Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 14 Elven Graveyard, the battle with Gengar

Chapter 14 Elven Graveyard, the battle with Gengar
"This is a disaster." Long Yi approached Kedola next to him.

The tricky thing about ghost elves is their ability to be invisible and pass through walls, let alone at night when they can't see their fingers.

Calling the three elves to be alert, Long Yi kept looking for them with a flashlight.

No, still no!
As if he had escaped, there was no trace of Geng Gui at all, and the energy consumption of the system returned to 1 point per minute.

Wait, energy drain?
Long Yi suddenly thought of the changes in the system after Geng Gui used the illusion on him just now, but he had never met this Geng Gui before!
So where did the previously unknown force field come from?

It is impossible for Geng ghosts to have an influence on the entire middle and interior of the cemetery, and ordinary Geng ghosts do not have such a strong ability to create hallucinations.

In other words... there is something in the cemetery that can make people hallucinate!

Even Geng Gui's super phantom ability may be due to the mutation of this thing, or it must rely on such a thing in order to have super phantom ability!
So if there is such a treasure, where would it be?

A flash of inspiration flashed in Long Yi's mind, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the gorgeous tomb.

Could it be a coincidence to meet this Geng Gui in the same place twice?

Suddenly there was an explosion, and there was the scream of Ke La Ke La.

Long Yi turned the flashlight quickly, and saw that Korakola was blown into the air, and a shadow ball appeared in that Geng Gui's hand, and threw it towards the ground where Korakola sank.

"Kodora, use the metal sound to blow up the shadow ball."

Kodora spews out three ring-shaped metal-colored sound waves. This is a sound wave attack belonging to steel energy, which can directly attack the enemy's fragile eardrum.

The shadow ball is a very unstable energy ball. When it is hit by a metal sound, it explodes instantly.

Long Yi didn't care about Kola Kola who fell down, greeted Kola Kola, and ran directly to the grave.

What a coincidence, the Geng Ghost attacked as soon as he focused his attention on the grave, as if deliberately trying to divert his attention.

There is definitely something wrong with that tomb!

Geng Gui, who was hiding in the ground, panicked, and quickly floated up to the ground to attack Long Yi.

Although the shadow ball is powerful, it is too easy to be detonated, so this time it uses the curse of the night.

The jet-black ghost-type energy gushed out from Geng Gui's eyes, and then merged into one in front of him to become a thick black lightning, attacking Long Yi silently.

Compared with the shadow ball, the curse of the night is less powerful, but more stable, and has no sound.

Long Yi has been vigilant around, he didn't notice the attack from behind, but Ke Dora did.

The Curse of the Night is indeed very hidden, especially at night when the vision is poor.But Kodora, who has lived underground for many years, has excellent night vision ability, not to mention the long weeds growing in the cemetery, and the scattered grass leaves after the weeds were crushed pointed out the target for Kodora .

So Geng Gui's attack was discovered.

The only long-range attack of Ueda Hayato's Kedora is the metal sound, but this is not enough to stop the Curse of the Night, and its tacit understanding with Long Yi is also too low.

So Ke Dora slowed down and turned sideways, it stood between Long Yi and the Curse of the Night, and a silver metallic luster flashed across her body.

The trick - the iron wall!
The Curse of the Night has hit!
Cordora sank to the center, her limbs firmly gripping the ground.This Gengar's attack power is not very strong, but Dora's iron wall can withstand all the impact, and the energy attack is nothing to its strong body.

Geng Gui was in a hurry, and rushed up quickly, his right hand clenched into a fist exuding a strong cold air.

The ultimate ice trick - Frozen Punch!

Long Yi ordered while running: "Kedora, use the steel claw!"

But Dora raised her body, and the steel claws collided with Geng Gui's frozen fist, but its strength was even stronger.

However, the advantage in strength is useless!

Geng Gui jumped up and spared Kedora from above, and it punched Long Yiyao, and a light black fist phantom flew out.

It's Shadow Fist!

But it was already too late for Dora, and its body structure determined its disadvantages in tossing and moving.

Long Yi pounced forward, dodging Geng Gui's shadow punch, but when he got up, what appeared in front of him was Geng Gui's eerie smile, who was close at hand.

Those eyes exuded indescribably mysterious fluctuations, and the piercing system prompt sounded in his head, but Long Yi couldn't even hear what the system said, he just felt drowsy and wanted to sleep.


