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Chapter 136 Double Ring Cannon

Chapter 136 Double Cannon (Second Change)
"Where is Shen Zhui's investigation of the private gun house?" Ye Cao asked Clover.

"According to the report from the Viper, Shen Zhui has found the private gun house, and will write a letter to Emperor Liang soon." Clover reported.

"You said that if King Yu knew about this, what would he do?" Ye Cao asked Clover.

"We must use this matter to attack the prince, maybe it will be ignited directly, and there will be a big commotion. Emperor Liang hates this the most now." Clover replied.

"Well, this is very interesting." Ye Cao smiled slightly.

"What do you mean?" Clover bowed, waiting for Clover's clear instructions.

"Notify Viper, let him tell King Yu about this matter, it must be done today." Ye Cao ordered.

"Yes." Clover took the order, and immediately carried it out.

Viper is lurking beside Shen Zhui, a member of the Four Leaves Department, and it has been almost half a year after calculation. Because of his cleverness and strong ability to handle affairs, he is now deeply trusted by Shen Zhui.

"It's time for me to go out too. I'm going to be active, so I can't be bored in the mansion all day." Ye Cao stretched her waist and took Feng'er out of the mansion alone.

"Ah! Ah!" Feng'er seemed very happy and sang happily.

Complaining like this: This beautiful man is really, since he raised me, he didn't know how to take me out for a walk, I am so beautiful.

Ye Cao neither went to Miaoyinfang nor Yangliuxin, but came to Hongxiuzhao.

It seems that this is the only one of the three major brothels in the capital, and I haven't gone in to enjoy it.Based on his relationship with King Yu, Qin Banruo probably wouldn't take money from him.

It's not that there is no shortage of money. The money earned in these years is enough to run two big Liang treasuries. It is completely a matter of face.

Whoring for nothing, how face-saving it is, you are kidding.

Unfortunately, Qin Banruo happened not to be in the shop today, even though she was entertained by Meijiao Niang, and she was served by a virgin like a lotus flower, but she had to pay for it, Ye Cao immediately felt unsatisfactory.

"It's boring, it's better to leave." Ye Cao threw down a piece of gold, and left with Feng'er, who was sought after by thousands of people, and chose to press the road with nothing to do.



Feng'er walked on the street, she was really high-spirited, and the rate of turning heads was as high as 100%.

People also rushed to tell each other, calling friends and companions to watch, forcing Yecao to drag Feng'er, who was about to spread her tail and dance, to the back alley.

As soon as he walked to the end of the alley, he saw a group of people poking their heads out at the corner, looking at a yard.

There were three people in that group, a master in fine clothes, and two male servants in blue clothes.

"What a coincidence." Ye Cao raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expect to see Shen Zhui here.

Man, I really can't help but talk about him, I just talked about him in the morning, and now I see him.

Shen Zhui is also a person who can't stay idle. In the first month of the lunar year, Emperor Liang hadn't made a photocopy to start the dynasty, but he got busy early.

A dignified minister of the household department, a second-rank official of the imperial court, made himself a stalker.

He was thin, with gray temples, and a swarthy face, not like the son of a princess, but more like a farmer in heaven and earth wearing Chinese clothes.

The yard he was following was not anywhere else, but the private cannon workshop.

It's just that the private cannon shop has long been shut down, so even if he waits here for a day, he won't be able to see anything.

On the contrary, he, who mastered poor tracking skills, was discovered.

The two men in black charged towards Shen Zhui with swords in their hands.

"My lord, be careful." Viper pounced on him in time, and forcibly blocked Shen Zhui's sword, but the other servant wanted to run away, but another assassin blocked his throat with a sword.

"Tianquan swordsmanship." Ye Cao immediately recognized the swordsmanship used by the two men in black, and immediately identified them as Zhuo Dingfeng and his son Zhuo Qingyao.

"Who is doing the murder here!" Seeing the injustice, Ye Caolu roared, and immediately drew his sword to help.

