Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 11 Abandoning and Not Abandoning

Chapter 11 Abandoning and Not Abandoning
Long Yi turned his head to look, it was a rather wretched and ugly fat man.

He was wearing a green uniform full of stains, and the three-color Pokeball pattern on his chest showed that he was a third-year student in the grass dormitory.

The black trousers were swollen by piles of fat, a pair of flip flops, bare feet, one of which was still on the stool to pick his feet.

"Hello, two juniors." Fatty greeted, "My name is Ichiro Yamamoto, and I like making friends the most in my life. If you have any beautiful seniors, sisters, or sisters, you must remember them. Introduce me~"

He smiled, revealing a mouth full of broken yellow teeth, and the flesh on his face looked even more wretched after being squeezed into a ball.

"Disgusting." Long Yi put down his chopsticks, he couldn't eat any more.

Greeting the boss to check out, Long Yi and Honda are ready to leave.

"Want to leave? Big tongue, stop them for me!"


A pink elf blocked the way. It looked over a meter tall, chubby and had a huge tail.

Big Tongue is an elf in the Kanto region. It has a tongue twice the length of its body and a stomach that never feels full, which is quite rare.

A normal big tongue weighs about sixty kilograms, which is equivalent to a chubby boy, but this one in front of him is a bit too fat, no doubt over a hundred kilograms.

Fat and ugly!

Long Yi turned around: "What do you want to do!"

Honda whispered next to him: "This man is one of the four bullies of the academy who is as famous as Hayato Ueda. He likes to spy on girls and eat their tofu. He is known as the most scumbag boy in the trainer academy. Because he likes to go to this place opened by his father from time to time. I ate at a ramen restaurant, which led to the fact that the restaurant tasted very good, but there were basically no customers."

"What are you doing? You said something quite disrespectful just now." Ichiro Yamamoto clicked his nose, dug out a ball of black stuff, and popped it into the noodle bowl that Long Yi just ate, "Or just kneel down and apologize, At the same time, give me 1 yuan, or I will strip you all of your clothes and throw them down here."

"Ichiro, don't do this, let them go." The boss uncle begged.

"Shut up, old man!"

Long Yi's face darkened: "Excuse me? I think the word 'disgusting' was insulted just now."

If it were Long Yi before, he would have dared to stand out in front of Hayato Ueda, let alone now that he has subdued Geng Gui and his strength has greatly increased.

"It seems that you chose the second option." Ichiro Yamamoto said with a grin.He is a person without the demeanor of a trainer. He is obviously bullying two first-year juniors, but he even released all his elves in an instant, planning to siege them.

Purple-black stinky mud, stinky flowers full of saliva, coquettish and ugly Miss Lips, and giant vines twisting like tentacles.

The five elves instantly packed the small shop to the brim, Long Yi and Honda were surrounded in the middle, there wasn't even much space left for them to move around.

The stench of stinky mud mixed with the smell of stinky flowers was unbearable, both Long Yi and Honda covered their noses.

"Go to the hospital bed in the medical department and regret it, boy!" Yamamoto Ichiro laughed, he liked this feeling, the pleasure of bullying others, and the powerless hatred of the bullied, "Attack!"


The five elves remained motionless.

"Are you deaf? I say attack!"

Long Yi raised his head, "It seems that your elves don't listen to you very much."

Following his movements, the five elves on the field cast their gazes on Yamamoto Ichiro at the same time, with deep malicious gazes.

"No, what did you do to my elf!" Yamamoto Ichiro panicked and shrank back.However, this is just a small ramen restaurant, there is nowhere for him to hide.

"What did you do? I didn't do anything." Long Yi spread his hands, showing a smile that frightened Ichiro Yamamoto, "Your words are useless, why don't you let me try? For example, attack!"



In an instant, the big tongue and the stinky mud roared at the same time. The licking of the big tongue brought a paralyzing force, and the poisonous gas attack of the stinky mud made Ichiro Yamamoto's face turn purple and black quickly.

"Let's go, Honda." Along the way, several elves moved out of the way.

If it wasn't in the academy, Long Yi really wanted him to taste the feeling of losing all the elves, presumably those who were bullied by Ichiro Yamamoto would be happy to give him a wonderful memory.

Unfortunately, he couldn't, otherwise he would risk being expelled from school.

Back in the dormitory, Long Yi washed up briefly, said goodnight to Geng Gui, and lay down on the bed.

"I always feel like I've forgotten something." He looked at the moonlight outside the window, thought for a while but couldn't remember, and gradually fell asleep.


The shining white light of the elf ball illuminated the dormitory, Hui Yuan appeared on the bed, looked at the sleeping Long Yi, and wailed.

The Poké Ball has an absolute control mode and a self-owned mode. In the free mode, the pokemon in it can enter and exit freely, and Longyi only has the benefit of Huiyuan.

And tonight, Huiyuan, Kola Kola, and Abo Snake were all locked in the poke ball until it came out by itself just now.

Rubbing his face against Long Yi, he waved his hands in a deep sleep, turned over and continued to sleep.

Geng Gui emerged from the void, made a face at Hui Yuan, and let out a mocking laugh.


Huiyuan grinned at Geng Gui for a while, but it was not the latter's opponent at all, let alone restrained in attributes.

After a few breaths, Huiyuan gave up this meaningless move and jumped onto the windowsill.

Looking back at Long Yi, determination flashed in its black eyes, and it jumped down resolutely.

Night is deep.


The next day, Long Yi went to class as usual, and he didn't even find out that Hui Yuan was missing until noon.

I didn't look for it, I just fed Kola Kola and Abo Snake food, and then went to take a nap.

As time went on, Long paid less and less attention to the other elves. Except for feeding them once a day, he stopped talking to them, bathing them, or even training them.

He put all his energy into strengthening Geng Ghost, and this super strong Geng Ghost lived up to his expectations. He successfully gave Long Yi a fighting power comparable to that of third-year students, and even stronger than most of them !

The second week of the Trainer Academy is over.

Time came to the Monday night of the third week.

Long Yi, who had just finished having dinner with his classmates, returned to the dormitory, opened the door and saw a brown figure lying on the floor of the room.

That's a snake bear!

It looked terribly scruffy, its hair matted into balls, and it was breathing weakly with its eyes closed.

On the back of this serpentine bear, there was a claw wound that was hideous, the muscles under the cut fur rolled up, and the coagulated blood formed a dark red scar.

"You are... Huiyuan?" Long Yi squatted down, a little uncertain.

Serpentine seemed to hear his voice, barely opened his eyes, and uttered a faint cry.

The familiar cry was just too weak.

A bead fell from Hui Yuan's paw and rolled to Long Yi's feet.

"This is..." He picked up the beads.

At the moment of touching, the long-lost system prompt sounded.

【Energy absorbing...】

It was a transparent bead, and there was originally black smoke tumbling inside.At the same time as the system prompt sounded, the smoke suddenly condensed into an unclear animal face, and then dispersed into a ball again.

[Energy absorption complete!An unknown force field interference has been detected, ready to activate the emergency defense system! 】

A familiar yet unfamiliar character interface popped up.

Name: Ryuichi Miyazaki
Sex: Male
Age: 16 years old
Owning sprites:





Long Yi felt a little strange, there seemed to be something missing on the character interface, and at the same time, the evil energy with a value of 100 suddenly began to decrease.

[Emergency defense system activated! 】

"Ah!—" Long Yi yelled, clutching his head and falling to the ground in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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