Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 146 VS Akasaka Sword

Chapter 146 VS Akasaka Sword ([-])
dong dong~
The poke ball landed on the rock field, bounced twice, and then popped open.

A tall, strong elf appeared on the field free from the shackles of the poke ball, and made a deafening roar as soon as it appeared.

That's a bear!

Circle Bear!
The circle bear is not a rare elf. There are many wild circle bears, at least much more than Nidowang and Gyarados.

But this does not mean that this kind of elf is not strong!

On the contrary, this is a powerful elf that is strong enough to enter the first level. If there are a large number of circle bears in a forest, then there will be no other elves in this forest that can threaten their survival.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi, I guess you must be holding your breath right now, and want to beat me to pieces in this match, right?" Ken Akasaka smiled, showing an expression as if everything was under control.

Long Yi was taken aback, he really thought so.

"The reason why you agreed to my request so readily is to let everyone know that even if there is a two-year time gap, even if it is a 6v6 game where you are at a disadvantage, you—Miyazaki Ryuichi, can still beat me, right?"

Akasaka Ken talked to himself, and didn't give Long Yi a chance to interrupt: "I know you hate me very much, the stage has been set now, but the development of things is destined not to unfold as you think."

"I'll let you see how big the gap is between you and me!"

Is the Akasaka sword weak?
No!He is very strong!
If it wasn't for the fact that Mei Miyamoto was eliminated in advance, Ken Akasaka could compete with Kosaburo Daimon for the runner-up!

His strongest point is that all the elves of Akasaka Sword are powerful races who are good at fighting!
Moreover, although Akasaka Ken spends his days drinking and wandering among women, he hired several students to help him train the elves, and all the food and medicine used are the best.

In terms of the strength of the elves, he is also the best in the academy!
This is a formidable enemy, Long knew it early on.

"You have guessed my mind right." Long Yidao said, "But the outcome, I don't believe you can beat me!"

"Come on, Geng Gui!"

Long Yi sent out his first elf, Geng Gui!

The first elves of both sides appeared on the screen at the same time, and then the referee announced the official start of the game.

Long glanced at Geng Gui's information.

4. Geng Ghost: It was originally an ordinary Geng Ghost. Because he mastered the mysterious golden bell, his attainments in superpower illusions have improved by leaps and bounds, and he has formed a solidified talent.

Elven Race: Gengar
Status: healthy
Age: 80 years old
Personality: persistent
Talent: Illusion Specialty, Illusion Enhancement (can only be used on humans, and will disappear if you lose the golden bell)

Amity: 100 (green)

Compared with the other elves, Geng Gui's ability strength has hardly changed during this period, but Long Yi knows that it has improved a lot.

Geng Gui only practiced one thing - its illusion!
After arduous training, Geng Gui has completely got rid of the predicament of returning to normal after losing the golden bell.Even if it is not strengthened by the golden bell now, its illusion is still far superior to other Geng ghosts!

"Stealth." Long Yi ordered, and everyone immediately lost track of Geng Gui.

Quanquan Xiongkong has great strength, but facing Geng Gui, these are useless.


But before Long Yi could attack, Akasaka sword took back the circle bear without hesitation.

"Night Demon, you go!"

The night demon is a very rare elf. It needs to be carried by the wandering night spirit to carry the ghost-type treasure of the spirit world to be able to evolve successfully. In terms of rarity, it is completely super-level.

Akasaka Sword's night demon spirit is the strongest spirit in his hand, and the only one that he carries with him.

This night demon originally belonged to Akasaka Ken's uncle, but after his death, it fell into Akasaka Ken's hands.

Because there is no room for improvement, there is no need for daily training, and he usually acts as the bodyguard of Akasaka Ken and Akasaka Rei.

"Use the wave of evil!" Akasaka Ken ordered decisively.

A black energy ball appeared in the night demon's hand, and it fell to the ground.

A circle of black ripples rippled.

This came down very quickly, and before Geng Gui had time to sneak into the ground to hide, he was knocked out of his invisible state by the wave of evil.

"Come on!" Long Yi didn't feel right, Akasaka Ken's rhythm was too fast, completely different from the parallel import playboy he thought!
"Use Shadow Fist!" Long Yi tried to fight back.

Geng Gui flew into the sky, escaped from the wave of evil, and then swung two shadow fists.

Shadow Fist is the fastest attack speed among the ghost moves!

The Night Demon has lost its trace!
Geng Gui's Shadow Fist sank into the rock field and disappeared, it was lost!