For the original six ministers, he could see death and not save him, but Ye Cao had to save the new household minister 'Shen Zhui'.

If he died, he would have to spend more time to find out what the next Minister of the Household said and did, which would be a waste of time.

And the net will be closed soon, but there is not so much time to toss.

When Zhuo Dingfeng saw it was Yecao, his pupils shrank immediately, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

"The wind is tight, call back!" Zhuo Dingfeng immediately told his son Zhuo Qingyao to retreat.

He knew in his heart that even if father and son came together, they would never be Ye Cao's opponent.

"Thank you Ye..." Shen Zhui hadn't finished his words of thanks before Ye Cao yelled, "Where are you going!"

Ye Cao chased after him in the air, only his last words echoed in the air: "Feng'er, protect Master Shen."

"Ah!" Feng'er was extremely psychic, standing on the spot, looking at Shen Zhui.

"My lord, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we, let's go back first." Viper said.

"Yes yes yes, your healing is the most important thing, the healing is the most important thing." Shen Zhui hurriedly helped Viper back home, he didn't dare to go to the hospital or anything, as there would be another batch of killers, it would be safer to go home.

As for the servant who was killed by the assassin, just send someone to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion to report the crime, and the scene of the crime cannot be destroyed.

"You go first, I'll stop him." Zhuo Dingfeng saw that Ye Cao was chasing after him, so he immediately let his son go first, and he himself stopped him.

Zhuo Qingyao didn't hesitate, and left immediately, without such stupid words as 'if you don't leave, I won't leave'.

Because he knew that his realm was not enough, and staying here was not only not a helper, but a burden.

The father didn't care about it alone, so it was better to get away.

"Come on." Zhuo Dingfeng brought Ye Cao to a secluded alley, ready to fight him.

"Today is the sword?"

"Tianquan is in hand." Zhuo Dingfeng knew that he couldn't hide his identity in front of Ye Cao, so he simply admitted it generously.


The two swords came out together, like two spirit snakes, entangled and biting each other, inseparable for a while.

Zhuo Dingfeng used the Tianquan swordsmanship, and Yecao used the Tianquan swordsmanship. You give me a move, and I will return the same move to you. It doesn't look like a life-and-death fight, but rather like a martial arts competition between brothers from the same sect .

Zhuo Dingfeng became more frightened and frightened as he fought.

He knows better than anyone else when Ye Cao got the Tianquan Sword Art.

In just two months, he has practiced Tianquan swordsmanship on par with himself, what a monster.

You know, Zhuo Dingfeng started practicing swordsmanship at the age of five, and it has been 35 years since then.

"Flying bird into the forest!" The two of them used the ultimate move of Tianquan swordsmanship together.


The two swords collided, the Tianquan sword was bounced off, and the Weicao sword continued to kill Zhuo Dingfeng.


Zhuo Dingfeng's arm was cut open by a flower, and he was completely defeated.

"I lost, you kill me." Zhuo Dingfeng was disheartened, he was defeated in the thing he was most proud of, this kind of frustration made him want to die now.


Ye Cao retracted her sword, and did not move anymore, she just sighed: "You are a free and unrestrained person in the world, why did you get involved in this whirlpool of the imperial court?"

"The current situation is like this, half of it can't be controlled." Zhuo Dingfeng also had his own helplessness.

He also knew all these years that maybe his hands were stained with the blood of innocent people, but the matter was over, and he couldn't turn back.

"Don't trust Xie Yu too much." Ye Cao left a word and walked over the wall.

As for when he went to Shen's residence to pick up Feng'er, Shen asked him about the condition of the assassin, and Ye Cao replied, "I jumped into the river and escaped."


A loud noise resounded throughout Kyoto.

"Where is it blowing up again!" Emperor Liang was flustered, and Emperor Liang was very angry.

 The Philosophy of Er Gongzi: One word wakes up the dreamer, but a person's life is more than one dream.Waking up is not waking up, self-realization is waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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