Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 168 Dead or Alive

Chapter 168 Death or Life ([-])
Long Yi finally recovered from the brief blindness caused by the flash.


It hurts!

Long Yi lowered his head to look at his chest, the school uniform was cut, and a seven or eight centimeter gash was dripping with blood, and the deepest part could even see the white ribs.

If Long Yi's sword hadn't hit the Lizard King first, this knife would have been enough to disembowel him!
This guy Akasaka Ken really wants his life!


Kirulian teleported to Long Yi's side in an instant, a green energy ball condensed between his hands, and then carefully pressed it on his wound.

Heal volatility!

Long Yi felt that the wound was instantly wrapped in warm liquid, and the wound left by the Lizard King's Blade and Leaf Slash healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was completely healed in a few seconds, without leaving any scars.

This is the power of elves, far surpassing any synthetic drugs!

However, healing wave treatment also needs to consume energy, not only Kirulian's, but also the energy in Long Yi's own body.

"I'm fine, thank you, Lacus." Long Yi felt very hungry, and the lack of energy in his body made his brain feed back a signal to his body that he needed to eat, so scared that Long Yi quickly mobilized Mo Yan's life energy to replenish himself.

Not much energy left!

Long took a look in the direction of Akasaka Ken, because the battle bonfire had been extinguished, so he couldn't see Akasaka Ken's expression clearly, he could only vaguely see his figure.

The lizard king was severely injured by Huiyuan's one-shot burnt out. The terrifying characteristics of the tarsal white fire made the lizard king continue to suffer from fire damage, and as time went by, his resistance to flames also declined step by step. .

Long Yi signaled to Qilulian that he didn't need to help him, and walked up with the knife, and then...the knife pierced the Lizard King's heart.

Lizard King died, died by Mo Yan's knife.

After recognizing the master, Mo Yan's absorption of life energy and soul energy was greatly accelerated. In just a few seconds, the majestic Lizard King had turned into a mummy.

At this time, the situation on the field changed again.

Thunder Fairy had to disperse the power of one hundred thousand volts because of the flash, and was hit by the water cannon and foam light at the same time, and bumped into the big rock snake's sacrificial attack.

The Big Rock Snake was seriously injured by the water cannon and the foam light, and Thunder Fairy lost the ability to fight and fell into a near-death coma.

All elves have a special mechanism in their bodies. When they receive a life-threatening fatal attack, they will be forced into a coma state and consume the energy in their bodies to offset the damage caused by the attack.

Because of this feature, trainers can usually fight bravely. Generally, unless the gap in strength is too large, the elves rarely die in battle, and most of them die from excessive energy consumption after coma, and they are not replenished in time.

Of course, disabled states such as severed limbs and blindness are not protected by this mechanism.

It stands to reason that Akasaka Sword should have suffered a crushing defeat after three elves lost their fighting power successively, but this is not the case.

The night demon came from the shadows, and it unknowingly appeared at the center of all the elves in Long Yi, and then the pitch-black wave of evil swept across the bodies of several elves in an instant.

Bobo was swept away, Ke Kedora trembled under the dark energy, Gyarados roared, and the lobster minions rushed up with their crab fists.

Akasaka Ken ordered: "Fix the body!"

The movements of the four elves stopped abruptly. Under the influence of super powers, they seemed to be insects sealed in amber.

"Lax, use mental shock on the night demon! Huiyuan and Geng Gui intercept the attacks of the circle bear and the duck-billed fire dragon, and the flying mantis launches an attack from the sky!"

Oh Lu!

Facing Lacus's invisible and shadowless mental impact, the night demon chose to ignore it, and directly punched him with a shadow punch.

A long combat career has already made this night demon accustomed to being injured, and the special physique of the ghost elf has made it develop a style of fighting with injuries in exchange for lives.

Lux had to take back her super powers to defend - just like the ghost elves, although the super power elves have real bodies, their delicateness is exactly the same!

The Gyarados suddenly let out a roar.

After all, the Night Demon is not a divine beast. When it chose to use the Shadow Fist to attack Lux, the immobilization it exerted on the Gyarados and the other four elves inevitably weakened.

