Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 119 The Assassination Incident in the Demon Cave!

Chapter 119 Assassination in Demon Cave! (two)
"Angry!" Alicia looked surprised.

Long Yi took a look at the wet trouser legs and leather shoes, put the knife back into the sheath expressionlessly, but did not leave the handle with his right hand.

"One cut, there will be blood!"

Iaido is a very extreme kendo. In a formal duel, there is almost only one chance to use the sword, either victory or death.

Alicia has already made preparations, it is impossible for Long Yi to hold back any longer, and to hold back is to be irresponsible for his own life!
Who cares about the ice house!

Unless Long Yi is willing to catch her without a fight and cooperate with Ailijia's inspection, but he doesn't trust this woman who is deeply hostile to him as soon as she appears, let alone the integrity of the ice family.

Alicia put away the knife.

Although she has a good level of kendo, she is just an ordinary kendo master, fighting against Long Yi who has awakened Qi, she has lost but never won.

Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

"Originally, I was only 3% sure that you were a snow girl, but seeing how you are fighting fiercely now, I am [-]% sure!"

The guests near Long Yi backed away after hearing this, followed by all kinds of pointing and pointing.

Long Yi's face darkened.

3% sure you dare to shoot?Are there 5 now?Dare you be more shameless!
Long Yi knew that all his explanations were futile. One was the honorable lady of the ice family, the owner of the gymnasium, and the guardian sent by the alliance to protect Sakamoto Donglan!
What about himself?

A little-known little person, no one who was present before the insect hunting meeting knew him at all, even now most people don't know who Miyazaki Ryuichi is.

The weight of the two people's words is simply incomparable!

"Come out, Overlord Flower!"

Alicia has released her trump card, the Elf Overlord Flower!
"Send the elves if you can't do the swordsmanship. Could it be that I'm afraid that you won't succeed in the elves' fight? Come on, Gyarados!"

Long Yi knew that this Overlord Flower could not be the second or third elf that Alicia used to play in the gymnasium, but her real main force, so he released the strongest Gyarados in his hand, even if its The attribute is restrained by the Overlord Flower.

As soon as the [-]-meter-long Gyarados appeared, it overturned several tables of dishes and accidentally injured countless guests. It even knocked off a crystal ceiling on the top. It had to bow its head to barely stand.

"The black Gyarados?" Alicia frowned, seemingly hesitant.

Long Yi didn't care about that much, as soon as the Gyarados appeared, he hurt many people, so he was destined to offend many people for nothing tonight, even if it turned out that he was innocent afterwards.

And all of this stems from the arbitrariness of the woman in front of her!
"Use Dragon's Breath!"

As if feeling Long Yi's anger, the Gyarados' face became even more ferocious. It opened its mouth, and the terrifying blue dragon's breath devoured towards Alicia and Bawanghua.

"Miss Alicia, be careful!"

The color of this dragon's breath...

An experienced trainer can judge the power of a unique move by observing the color of the opponent's attack.

There was a trace of solemnity on Alicia's face. This pure blue color, even with a little bit of bright dragon's breath color, proves that the dragon's unique skill of this tyrannosaurus is very powerful, even if it is not too far from the limit value of the race.

This is a formidable enemy!
Where did the freak come from!

While slandering in her heart, Alicia gave the order: "Overlord Flower, use Petal Dance to block it."

A tornado of petals erupted from the buds on the head of the Bawang flower, forming a tornado of flowers!
This dance of flowers rushed up against the dragon's breath of the tyrannosaurus, and the strong wind sucked in the surrounding dragon's breath flames. Even if the petals were burned to ashes all the time, they kept rushing forward, seemingly forever. endless.

The dragon's breath was blocked, evenly matched!

"Increase the power!"

The two dragon whiskers of the Gyarados stood upside down, and the color of the dragon's breath became more transparent. However, the Overlord Flower also sprayed out more pink petals, and neither side could do anything to the other.

A cyan dragon's breath from the edge fell on the tablecloth, and the round table suddenly burst into flames.

The onlookers who were originally reprimanding Long Yi, or cheering for Alicia, realized the danger brought by the battle between the two sides, and evacuated under the leadership of the auction security personnel. Only a few people stayed behind and hid behind the security guards. People watching from behind.

