Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 18 Doubles Match, Korakola's Wrath

Chapter 18 Doubles Match, Korakola's Wrath

In the end, Geng Gui's plan was still in vain, Long Yi's little remaining evil energy did not allow him to use the golden bell profligately.

Of course, Kola Kola got a hearty breakfast, and the little guy was very satisfied.

The first session this morning is the battle class, and what is different from before is that this time the teacher Da Yuanjin set up a 2v2 cooperative battle, and each person has two elves to use.

The teammate assigned by Long Yi is Misa Takagi.

This is obvious, after all, they are at the same table, and Da Yuanjin, who has always looked down on Class C, has never been bothered to divide into groups, and they always line up in order.

Today's Takagi Misa still has that refreshing ponytail, her eyes of the same color as her hair are shining brightly, and her face is full of seriousness and desire for victory.

"Come on, Miyazaki-kun!" she said.

Long Yi in a good mood smiled and said: "Okay, let's win this victory."

Takagi Misa was stunned, she hadn't seen Long Yi's heartfelt smile for a long time, since he subdued that Geng Gui, he smiled less and less, and the communication between the two also became less and less .

Suddenly reacting, the girl's cheeks turned rosy, and she quickly turned her head to cover up her embarrassment.

But in her heart, she still felt sincerely happy with Long Yi's changes.

Long Yi looked at his opponent.

It was a pair of classmates sitting in front of him and Meisha, also a boy and a girl.

The boy is called Minano Hideichi, he is not tall, has dark skin, and I heard that he especially loves flying elves; the girl is called Nohara Yukiko, she is petite and exquisite, not too good-looking, with some freckles on her face, she is usually quite taciturn of.

The personnel are in place, the referee is in place, and the opponent starts.

"Go, my baby!" Minano Shuichi loudly released his elf, a petite but fierce bird with red wings and blown brown feathers.

It's sparrow!The elves, which are very common in the Kanto region, often attack humans in groups. They are notorious but flooded.

Yukiko Nohara seemed to be startled by the deskmate next to her, and then hurriedly released her elf.

It is a cute brown elf with long rabbit-like ears and a huge tail. I heard that its tail is very soft and warm, and it is an ideal object for a pillow.

Odachi, a common and weak elf.

Long Yi and Takagi Misa also released their own spirits, which are Korakola and Katie.

"Game start!"

"Sparrow, fly up, use the peck to attack Korakola!" Nanye Shuichi preemptively struck.

The sparrow croaked and flew into the sky, attacking Korakola straight.Odachi propped his body up with his tail to observe, but his master didn't give an order.

Takagi Misa said: "Katie Dog, use sparks to attack!"

"Rush over!"

Cardi dog spewed a cloud of sparks into the sky, and the sparrow was not afraid, and rushed directly through the group of sparks.

Most of the weak flames were blown away by the wind, and did not cause enough damage to it. The flying energy made its beak glow white, and it pecked at Korakola's stomach.

Long Yi smiled and said, "Lightning Fist."


A punch hit the target, and the sparrow let out a scream to interrupt the attack, and the effect was outstanding!

"You know Lightning Fist!" Minano Hideichi gritted his teeth, and shouted to his deskmate beside him, "Don't just watch, attack!"

"Ah? Oh!" Yukiko Nohara thought for a while, "Odate, use... um, use Lightning Flash."

The lightning speed is very fast, but Long Yi's mouth is even faster.

"Thick bone stick attack!"

Korakola grabbed the sparrow's foot, which was paralyzed by lightning, and then threw it to the ground. He raised his bony club excitedly, but stopped just as he was about to hit it.


It adjusted its posture again, and then gave a loud shout, a golden electric current emerged from the thick bone stick, and it slammed down hard!

"The sparrow loses its ability to fight!" The referee raised his right hand.

"Tch, come back, Sparrow!" Minano Hideichi took out another Poké Ball, "It's you, Long-winged Gull!"

