Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 153 VS Akasaka Sword

Chapter 153 VS Akasaka Sword ([-])
The green lizard king stood with only the front soles of his feet, looking calmly at his opponent.

The lizard king, the king of the jungle, is a powerful elf comparable to the king of leave!

"You are really rich and powerful." Long Yi said.

Akasaka Sword's elves, except for the big rock snake, are all first-class elves. Usually, it is very good for a trainer to have one, but he doesn't want to throw them out one by one like money.

What's more, these elves are almost all final evolution types!

You must know that the evolution of elves is the most difficult, has the greatest impact on strength, and is also the most uncontrollable link for trainers.

Even quasi-god-level elves like Kuailong and Bangira, if they are only in their initial form, they will not be stronger than a Bidiao.

Facing Long Yi's admiration, Akasaka Ken had no time to respond.

The pressure that Huiyuan put on him was greater than that of the Gyarados before, and the battle field was the black ice layer it created, which was not friendly to the Lizard King.

That is an elf living in the tropical jungle!What Lizard King hates the most is the desert and the cold.

"Lizard King, approach Chi Ming with a flash of lightning, be careful of its fire and ice attacks!"

The Lizard King nodded slightly, a mass of intense white light erupted behind him, and his body turned into a strip of light to move forward.

soon! ! !

Long Yi could tell that Akasaka Sword's Lizard King was very strong, probably second only to his Night Demon.

"That's it. Only such an opponent can test Huiyuan's strength."

Long Yi doesn't know what other trainers are like, but he himself has a strong desire to control, if he doesn't understand the strength of his elf, it will make Long Yi very uncomfortable.

It was a faint feeling similar to uneasiness.

Maybe it's because of the uneasiness caused by traveling to this place alone?
Long Yi didn't know, and he didn't discuss this issue with anyone.

The lizard king approached quickly with a flash of lightning, and the ice layer had some influence on it, but not much.

Long Yi estimated the distance between the two sides, and ordered: "Use Blizzard!"

The white light of the Lizard King was reflected in the depths of Huiyuan's eyes.

It didn't attack right away, the hunting instinct awakened after evolution turned Huiyuan into an experienced hunter.

In this brief moment, the Lizard King was much closer, less than ten meters away from Huiyuan.

"Use Blade and Leaf Slash!"

Akasaka Sword didn't know why this Chi Ming didn't obey Long Yi's order, it didn't matter.

The powerful grass-type energy in the Lizard King's body gathered in his hands. Under the influence of the grass-type energy, the two leaves on his hands grew and grew rapidly, turning into two sharp green blades in the blink of an eye.

Blade Leaf Slash, one of the best tricks of the Lizard King!

It's now!

Huiyuan suddenly opened its mouth——the wind surged out of its mouth, as if it was not the mouth of an elf, but a hole leading to the valley of the wind.

And with the wind, there is snow, black snowflakes.

The timing of this attack was just right, it was when the Lizard King was about to attack and his own speed was reduced to the lowest.

Call ~
"Block it! Charge over!" Akasaka Ken shouted.

The black blizzard hit the sky and covered the sky, and the lizard king couldn't dodge such a trick at such a distance, so he decisively blocked one arm in front of him, and the other was ready to strike, ready for a thunderous blow.

Yes, the Lizard King is afraid of ice, but that doesn't mean that ice can instantly kill him!
Exchange injury for injury, use small to make big, this is Akasaka Ken's plan!
Ice, black ice was carried by the cold wind and hit him.

The Lizard King shuddered suddenly, and there was a flash of lightning because the trembling dissipated immediately.

It was very different from any kind of coldness encountered before, as if in the depths of the ocean under the Arctic iceberg, besides the extreme cold, there was also a deadly coldness.

The Lizard King hated this feeling.

As the darling of the jungle and the king of the forest, it adapts to the hot and humid tropical temperature, and is used to fighting in an environment densely covered with various tall trees, exotic flowers and grasses, and countless vines.



That is a territory that an ordinary lizard king would never set foot in in his lifetime.

But now, because of a trainer, it has come to such an environment, and it has to fight for it.

so cold!
I really want to go back to the forest in my hometown, and I don’t know if the children in the ethnic group have grown up or not, and how many young saplings have been planted.

There is also the sacred tree that the clansmen live in, and it should also grow well.

So sleepy, the weather is so cold, I really want to sleep...

"Lizard King!

Lizard King!
Get away, what are you doing! ? "

A faintly familiar voice suddenly awakened the lizard king who was lost in memory. The surrounding holy trees and clansmen quickly degenerated from color to black and white, and then shattered into powder, as if they had been tortured by time.

