Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 16 The Origin of the Golden Bell and Racial Limits

Chapter 16 The Origin of the Golden Bell and Racial Limits

Long Yi took several elves back to the elf ball one by one, and then was sent back to her bedroom in the blue dormitory by Miyamoto Mei's sun elf with superpowers together with Shimada Ye.

This is a wonderful experience. One moment you are still in the wilderness where the wind is blowing and the tombstones are everywhere, and the next moment you come to a warm and comfortable girl's bedroom full of warm colors.

As if by magic.

Of course, this experience is also uncomfortable, with a strong sense of nausea, and my stomach is overwhelmed.

"Have some hot coffee, you'll feel better."

"Thank you." Long Yi took it, took two sips, the hot drink calmed down the rebellion in his stomach, and he felt much better.

This is the time to look around.

This is a not-so-big bedroom. A four-poster bed with curtains occupies most of the room, with bedside tables and bedside lamps on both sides.

Luxurious crystal chandeliers, light yellow wallpapers on the walls, and a 40-inch LCD TV hanging directly opposite the bed. Although you can't watch news or TV series, you can play stand-alone games and watch old movies.

There is a large floor-to-ceiling window on the right side of the room, and because the curtains are drawn, the outside scenery cannot be seen.In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, there is a round table and two rattan chairs, which are a little sentimental.

On the left is a passage with a wardrobe on one side and a washbasin on the other. At the end of the passage is another door, which seems to lead to the bathroom and toilet.

"Very nice room." Long Yi said.

He and Miyamoto Mei sat down on two rattan chairs, while Shimada Ye stood aside, like the president's bodyguard.

"Then President Miyamoto, can you tell me what is going on in the cemetery of elves? And what is going on that Boss Kedora can never reach the limit of race?"

Miyamoto Mei took a sip of coffee, and then said: "The seven incredible legends of the college have a long history, and only a few of them are known in the materials of the student union. The legend of the elf cemetery began 30 years ago, but the root But it can be traced back to the session 33 years ago.

According to the information, the student council president of that session had a Hu Di who grew up with him and died of a serious illness. He was buried in the elf cemetery, along with a golden bell that the elf had hung around his neck since he was a child. "

Long Yi pondered for a while, then took out something from his pocket and put it on the table: "Is it this?"

Mei Miyamoto glanced at it, then shook her head: "I don't know, I didn't leave any pictures at that time, I guess so."

She went on to say: "It was fine at the beginning, until three years later, the first student who was deluded by hallucinations appeared.

There are actually normal ghost elves in that cemetery, but there are very few of them.But once Geng Gui, who has a strong hallucination ability, is subdued, it means that the trainer has been confused.He will gradually lose interest in his other elves, slowly forget them, and finally when he can't do without this Gengar completely, it will disappear and never appear again.

You are also a trainer, so you can imagine how much this kind of thing would hurt them. A few went crazy, most lost interest in trainers, and only a few got back on their feet. "

Long Yi was silent, this was very similar to his experience, if it wasn't for Hui Yuan, he would probably be crazy too.

Mei Miyamoto continued: "The college must block the news when this happens. Generation after generation of students who know the truth graduate, most of the students are hearsay, and finally slowly become ghost-type elves captured in the cemetery. The cursed elf ghost, the mysterious ghost story that will disappear after leaving the trainer's island."

Honda also told Long Yi about this strange story later, but he didn't expect the truth to be like this.

"Does the school not care?" Long Yi asked.

"What do you do? There were many powerful students and teachers who went in to find the reason, but the silent hallucination was really terrible. Later, when a professor at the school collapsed because of the hallucination, no one talked about it anymore. something happened."

Long Yi sighed, if he didn't have a system, he would also turn pale at talking about that terrifying hallucination, because you can't guard against it at all.

"Thank you," he said.

Mei Miyamoto picked up the golden bell on the table, flicked it lightly with her slender fingers.

The sound is very crisp, it is hard to imagine that it came from an old bell buried in the ground for more than 30 years.

She looked at Long Yi with a smile, her glazed eyes had an indescribable charm and were moist.

It was only then that Long Yi discovered that this student council president is not only good-looking, but her eyes are the most charming thing~
"Senior Miyazaki, you haven't told me how you deciphered this legend. I can feel that this bell has lost its original power."

Long Yi suddenly knew that the chairman hadn't told him all the truth, such as why she knew that Ling Dang was Guan Jian, not that Geng Gui!

You must know that even Long Yi vaguely made such a guess through the system!

Wait, there's a little more!
The key point!
"How do you know my name? I obviously haven't introduced myself!" Long Yi asked.

This shows what?
This shows that Mei Miyamoto has been paying attention to herself for a long time!Maybe after the battle with Ueda Hayato, maybe... before that?

"Of course, after you fought Hayato Ueda, that Geng Gui exposed you all at once, okay?" Miyamoto Mei said with a smile.

Long Yi didn't know whether to believe her or not, as the saying goes, the more beautiful a woman is, the prettier she is on a date, this one in front of her is so beautiful!
After hesitating for a moment, he said: "I don't know too well. I was already deluded by hallucinations, but one day was my elf, a snake bear. It brought me a black smoke The beads, and then I woke up, and I didn’t receive hallucinations when I was fighting just now.”

Long Yi still carried the bead with evil energy, and took it out by the way: "Hey, why is the smoke inside gone?"

Miyamoto Mei took the bead, closed her eyes and sensed it: "There used to be good evil energy in it, but it has been used up now. I am afraid it is the illusion it made you get rid of."

There are many props that contain energy. Fire stones, thunder stones, etc. are the most common and have the most simple effects. Many other innate or acquired props have strange effects. Miyamoto Mei guesses that this bead may be restraint Psychic energy or disillusionment.

"You're in luck." She accepted the statement.

The ability inside the golden bell has disappeared, now it is an antique, the pearl of evil is just an ordinary glass bead, Mei Miyamoto returned the two things to Long Yi.

Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, and changed the subject: "What did you say earlier that Boss Kedora would never reach the limit of race?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the foundation is not laid well, and the evolution is too early." Miyamoto Mei said, "You should know the classification of the trainer, the elemental level corresponds to those legendary elf races, such as the flame bird, thunder emperor, Emrido, etc. Before there were trainers, there were no element levels among ordinary elves. If you want to break through the element level, you must first reach the limit of the race, and to reach the limit of the race, you must exercise to your limit every stage Evolve again, so that it is possible to reach the limit value of the race in the ultimate evolution form."

In short, this Boss Cordora can be said to have been scrapped.

It can at best become the best of the second-tier, able to make its trainers meet the minimum requirements to become gym trainers.

As for first-class trainers and trainer master levels?

Sorry, heroes, please start again!

"By the way, this is a secret, knowledge that the academy will not teach at all, remember to keep it secret." Miyamoto Mei added.

(End of this chapter)

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