The blue-and-white striped seagull-shaped elf has dual attributes of water and flying, Long Yi is very familiar with it, because it comes from Fengyuan area, Long Yi's hometown.

Minano Hideichi, who aspires to be a bird operator, hates elves who can use electricity-type tricks the most. He already had a premonition that this game would not be won, so instead of using his ace, he released Katie Dog and Korak Longwinged Gull.

"Long-winged Gull, use the water gun on Katy Dog!"

"Think beautifully, Kela Kela, use the Lightning Bone Boomerang!"

The bone boomerang with electric light forced the long-winged gull to give up attack and dodge.

"Leave the Long-winged Gull to me, the rest is fine." Long said to Meisha.

Before that, Katie stopped Odachi who rushed over with a flash of lightning, and the two elves fought together, and Katie had the absolute upper hand.

"no problem!"

"Don't underestimate people, long-winged gull, dodge and rush!"

The long-winged gull makes it difficult for Kola Kola's bone boomerang to hit by quickly crossing left and right, and then uses the water gun to attack in the air after getting close enough.

"Block it!" Long said.

Korakola put the bone stick horizontally in front of his body, and a large amount of water rushed on it, making him feel uncomfortable and a little out of breath.

Water attack, the effect is outstanding!
"What!" Minano Hideichi was taken aback. He had planned to let the long-winged gull dodge the opponent's counterattack, but Kola Kola didn't dodge, but took the damage from the water gun.

At this time, at a position that Nanye Xiuyi couldn't see, there was already a vague aura on Korakola's bone stick, and at the same time, its body was also slightly glowing white.

It's very faint, and with the cover of water splashes, you can't find it if you don't look carefully.

The ultimate trick - Qi gathering!
Long Yi immediately ordered: "It's now, all-out lightning bone boomerang!"


A dazzling electric current bloomed, and the high-speed rotating bone rod smashed through the long-winged gull's water gun like a bamboo, and rushed towards it at high speed.

How strong is Korakola?

Long Yi, this talented Kola Kola possesses strange power, it can swing the Arbor snake that weighs tens of kilograms like a toy, and its strength is stronger than that of many grown-up Ga La Ga La!

"No, long-winged gull, get out of the way!"

The long-winged gull subconsciously stopped the water gun.

It was already too late, the speed of the bone stick that lost the water gun stopped increased, and it hit the long-winged gull's left wing in an instant, and the electric current exploded.

Fractures without a doubt!
The returning bone stick missed the long-winged gull, but it could no longer get up, so Minano Shuichi took it back.

"The long-winged gull loses its ability to fight!"

"Good job, Kela Kela." Long Yi praised, Ke La Kela raised his head proudly, a water gun is not enough to hurt it, at most it is a little uncomfortable.

In another small battlefield, the outcome was almost decided.

"Use the flame cart!"

Katie jumped back out of the battle circle, and then red flames burst out of his body, and he slammed into the panting Wei Li.

The referee raised his right hand at the right time: "Odachi loses the ability to fight!"

"I...I admit defeat." Yukiko Nohara said with red eyes.

Minano Hideki got angry: "Don't you still have elves, take them out and fight!"

He took two steps forward and snatched the poke ball hanging from his waist at the same table, and then threw it on it.

A horned goldfish appeared on the field, flopping about.

Minano Shuichi: "..."

Then he took the horned goldfish back.

The referee looked at Yukiko Nohara: "Yukiko Nohara lost the will to fight, so the winners are Ryuichi Miyazaki and Misa Takagi's team!"

"Look, we won." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Huh~" Takagi Misa made a pleasant nasal sound, and then hugged the Katie dog who ran over into her arms.

Long Yi lowered his head and saw Ke La Ke La holding the bone stick in one hand and putting the other hand in his mouth, looking enviously at Mei Sha and her Katie dog, and then looked up at Long Yi.

"It's impossible, wash up and go to sleep." Long Yi smirked.

Kola Kola: (`へ)
Look at my dog-beating stick method!
Long Yi: "Ah! ——It hurts, don't hit the head!"

(End of this chapter)

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