Long Yi wanted to use the same method to force the Night Demon Spirit out, but just as Geng Gui's evil wave condensed, a translucent black fist in the corner hit it.

Shadow Fist!
It's the Shadow Fist of the Night Demon!
Akasaka Ken's command was once again ahead of Long Yi.

The huge body of the night demon appeared behind Geng Gui's side, and it held an energy ball wrapped with black and purple lightning in its hand.

It's a shadow ball!

"Let's end it." Akasaka Ken sneered.

Geng Gui's physical strength is not outstanding, and it has been continuously hit by the wave of evil and shadow boxing that are restrained by attributes. If it eats this shadow ball again, it will definitely lose!

At the critical moment, a red light fell on Geng Gui.

"Oh~ I escaped the catastrophe by relying on the elf ball." Akasaka Kendao, the shadow ball of the night demon fell to the ground and shattered a rock.

It was Long Yi who took back Geng Gui at the last moment just now, avoiding its defeat.

"You are very powerful." Long Yi said.

He had to admit that he really underestimated Akasaka Ken.

Akasaka Ken smiled: "You let me down, I thought it would be more playable."

Putting Geng Gui's elf ball away, Long Yi reviewed his several elves, and found that if he didn't use Huiyuan, it would be really difficult to fight against the night demon in front of him.

Even if Hui Yuan is allowed, he is not 100% sure of winning.

"In this case……"

"Flying Mantis, it's you!"

With a whistling sound, the most tenacious fighter in the insect system appeared!

Under the order of Akasaka Ken, the night demon disappeared again.

"Miyazaki-san seems to be in a tough fight. The invisibility ability of ghost elves is really annoying." The commentator Kikuko Horita looked worried.

Hiroshi Kamiya, who was sitting next to her, nodded: "Although I don't like Ken Akasaka, I can't deny his strength."

Long Yi didn't have time to listen to the commentary's chat at the moment, he let Flying Mantis use the shadow clone technique immediately after the night demon disappeared.

There are more than a dozen flying mantises all over the field, which can effectively prevent the sneak attack of the night demon, but continuous use of shadow clone is very exhausting, and physical strength is not the strong point of flying mantises.

"Use Bug Chirp!"

The sound of insects is an insect trick recently learned by the Flying Mantis. The wings on its back vibrate rapidly, emitting a kind of infrasound that is barely audible to the human ear.

The voice was very low, very deep, and it was very uncomfortable to listen to.

Amidst the sound of insects that covered no dead ends, the invisible air fluctuated for a while, and then the figure of the night demon appeared.

"Got you!"

More than a dozen flying mantises turned around at the same time, and cast their gazes on the Night Demon Spirit.

"Use the whirlwind knife!"

Brush brush!
More than thirty wind blades attacked the night demon spirit from all directions, of course most of them were afterimages formed by the shadow clone technique, and there were only two real whirlwind knives.

Under the continuous influence of the insects, the Night Demon was temporarily unable to hide and dodge, and its movement speed was definitely not as fast as the Whirlwind Knife of the Flying Mantis.

"So what? The wave of evil!" Akasaka Ken said.

The Night Demon Spirit had no expression on his face and smashed a ball of evil-type energy at his feet. The huge amount of evil-type energy turned into a wave and set off a black curtain five or six meters high, blocking all the whirlwind knives.

"Shadow Fist!"

The night demon turned around and punched, the target was the real body of the Flying Mantis discovered through the wave of evil just now!
Call ~
The shadow fist swept across, and the 'flying mantis' dispersed like a bubble.

"Cross scissors!"

At this moment, all the phantoms of the other flying mantises disappeared at the same time, only the figure of a flying mantis in the other direction solidified.

The Flying Mantis let out a loud cry, folded the two knives in front of its body, emitted a strong white light, and slammed into the back of the Night Demon Spirit hard.

Dispersing the shadow clone technique is to concentrate one's own strength and inflict maximum damage on the opponent!

The night demon screamed for the first time under this attack, but it immediately turned around and grabbed the head of the flying mantis, then swung it and pressed it hard to the ground.

The moment the pitch-black shadow ball appeared, it exploded. Even though one arm of the Night Demon was also blown to pieces, as a member of the ghost elves, it was only a matter of time before this injury recovered.

"The Flying Mantis loses its ability to fight, and the Night Demon wins!"

Akasaka sword, go to the city first!

(End of this chapter)

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