When Long Yi saw the cautious security personnel around him, his heart sank.

These people are obviously on Alicia's side. Even if he defeats Alicia, it will not help. The situation is developing in the most unfavorable direction for him.

This must change!

"Gyarados, stop." Long Yi said suddenly.

Gyarados stopped the Dragon's Breath, but Erika's Overlord Flower is still using Flower Dance!
The Dance of Flowers, which had lost the restraint of the dragon's breath, surged towards it. The Gyarados roared, twisted its body violently, and its thick tail carried a large amount of water to smash it down!

Water system trick - liquid tail!
The tornado formed by Dance of Flowers was scattered by the powerful tail of the Gyarados, and the water flowed all over the ground with the petals.

Long Yi took a look at Sakamoto Donglan and Dean Joey who were hiding behind the security guards, and angrily scolded Erika: "Arika, if something happens to Ms. Sakamoto today, you will be 200% responsible! I have no doubts You are also a member of the demon den, and you deliberately fought with me to create opportunities for Xuenv to assassinate her!"

Before Erika denied it, Long Yi took out a certificate from his suit lining pocket, unfolded it and held it in his hand: "Everyone, please see, this is a certificate entrusted by the alliance! I also accepted the entrustment of the alliance to protect Sakamoto Miss. Alicia is in the light and I am in the dark. Alicia is well aware of this, but she deliberately does not mention this slander of me as a snow girl and attacks on me. Her intentions are terrible! Her actions are suspicious !"

Dean Joey raised his glasses and saw the certificate in Long Yi's hand clearly: "It is indeed the official seal of the alliance, I trust him."

It's not that the official seal of the league cannot be faked, but those who did it are already dead. Even the Rockets will not do such a thing easily, because it will attract strong revenge from the league!

Dean Joy is one of the few people who has always believed in Long Yi from the beginning to the end, but she is reticent and unable to make an effective rebuttal to Alicia's accusation, so she has remained silent until now.

As soon as he saw the proof, he immediately spoke up to testify.

Many of the surrounding security personnel have seen the official seal of the alliance, and some of them have taken over the mission of the alliance and confirmed it one after another.

Proved to be true!
Long Yi was indeed the one who accepted the mission of the Alliance to protect Sakamoto Donglan!
But Alicia also has proof, and that's true too!But why did she slander her teammate as Xuenv?Are you willing to fight for it?

Suspicious eyes fell on Alijia, which made people sting.

Alicia's face was a little ugly.She was indeed prejudiced against Long Yi because of the fact that he was robbed of the mission, so she was a slap in the face when she came up, even if Long Yi was subdued, she only restrained herself a little.

When the "Snow Maiden Murder Picture" appeared in the auction, after sensing the murderous aura, she even put the name on Long Yi without even thinking about it, thinking that even if Long Yi was innocent, he would use this to humiliate him He had some thoughts.

All of this is not a problem at all, as long as Alijia can quickly take down Long Yi, and then protect Sakamoto Donglan, and don't do anything too outrageous, even the Aoki family will not confront the ice family for this.

The only thing she miscalculated was that she miscalculated Long Yi's strength!
Facing everyone's suspicious eyes at this moment, Alicia took a deep breath, took back the Overlord Flower, and wrote lightly: "I did sense murderous aura from your direction at that time, and because of Xue Nu's ability, I suspected that you were a fake. But since You have the proof, so obviously I was wrong, and I apologize to you."

"Really? Made a mistake?" Long Yi recalled the coolness coming from behind, and felt that what Ailijia said earlier should be true.But got it wrong?

He doesn't believe it!
The martial artist's intuition told him that Alicia definitely did it on purpose!Even if she didn't react at the beginning, she must have known that she was wronged in the middle, but she still made mistakes and deliberately attacked herself!
I wrote down this account!

"Snow Girl, you can deal with it yourself, leave!" Long Yi took a deep look at Alijia, as if he wanted to imprint her appearance in his heart, then put away the Gyarados, turned and left.

Several security personnel in front looked at the captain, and the captain waved his hand before they got out of the way.

Walking out of the gate, a cool evening wind blows in front of you, curling up two strands of hair.

Long Yi looked behind him out of the corner of his eye, walked to the street, and hailed a taxi.

"Go to the elf center."

(End of this chapter)

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