Chapter 149 Reward or bounty?

palace celebration
She was sitting halfway on the high platform, with black long hair pouring down, paired with noble purple clothes, she always looked noble, the belt around her waist was loose, the breeze blew, and the purple clothes fluttered, as if they were on the verge of falling, so unrestrained, so arbitrary

Feng Qianxuan propped her head on the right half, admiring it with star-like black eyes, and played various music in the center.

From time to time, the corner of his mouth reveals a half-hearted smile, which attracts the fiery eyes of all the ministers and unmarried men on the field.
I haven't seen you for five years, and you have become more mature and attractive. Yang Yisheng looked at the woman on the high platform, his eyes were full of love, but because he was too shy, his whole body was tense and a little stiff

As the music sounded again, a small group of maikos in white clothes walked around the center with flower baskets in their hands, sprinkling bright red rose petals into the air from time to time,
Suddenly, a crimson red damask surrounded the Chaotian pillar layer by layer, and then a red dress was attached to the red damask, rippling and flying in the air, and a maiko in white swayed roses at him, dancing while sprinkled
And the masked man in red stood still in the center, with his bare hands, he wrapped around the red silk of the Tianzhu, and quickly released it. He lightly pinched a section of the red silk, waved the red silk, and danced to the rhythm of the music.
"Kang Dang"

The small wine glass that Feng Qianxuan was holding on to knocked over the table in an instant, and the mellow wine stained her luxurious purple dress.

Her black eyes touched the center of the dancing red dress, Ye Raochen's incomparably enchanting face appeared in front of her eyes, her heart couldn't help but waves of heartbeat arose

"Your Majesty the Empress." The servant next to her seemed surprised to see Feng Qianxuan so absent-minded for the first time.

is it you?Ye Raochen?I miss you so much
Feng Qianxuan involuntarily slowed down from the high platform, her purple shirt fluttering, and came to the dancing man in red

The man in red was blushing, with a smile on his lips, seeing her coming, his handsome face made him so excited that he wanted to kneel down and salute
But she stopped her with one hand, and her waist was surrounded by a strong hand. With a shy face, he stared blankly at the charming and mature queen
Ye Raochen. I miss you so much
Feng Qianxuan caressed obsessively, his outline, lightly closed her black eyes, wanting to lower her head through the veil, holding his red lips

But suddenly at a distance of five centimeters, he stopped, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he tore off his veil

It was a face that was not familiar but missed. Although his face was white and pink, it was a pretty person, but she had never seen it before, a stranger.

not him.
She let go of her hand in disappointment, her star-like black eyes flashed with unknown feelings

Unexpectedly, she wanted Ye Raochen to such an extent that she couldn't control herself just because she was similar in figure and behavior.
Feng Qianxuan flicked her sleeves, turned around for a moment, she regained her sanity for a moment, and returned to her usual, condescending attitude, as if the moment of distraction just now was just an illusion of everyone

"May I ask the emperor, is it a medal or a bounty?" the father-in-law next to him lowered his head and asked
It was the first time for him to see the emperor, he was so absent-minded to a man, in order not to make a mistake, he hastily questioned his thoughts

Reward card refers to engraved green head card, entering the harem to become a concubine, and reward refers to ordinary rewards, such as gold, silver and jewelry.
The man in red, with peach blossoms on his face, knelt in the middle of the banquet, grasping the hem of his clothes a little nervously, his eyes revealed anticipation

Becoming the emperor's wife and concubine is something that many men in the world dream of, not to mention His Majesty the Empress who is tolerant, wise, talented, and beautiful.
(End of this chapter)

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