The golden color flashed again, Kola Kola's attack stopped Geng Gui's hypnotism in time, and the dragon gasped for breath.

Seeing that Geng Gui was about to continue attacking, Long Yi quickly shouted: "Abo Snake, use Digging Hole! There is something in that tomb!"


Geng Gui looked up, and sure enough, he saw that the Abo snake that had bitten him before had escaped the influence of hypnotism and was swimming towards the tomb.

Regardless of attacking Long Yi, Geng Gui flew into the sky and hit a shadow ball.

The shadow ball blasted the soil, but did not cause much damage to the Arbor snake. There was a circular hole in the bottom of the bowl-shaped pit.

Dig a hole!

Geng Gui wanted to dive in a hurry, but was harassed by Kola Kola's lightning bone boomerang. Annoyed, it shot a strange light, which successfully threw Korakola into a state of confusion.

Abo Snake had already dived into the ground, and Geng Gui also sank into the ground.

Holding on to a tombstone, Long Yi could barely stand, looked at the place where Geng Gui disappeared, and gritted his teeth: "Kedora, use earthquake!"

Kedora, who had already turned around, raised her two forelimbs, and then stepped down heavily.

The ground trembled, and the tombstones collapsed.

This Kodora was trained for powerful strength and invincible defense. The earthquake it caused was even stronger than that of many Nido kings. The ground shook violently, and Geng Gui was soon forced to escape.

Hold on, Arbor Snake!

The earthquake that had an outstanding effect on Geng Gui is undoubtedly the same for Abo Snake, Long Yi can only hope that Abo Snake can persevere in this earthquake.

Korakola, who was in chaos, slammed his head against the stone and passed out. Abo Snake didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Geng Gui was also out of breath after being hit by the earthquake.

It can't afford a second earthquake!

At this moment, only Long Yi's Kedora is in good condition.

Geng Gui disappeared again, but Dora fired metallic sounds around, but it had no effect.

Could it be that it sneaked into the ground again while taking advantage of its invisibility?

But Dora looked at the ground, but Long Yi suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.

No, not underground, but heaven!

Geng Gui appeared above Kedora's head, and then threw a shadow ball!

The shadow ball exploded, but Dora was unable to counterattack because of the angle and skills.

One shot, two shots, three shots...

Kodora, who was supporting the iron wall, resisted stubbornly, Geng Gui gritted his teeth and vented his attack, unless this Kodora was beaten to the ground, it would not dare to chase the Arbor snake at all.

Long Yi ran to the grave and shouted into the cave, but Abo Snake didn't respond.

"Hold on, Kodora!"

Ke Dora's surroundings have been blown up a layer, and the iron armor on her back has begun to crack, and it has reached its limit.

That's it.

Limbs softened, but Dora closed her eyes.

Geng Gui wiped his sweat. The attack just now also consumed a lot of energy. It has been a long time since he possessed that kind of power. most horrible.

Fortunately, in the end, he was the one who won.

Geng Gui flew towards the grave.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light bloomed behind it!

Geng Gui turned his head abruptly, and the exhausted Kedora's body grew taller and bigger in the white light, bringing it a terrible pressure.

Long Yi also saw all this, and he knew what this white light represented.


The white light dissipated, and what appeared in front of him was a ferocious monster over two meters tall.It has a stronger steel carapace than Kedora, and its ferocious head seems to be made of alloy, with two sharp horns slanting towards the sky.

Fangs, sharp claws, terrifying eyes, and that thick and powerful tail.

Boss Cordora!A powerful elf second only to the existence of false gods!

Golden energy gathered in Boss Kedora's mouth, and then formed a golden beam of energy that plowed across the ground.

The soil evaporated, the masonry shattered, and the tombstones disintegrated.

The top trick of the ordinary department - destroying the dead light!
Geng Gui's body became shallow amidst the screams, and then fell to the ground and passed out.Boss Kedora, who delivered this blow, was also uncomfortable. Evolution could not revive it with full blood. His left leg softened and he knelt down on one knee, breathing heavily like a bellows.

"Finally won."

Long Yi sat down with his back against a tombstone, and subdued Geng Gui with a poke ball.

At this moment, he felt the ground under him tremble slightly, and then the scarred Arbor Snake came out, bowing its head and spitting out an old golden bell.

"Well done, Ah Bo Snake." Long Yi praised, picked up the bell.

【Energy absorbing...】

The system prompt sounded, and Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that he had guessed right.

(End of this chapter)

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