Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 179: Violet Gym Challenge

Chapter 179 The Violet Gym Challenge ([-])
Oh Lu!Oh loo oh loo!
The Lightning Beast was the closest and had the most water on its body. It shook its head, looking a little irritable.

Long nodded: "The speed is not bad, are there other tricks?"

He commented in a condescending tone, as if he was the real Gym Master, while Ishida Yamato on the opposite side was just an ordinary challenger.

"Damn it!" Ishida Yamato gritted his teeth.

Who is he?
He is a genius trainer in Violet City!
When he was a teenager, Ishida Yamato won the first prize in a trainer competition held by Zijin City, and became famous all over the city!

Then he was first accepted as a disciple by Mr. Tiexuan, the owner of Zijin Gymnasium, and after a few years of teaching, he traveled to various places in Fengyuan.

Ishida Yamato also participated in the Saiyu Tournament in Hoenn area last year and won the top 4!
Such a genius trainer, after fighting for several years, returned to his hometown for the first battle, would he be educated by someone younger than himself?

Tolerable or unbearable!
Ishida Yamato was completely enraged by Long Yi, and ordered loudly: "Thunder Beast, use Thunder!"

The dazzling thunder went straight up to the sky, and a dark cloud appeared above the Thunder Beast's head. The dark cloud expanded rapidly under the nourishment of the electric current and fire water, and there were streaks of lightning in and out of it, like thunder snakes.

Thunder, the ultimate electric-type trick, possesses terrifying destructive power and area-of-effect damage. The only flaw is that it consumes a lot of energy and has a low hit rate.

But Ishida Yamato is very confident. The Lightning Beast is one of the elves who master the trick of thundering best. This is an innate talent!

He can guarantee that even if Kirulian on the opposite side uses teleportation, he won't be able to avoid this blow!
Long Yi looked at him.

Unlike the irritated Ishida Yamato, he has always been in the calmness of a bystander, and all his tone and expression are deliberately shown in order to experiment with the newly learned battle psychology.

When the onlookers and Tie Xuan were immersed in the Thunder Beast's powerful lightning strike, what Long Yi saw was Ishida Yamato's confidence.

Lux shouldn't be able to avoid this trick.

This thought flashed through his mind, and he simply refused to let Lacus dodge, and instead ordered: "Use the light wall."


At the same time as the thunder fell, a transparent wall of light appeared above Kirulian's head.

The lightning struck the light wall, and even though the seemingly fragile transparent barrier was bent and sunken under the attack of the thunder, it did not shatter, but held on tenaciously.

The Thunder Beast's thunder was blocked by the front!

"How is it possible!" Ishida Yamato was full of disbelief, this was simply the greatest denial of his ten years of hard work!
Taking advantage of the moment when Thunder Beast and Ishida Yamato lost their minds, Lux teleported away from the original place, and then the light wall that lost its follow-up power was broken.

However, at this time, Lux had teleported to the top of the Lightning Beast's head. It stretched out one hand, spread its fingers, and purple energy shone.

The ultimate move of the super power system - mental force!
The powerful superpower ignored the Thunder Beast's physical defense and directly hit its heart, and then Lux used the Magic Leaf Slash while the Thunder Beast lost consciousness for a short time. Countless magic leaves cut its body into scars.

The air in front of Lux trembled like ripples, which was the result of powerful superpowers interfering with reality.

The ultimate move of the super power system - mental shock!
"Alright, Lacus, come back." Long Yi said suddenly.

Lax tilted her head, then dissipated the mental shock from her hand, and teleported back to Long Yi's side.

Oh Lu~
Until this time, Thunder Beast had still recovered from the attack of mental force, but the double injuries of body and mind had made it breathless and extremely exhausted.

"Admit defeat, there is nothing shameful about this, but what a true trainer should do." Long Yi said sincerely.

This sentence is also what many gym owners like to say to challengers, and it is very compelling.

