Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 122 The Assassination Incident in the Demon Cave!

Chapter 122 Assassination in Demon Cave! (Fives)
Sakamoto Donglan's legs went limp and he collapsed to the ground, his face turned pale as he clutched his chest, feeling his heart beating so fast.

At that moment, she felt the breath of death for the first time in her life!

"It's okay, Dong Lan, it's okay." Dean Joey comforted her from the side, looked at Bobo in front of him, and felt relieved.

Fortunately, the dragon left and returned, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable!
"Snow Girl, you can't escape! If you are sensible, hand over the real housekeeper quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!" Alicia shouted, her face turned red and pale, both from the fear of Sakamoto Donglan who was almost injured, and also Anger at being played and applauded by the Snow Maiden.

"Kill me if you have the ability!" Xue Nu pretended to be the butler with a sneer, looking confident.

"You will recruit." Alicia said, ready to release her stinky flower.

This stinky flower is very talented, and its smell is outstanding even among its kind. It was originally an elf specially cultivated by her for developing perfume, but it is also effective for interrogating and extorting confessions.

The sound of the elf ball exploding was heard at the scene, but Alicia Smelly Flower's elf ball was still in her hand and hadn't been thrown out!It's someone else!

She suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, turned her head suddenly, and found that Mr. Yoshikawa, the security captain, had drawn a distance from everyone at some point, holding a poke ball in his hand, and a black Lu in front of him add.

There is no doubt that he was the one who released the elf just now.

But the snow girl has been subdued, what is Mr. Yoshikawa trying to do by releasing the elves at this time?

Yoshikawa glanced at Erika and ordered indifferently.

The black Luga immediately opened its bloody mouth wide, and spewed out a stream of blood-red flames.

"The color of this flame... Hei Luga who has reached the limit of the race! Who are you!" Alicia was taken aback. The scarlet color proved that this Hei Luga had been cultivated to the limit in terms of attack. It is impossible to be the strength that an ordinary security captain should possess!
Yoshikawa ignored her, and the scarlet flames swept in like a sea of ​​flames, including Allika, Sakamoto Toran, President Morino, Dean Joey and others in the attacking position.


It is impossible for Alijia to leave the others and escape alone, so she quickly ordered her three elves: "Overlord flower, beautiful flower, use petal dance! Coconut egg tree use flying leaf storm!"

Countless pink petals and green leaves flocked to the sea of ​​flames like moths. Although they would be burned by the scarlet flames in an instant, more companions rushed forward and suppressed Helujia's purgatory in an instant!

After all, Alicia is not an ordinary trainer. As the owner of the Rainbow Gym, although her three main elves have not yet been cultivated to the limit value of the race, they are not far behind. Faint upper hand.

But when she moved this way, her control over Xue Nu who was pretending to be a housekeeper was weakened.

Yoshikawa knew that Heluga alone would not be Alicia's opponent, but if there was a snow girl to help pinch back and forth, the result would be quite different.

Seeing the success of the trick at this moment, he quickly shouted: "Xue Nu, come and kill this nosy gym master with me!"

His goal is the life of Alicia on the ice!
Alicia was nervous for a while, and quickly released the stinky flower on her body, letting it and the vine monster jointly defend behind it.

Xuenv pretending to be the butler raised her head, and the power of the coconut tree's blessing on him was already very weak at this moment, and she broke free with a light struggle.

But Xue Nu did not flank him back and forth as Yoshikawa expected, but looked at him with a mocking expression: "If I'm not wrong, you should be an elite member of the Rockets, Garton, nicknamed the Baron of the Region."

Yoshikawa was silent for a while, and then simply tore off his disguise, revealing a face with Chinese characters and red hair like flames.

"That's right, my goal is the life of Alicia on the ice! As long as you kill her with me, you can naturally kill Sakamoto Donglan to complete the task."

This is a win-win choice, Yoshikawa... No, it's also the reason why Hellboy Garton dared to attack brazenly.

Xue Nu nodded repeatedly after hearing the words: "You are right." But he spread his hands and said helplessly: "But I can't do it."


Before Garton could say a word, the white sea lion of Snow Maiden suddenly slammed, turning into a ball of cold air and dissipating.

"This body is not my real body, and that white sea lion has only its own strength. So although your proposal is very tempting, I can only say sorry to you." Xue Nu said apologetically.

Then he turned his head and looked at Sakamoto Donglan who was huddled in Joey's arms in fright: "My big star, I will store your life with you for the time being, remember that I will come to take it away at any time~ Then everyone, goodbye Already~"

After he finished speaking, his eyes turned white, and his body fell limply to the ground as if he had lost consciousness.

"No!" Garton's face darkened suddenly.

"I see, it's the Umbrella Ghost!" Alicia exclaimed suddenly.

The Umbrella Ghost is also one of the killers in the demon cave, but he/she never does it himself, but hides behind the scenes as a logistics support staff, helping other killers complete tasks to earn bonuses and contributions.