The other three elves are alright, but the Gyarados, with its powerful power, forcibly broke through the shackles of the hold method!
"Great job Gyarados! Use Bite!" Long Yi cheered up. At this time, Gyarados' escape is an overwhelming advantage!


With a sound like steel hitting, the sharp teeth wrapped in thick black air bit the Night Demon Spirit's shoulder, and the Gyarados swung it forcefully, tearing the Night Demon Spirit's right hand and half of its body off.

Oh Lu!

The night demon endured the pain, and the remaining left hand glowed with golden lightning, and it punched the Gyarados in the jaw.

Lightning fist?
Do not!

The powerful electric current permeating the fist suddenly exploded in the sound of Akasaka Ken's command, like a high-voltage electric bomb!

Akasaka family's secret technique - Thunder Fist!

This is an improved Thunderbolt Fist. It not only has the lethality of the electric system, but also increases the physical explosion damage. It can be effective even against ground-type elves. It is a real secret skill!

This blow caused great damage to the Gyarados.

But at the same time, the attack from Lux, who counteracted the Shadow Fist, also arrived. The powerful mental shock made the Night Demon's body blur for a while. This trick of directly attacking the soul is more effective than crushing it.

The lobster soldiers escaped, Coco Dora and Bobo escaped, and the body fixation method eliminated them.

The night demon is already at the end of its battle!
Akasaka Sword remained unmoved, and the circle bear around him slapped Fei Longyi's Flying Mantis with a palm, roaring and spraying out another destructive death light.

"Use to predict the future!"

The Night Demon scattered all his remaining superpowers into the air, the blades of grass fluctuated, and the surroundings seemed to be different from before.

Then, he fell under the siege of Long Yi elves.

The Lizard King died; the Night Demon and the Thunder Spirit were dying, and the Big Rock Snake was seriously injured.

In front of the sword of Akasaka, there was only a circle bear and a duck-billed fire dragon left, and it became more and more difficult for these two elves to resist the more powerful attack.

"You have no chance, Akasaka Sword." Long Yi walked over with the knife, his Gyarados had recovered from its injuries under the treatment of Lux.

A knife stabbed into the body of the Night Demon Spirit, and a cold light suddenly appeared on Mo Yan's body, and the Night Demon Spirit became more and more transparent, and finally disappeared completely.

Then came Thunder Spirit and Big Rock Snake.

After that, even the last duck-billed fire dragon and circle bear died under Long Yi's knife.

Spirits of Akasaka Sword - All Destroyed!
Long Yi put Mo Yan on Akasaka Jian's neck, and the 9 elves around him watched intently.

To be honest, he never thought he would kill so many elves, or in just a few 10 minutes.

But Akasaka Sword has already moved to kill, Long Yi dare not keep his elves, not even one.

"You won." Akasaka Kendao, "Kill me."

"I..." Long Yi hesitated.


This is murder!

A real person!

"Why, dare not?" Jian Akasaka sneered, "I have looked down on you since the first time I saw you. A lucky piece of trash! Even if your strength is getting stronger and stronger, I still look down on you. Without the elves , Without the special ability that makes the elves stronger quickly, you are nothing!"

"Come on! Kill me! Don't you want to save your little girlfriend? Do it!"

"You think I dare not?" Long Yi roared.

But his hands were shaking.

"Time is running out." Ken Akasaka said so calmly.

There are less than 10 minutes left before the one-hour deadline.


"Help me save Rei!" Ken Akasaka closed his eyes.

"Okay, I promise you." Long Yi gritted his teeth, turned his head sideways, and pressed down the blade.

Blood gushed out from the wound on Akasaka Ken's neck uncontrollably, and then no drop was absorbed by the blade.

"Li, I'm sorry, brother can't protect you anymore." Akasaka Ken's eyes gradually lost focus, and then his body limply fell down.

Long Yi breathed heavily with difficulty, as if a pair of invisible hands were pinching his neck.

After a long time, he barely calmed down the fear of killing someone for the first time, took out his mobile phone, and sent a text message to the murderer.

"I won."

"Very good." The other side replied quickly.

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(End of this chapter)

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