Given the physical condition of the thunderbolt beast at this moment, it would be a waste of injury to continue, unless it can explode like the protagonist's elf.

But that would also do great damage to the elf itself, but it won't be exposed for a short time.

"Indeed, the Lightning Beast is not suitable for continuing to fight." Ishida Yamato said, lowering his head and taking the Lightning Beast back.

His bangs covered his eyes, making it difficult for people to see clearly what the man was looking like at this moment.

But the impact of this move on those around it is obviously huge.

"That young man is so strong, even Ishida Yamato is no match for him!"

"We've lost two games in a row. Is the level of our trainers in Zijin City really that bad?"

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand the gap between trainers. Even most trainers can't understand who is stronger than whom before fighting.

Tie Xuan understood, this was the intuition brought to him by decades of training as a trainer.

Long Yi's Lux is not so strong that Yamato's elves can't resist, but through ingenious coping, making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses, she has brought out 150% of her elf's combat power.

In contrast, Yamato and himself were tied up in the battle, and they didn't play at the level they should have at all.

For example, those few electromagnetic guns that failed, such as a naughty bomb that was defeated in a face-to-face encounter.

[What a terrible trainer, are all the young people so good now? 】

Tie Xuan silently thought in his heart, he who was crushed by Long Yi finally regained the experience brought to him by the years, instead of messing around like a child.

Compared with winning or losing, Tie Xuan was more worried about his disciples.

【Yamato! 】

"Although I don't want to say that, I must admit that you are a formidable opponent, and the Purple Cordyce Gym may really be too weak for you."

Ishida Yamato raised his head, his expression returned to calm, and with an indomitable determination to move forward.

That power is called responsibility!
"But our battle is not over yet! Bet on the reputation of Zijin Gymnasium! Come on, my last and most trusted partner!"

A bolt of lightning fell, and a fat orange-yellow electrical rat appeared on the sidewalk.

Electric elf - Raichu!
"Good!" Tie Xuan couldn't help but praise, "This is my Tie Xuan's disciple!"

Long Yi was taken aback.

【recovered. 】

Step by step, he caused Ishida Yamato to fall into a rage, but now, the opponent regained his composure and walked out of that rage.

Not only that, but he also has a sense of mission and responsibility, which will allow him and his elves to exert more strength than usual.

[Is it self-defeating? 】

Long Yi reflected.

After all, his grasp of the psychology of battle is not so proficient.If the master trainer who taught him this course was in his position, then he would be deliberately counter-killed after Lux severely injured the Thunder Beast, showing his weakness to the enemy.Then use the second elf to quickly end the battle, leaving Ishida Yamato with no chance to wake up.

"Lax." Long glanced at Lacus, who appeared again.

"Raichu, this is a battle that cannot be lost, do you understand?" Ishida Yamato said, and Raichu nodded.

"Okay, let's go, use Lightning Fist!"

Lei Lei~
Although this Raichu looked bloated and obese, its speed was not too slow. A flash of lightning came in front of Lux, and the right fist that was shining with lightning came down hard.

"Teleport out of the way."

Lacus appeared behind Raichu, but at this moment, a black shadow flashed past and sent Lacus flying.

It's Raichu's tail!

"That's it, use one hundred thousand volts!" Ishida Yamato shouted.

Lei Lei!

The golden thunder burst out from Leiqiu's cheek pouch, and exploded into a powerful hundred thousand volts!
"Teleport away!"

Lux managed to teleport in the inverted flight, dodging Raichu's [-] volts.

"Don't let it get away, use the electric shock!"


This attack was extremely fast, and it landed on Lux almost in the blink of an eye. The paralysis caused by the electric current made her froze for a moment, and then she was knocked unconscious by the punch of Raichu who was stepping on the white light.

"Kirulian lost the ability to fight, Raichu won!" Tie Xuan excitedly announced the result.

(End of this chapter)

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