The Umbrella Ghost has a special ability, which can turn all the energy of an elf into an attack and put it into a special elf ball made by him/her. When using it, a lifelike elf will appear. It fits the setting of the white sea lion very well.

And Xuenv's control of the housekeeper should also be a special ability, superpower is the most likely, which can also explain why no one knows whether he/she is a man or a woman, because he/she is not pretending at all, but directly controlling other people, even if The sound can be changed at will.

Obviously, this time the Snow Maiden and the Umbrella Ghost made a joint attack. The Umbrella Ghost sealed the energy of the Snow Maiden's white sea lion to form the freezing light.

Alijia misjudged Xue Nu's strength based on the information provided by the alliance. If Long Yi's Bobo hadn't arrived in time, then Sakamoto Donglan would certainly have escaped death today.

After the Hellboy Garton of the Rockets learned of the assassination, he pretended to be Mr. Yoshikawa and sneaked into the venue for some reason. He wanted to get rid of Elika, and planned to take action at the right time to get rid of Ellie with Yuki. Chia!

Garton's plan was undoubtedly a success. If it wasn't for the snow girl who put everyone together, both Alicia and Sakamoto Donglan would surely die today!
"Damn Snow Maiden!" Garton scolded, maintaining the purgatory for a long time has already made He Lujia a little overwhelmed, and Alicia's three elves pressed on every step of the way, and other security personnel also surrounded him, cutting off his retreat .

The end of the road!

"You forced me to do this! Hei Lujia!" Gardon shouted, throwing a black object at Hei Lujia.

Hei Lujia was his initial elf, and the two sides cooperated tacitly. They immediately turned around and bit the thing in their mouths. They glanced at Garton, and actually shed a line of tears.

Woohoo! ~
Hei Lujia bit the thing and swallowed it!

"Hei Lujia..." Tears rolled down Garton's resolute face. He wiped away the tears and saw the black patterns appearing on Hei Lujia's body. He suppressed his grief and shouted: "Kill them all, use Purgatory!"

The black and red flames swept across, and most of the security personnel and their katti dogs turned into fire men and fire dogs. In the blink of an eye, the flame had blasted onto the coconut egg tree.

The coconut egg tree suddenly let out a scream, struggled for a moment, fell to the ground and lost its breath.

Coco, death!

"Big character explosion!"

Boom boom boom!
A large number of black and red flames formed a "big" flame under the control of Hei Lujia. Alicia gritted her teeth and gave the order, but the double flower dance from the Overlord Flower and the Beautiful Flower persisted for a while before being burned to ashes.

Attribute restraint is especially deadly at this time!
"Kill them!" Garton's voice was full of hatred, and Alicia and the others retreated again and again, but how could their retreating speed compare to the speed of the big character burst attack.

Seeing that several people were about to lose their lives in a sea of ​​flames, suddenly a jet of water shot out from the stab, hitting Hei Lujia's big characters and exploded.

A large amount of water was evaporated into water vapor, and the fog filled the air, blocking the line of sight.

"who is it!"

"It's me." Long Yi put the Gyarados away, rushed to Alijia and the others, and let it out again.

It was the water cannon trick of the Gyarados that stopped the big character explosion just now!

It's not that the Gyarados is stronger than the three spirits of Erika, but Heluga's flame only needs 1 point of power to defeat Bawanghua's 5 points of power, but it needs to use [-] points of power to face Gyarados. It takes strength to defeat its power, and one plus one minus creates this gap.

"Long Yi, you've finally arrived!" Joey heaved a sigh of relief, even Alicia looked relieved at this moment.

Bobo on the ground flew into Long Yi's arms, and let everyone know who the person who saved Sakamoto Donglan just now was.

At the moment when the steam drifted away, Garden saw Long Yi and his Gyarados, the hatred in his eyes was undisguised: "Hateful, just one step away!"

Hei Lujia in front of him was slumped on the ground, his hair was gray and dull, and his two wolf eyes seemed to have cataracts, and he was already in a state of more air intake and less air output.

Although that kind of secret medicine can strengthen Hei Lujia's strength to the greatest extent, it needs to burn its vitality. At this moment, Hei Lujia is already in his dying years, and his life is not long.

"Surrender, if you are willing to join the alliance, you may be able to atone for your sins." Long Yi said.

Garton is an elite player of the Rockets, and one of the best. He must know a lot of secrets and is of great value to the league.

Garton pretended not to hear, squatted down, and reached out to close He Lujia's eyes.

Right now, he only has the Wind Speed ​​Dog he snatched from Yoshikawa, and he is absolutely no match against Long Yi, and since the primordial elf is dead, Garton's hard work over the past ten years has also vanished.

He took a deep look at Long Yi and Alijia, then suddenly opened his arms, looked up at the night sky, and chanted loudly: "We are the rocket team traveling through the galaxy! The white hole, the white tomorrow is waiting for us!"

When the words fell, he gritted his fangs and committed suicide.

(End of this chapter)

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