyone in the courtyard, and dropped these words


When she stepped out of the attic door, she inadvertently caught sight of two people in the distance, one red and one white, their expressions paused, and they stopped.

"My lord?" The civil servant next to her noticed her abnormality.
"Nothing?" Feng Qianxuan withdrew her gaze, stepped on the stirrup with a big stride, rode on the horse's back, and walked to the front of the team first, with the generals on both sides accompanying her

And behind, a group of mighty troops, all the soldiers holding the national flag of Fengxue, walked towards the palace.
Brief description

In [-] B.C., the queen of Fengxue Kingdom was seriously ill, and the power in the court was handed over to the prince regent, who had full power to deal with it.

The six princesses colluded with foreign enemy forces and marched all the way from the border to the territory of Fengxue Kingdom. The prince regent handed over the power to Yang Wen and Zhang Xiao, who took charge of it. The six princesses were defeated and committed suicide
Two months later, Feng Lin retired as the Prince Regent, and within a few days, he ascended the throne smoothly
—— "Historical Records of the Nvzun Country"

(End of this chapter)

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