In the cold and dead darkness, a light suddenly lit up, and then it blazed brightly.

The lizard king suddenly woke up!
Before him was the familiar ice battlefield, a white flame surged up and swallowed it whole before the Lizard King could react.

The lizard king who was swallowed by the flames suddenly let out a scream.

"Damn it!" Ken Akasaka slapped the armrest angrily.

After being hit by Chi Ming's black blizzard just now, the Lizard King stopped in place for some reason. He didn't respond to what he called it, but the snow on his body was getting thicker and thicker.

Then Long Yi on the opposite side shook his head in disappointment, and gave another order to spray flames.

So that Chi Ming spewed out a white flame.

Finally, the Lizard King finally woke up, but it was a bit late after all, and he was hit straight by the jet of flames.

"Jump up, Lizard King!"

call out!
The green lizard king leaped high in the flames, but it was still burning with raging flames.

The Lizard King flicked his hard tail, forced a hole in the ice, and jumped into the water.

But the white flame didn't know what it was, it was still burning even in the water, it was completely different from ordinary flames, it seemed that it was not afraid of water at all.

mental fatigue, sleepiness

Physical burns, frostbite

The Lizard King, who was hit both mentally and physically, struggled for a while, then fell down weakly.

The referee swallowed, and dutifully announced: "The Lizard King has lost the ability to fight! Since all six elves of Akasaka Sword have lost the ability to fight, the winner of this match is Ryuichi Miyazaki!"

From the beginning to the end, Huiyuan only used two tricks to torture the mighty forest king to death, and he didn't even have the ability to resist.

"So strong!" I don't know how many audience members exclaimed like this.

Long Yi shook his head, it was rare for Hui Yuan to be dispatched, but the battle ended so quickly, it didn't reach the point where he wanted to test his strength at all.

"Desperate black ice, tarsus white fire, worthy of being a legendary elf." Dade Temple Wood, who was still in the connection, praised.

Long Yi's heart moved, these two words were never mentioned in the system.

The curator of the Trainer Academy library is more knowledgeable than he imagined, maybe he can learn about Chi Ming's information from him, so as to estimate Huiyuan's strength?

It is feasible.

"Let's go, Huiyuan." Long Yi greeted.

Hearing the sound, Huiyuan immediately dissipated the cold aura of the battle just now, and returned to that lazy look.

It let out a sound, jumped to Long Yi's side, and rubbed his thigh.

"and many more!"

Akasaka Ken's roar came from behind.

Long Yi frowned, turned around and said: "You lost."

"I know." Akasaka Ken gritted his teeth, originally thought it was an easy victory, but because he was afraid that Long Yi would renege on his debt, he purposely recruited so many spectators, but he didn't expect that in the end it was his own disastrous defeat.

Akasaka Ken didn't dare to look around, he knew that there must be countless pairs of mocking eyes looking at him at this moment, and if it ended like this, then before tomorrow, the news would spread throughout the academy...

Something must be done!
Must win!

"One more round, the winner will be determined in one round, use your Chi Ming!"

"You've already lost." Long Yiyi said, he didn't think that Akasaka Sword had a stronger elf, and if there was, he wouldn't send his own Lizard King to play against the dual elements of ice and fire.

Don't you think it's embarrassing enough to lose?

"I know, if you agree, this bead will be yours!" Ken Akasaka took out a box from his body and opened it with a 'snap'.

There is also a bead in the box, purple in color, similar to the poison bead given to Long Yi before.

As if he was afraid that Long Yi would not agree, Akasaka Ken emphasized: "What I gave you before was just a poison bead conceived in the body of an ordinary poisonous dragon and scorpion, but this one in my hand is a poisonous pearl from the body of an elemental poisonous dragon and scorpion. The value is a hundred times that of yours!"

Poison-type treasures are inherently biased, and they are of no use to Akasaka Sword.

He has only one idea now: to fight Long Yi's Chi Ming again, and then - win the victory and wash away the shame!

"Oh? Let me have a look." Long became interested.

Akasaka sword came over and handed the poison pearl to Long Yi.

This bead is indeed different from the previous ones. It is smaller in size, but its color is purer. It looks like a natural purple pearl with moving mist inside. It is a treasure at a glance.

Long Yi stretched out his hand and touched it.

【Ding!Discover the poisonous energy crystal!Ask if you can absorb it! 】

【Ding!Discover the poisonous energy crystal!Ask if you can absorb it! 】

【Ding!Discover the poisonous energy crystal!Ask if you can absorb it! 】

The urgent system prompt sounded three times in a row, making Long Yi feel the urgency of the system for the first time.

Long Yi closed the lid, took a deep breath: "Okay! I accept!"

(End of this chapter)

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