Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 108 The Insect Hunting Conference in Yoshino City

Chapter 108 The Insect Hunting Conference in Yoshino City ([-])

Long Yi found an open space, picked up a twig and wrote on the ground several kinds of elves that he thought could almost securely qualify.

Flying Mantis, Giant Pincer Mantis, Dajia, Heracross, Mekayangma, Queen Bee, Primordial Armor.

There are 7 types in total.

Then write down those elves who are easier to qualify, but have a chance to fail.

End Moth, Feather Moth, Forretos, Iron Ninja.

"Almost, it should be these types."

Long Yi's theoretical knowledge is quite rich, and because of the memory before time travel, compared to other trainers, he has some understanding of some rare and even legendary elves. Ordinary trainers can't do it so quickly. , Make this list accurately, at most they roughly know which elves are stronger and which are weaker; which ones are more common and which are rarer.

A total of 11 kinds of elves, Long Yi first crossed out the ancient armor.

This kind of elves belong to the ancient elves, and they are basically extinct now. Long Yi doesn't know if there is any fossil resurrection technology in this world, but it is obviously impossible to appear in this forest park.

Then crossed out Mekayangma, Queen Bee and Giant Pincer Mantis.

Wild Mekayangma is very rare, even one of the [-] Yangmali may not be able to evolve, the chance of finding it is too small.

The giant pincer mantis needs the flying mantis to comprehend the energy of steel before it can evolve, and the evolution conditions are even harsher than Mekayangma.Flying mantises are very rare, Long Yi didn't expect giant pincer mantises to appear here.

Finally, there was the queen bee. Long had seen several three-in-one hives along the way, which showed that there was indeed a queen bee in this forest.

But the problem is, there is no doubt that this kind of elf is guarding a swarm of bees, ranging from dozens to hundreds. If you want to subdue a queen bee, you must first defeat her swarm.

This is not something that can be done by one person, naturally it was passed by Long Yi.

Among the remaining elves, the Flying Mantis lives in no fixed place, purely by luck.

Dajia lives in a similar environment to Heracross, and likes to inhabit big trees with sweet sap, and is a gregarious elf.

If there are elves with a keen sense of smell, they can find them by following the scent in the vast forest, but for Long Yi, it is pure luck.

Among the 4 kinds of elves selected at the next level, the last moth and Fritos are more common, and they will definitely lose points in terms of treasure.

The larvae of the Iron Ninja - the soil-dwelling ninja live underground, and they will only come to the ground when they are about to evolve. Generally, the Iron Ninja is found more often in midsummer when the temperature is high. You can pay attention to whether there are cicadas from it on the way.

As for the last feathered moth, it is a small number of insect elves that live on the water.

Long Yi drew a circle on the name of the feathered moth, temporarily setting it as a target.

"That's it, the number of winged moths is rare, and the score should not be much different from Dajia and Heracross."

Long Yi erased the handwriting on the ground with his foot, then took out the map presented by the organizer, and checked it.

"I entered the forest from here. After I entered, I relied on the compass and walked southward. The lake in front of me on the map has not been found yet, so it should be almost at this location."

Long Yi roughly estimated his own position.

Feathermoth likes to live on lakes instead of streams. There are three streams and two lakes on the map, one of which is not far from him.

"Try your luck there first. The other lake is too far away. If there are no feathered moths there, then you can only wander around."

After making a decision, Long Yi greeted him with a rattling sound, and set off again.

His location is indeed not far from the lake. After walking for about 10 minutes, the trees in front of him gradually thinned out, and then it suddenly became clear.

A vast lake appeared in front of the eyes, misty and misty, shrouded in mist.

"What a beautiful lake."

Long Yi praised and came to the lake.

There are many footprints on the ground, but the elves who once left footprints here have basically been expelled to the depths of the forest.

A yo-yo paddled cautiously closer, and then peeked out from a safe distance.

Yoyo Ball is a kind of water spider spirit, with four thin and long tentacles, a spherical body, blue skin, yellow hair and short whiskers on top.

Its tentacles can secrete oil, so it can float on the water and glide at a speed no less than ice skating.

"Sure enough, there are yo-yo balls!"

Long Yi was overjoyed when he saw it, and looked around.

Yoyo Ball itself is a relatively rare insect-type elf, but it has not yet evolved, and its combat points and species points will be discounted. Only the evolved feathered moth that subdues it can appear with certainty.

After watching for a long time, because of the fog, Long Yi only found 5 or 6 yo-yo balls, not a single feathered moth.

"No?" Long Yi searched for a while, but finally gave up helplessly and accepted this fact.

The evolution of elves is difficult, especially wild elves, and it is not surprising that there are no feathered moths here.

Long Yi thought about it, and felt that even the yo-yo ball should have a higher score than the big needle bee, so he found the one that looked the biggest, and ordered to Gala-gala: "Galla-gala, use the lightning bone Great boomerang!"


Gala Gala nodded, condensed the bone rod, stimulated the electric current, and threw it out.

Unexpectedly, the yo-yo ball slipped without holding back, like an ice-skating dancer, it drew an arc on the water surface and flashed past, without fighting back, it fled to the center of the lake.

Seeing him attacking, the other yo-yo balls also ran away together.

"I can't help it." Gala Gala couldn't swim, couldn't hit those yo-yo balls at all, Long Yi had no choice but to give up.

"Hey, what kind of elf is this? I've never heard of it." A female trainer in her 20s also came to this lake, and she liked Yoyo Ball very much.

Her companion elf is a toucan, no different from Long Yi's Galagala, a toucan that can fly can attack the yo-yo ball in the center of the lake.

The female trainer ordered her elves to attack, and although she suffered a bit from being unfamiliar with yo-yo balls, she managed to subdue one of them.

A sense of urgency rose in Long Yi's heart, and he quickened his pace to leave.

He didn't know what happened to the others, but if they only encountered some common elves like himself, then the female trainer who had subdued the yo-yo ball in front of him was a quasi-qualifier!
A new elf must be subdued!

Half a day passed quickly, and Long Yi wandered aimlessly in the forest.In the middle of the process, he first subdued a Plaster to replace the big needle bee in his hand, and then he was lucky, and then he encountered a flying mantis.

It's a pity that Gala Gala didn't keep the Flying Mantis, and it ran away, otherwise Long Yi would have almost secured a qualifying spot.

On the way, he also met a lot of contestants. Everyone was vigilant and alert when they met. No one would tell others what elf he had subdued, so Long Yi didn't know what level he was currently at.

"Quick, hurry up, I found a three-in-one bee colony over there, and a group of people are attacking the queen bee that wants to subdue it!"

The two trainers passed by in a hurry, and they seemed to be companions they knew from the beginning.

Long Yi jumped down from a tree, his eyes lit up, and he quietly followed.

Queen Bee!

Maybe you can fish in troubled waters!
(End of this chapter)

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