Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 183 New Year's Eve and Mayu's New Friend

Chapter 183 New Year's Eve and Mayu's New Friend

People in the world of elves attach great importance to the New Year, but they usually clean up at home, and then go to nearby shrines and temples at night to wait for the New Year's bell to ring, and then go home to sleep.

Because of Miyazaki Takashi's reasons, Long Yi's family had to spend this year's New Year's Eve in this remote Zijin City, so there was no way to do the general cleaning.

On the night of December 12, the family waited for the New Year's bell to ring in the largest temple in Zijin City.

Then people went back to their homes, went to bed, and waited for the next morning to share their dreams with their families to speculate on the trend of the new year.

In this way, very plainly, Long Yi passed the first year of coming to this world.

silent night...

The next day, Long Yi got up early.

"good morning Baby."

He sent a message to Meisha who was celebrating the New Year in Kanto.

"Good morning."

Meisha replied with a confused voice, apparently just waking up.

The young couple chatted for a while, and then Long Yi was dragged out of bed by Zhenyou who broke into the room.

"Brother, are you going to fight the battle tower today?" Zhenyu asked anxiously while eating breakfast.

In the past two days, the dragon ran to the battle tower in Zijin City day by day.

Perhaps because of the close of the new year, this Fengyuan famous battle tower gave Long Yi a feeling of depression.

Different from ordinary gymnasiums and schools, the battle tower tests the trainer's own command ability and combat level.

The elves used by all are officially provided, and their strengths are very close. Therefore, if you want to win consecutive victories, it depends entirely on the trainer's understanding of various elves and his own command ability.

However, whether this kind of battle tower is famous or not depends entirely on the organizer's grasp of the strength of the reserve elves, and the average level of the participants.

Anyway, Long Yi hadn't encountered any powerful opponents in the past two days, which made this Violet Battle Tower seem a bit over-the-top.

Long Yi originally wanted to say yes, but when he glanced at his sister, his heart softened, and he changed his words: "I won't go today, what's the matter?"

"Then can you accompany me to a place later?"



"Cough cough." The head of the family, Miyazaki Takashi, pretended to cough.

Zhenyou stuck out her tongue mischievously, and buried her head in the bowl to eat.

After breakfast, Mayu couldn't wait to hold Long Yi's hand, wanting to go out.

Miyazaki Takashi originally wanted to reprimand him, but he thought that this year is the first day of the new year, so he didn't say anything.

"Then we're going out, Dad, and..." Long glanced at Mieko, and the other three people in the room were all looking at him, "Mom."

"Okay, okay." Mieko cried with joy.

Miyazaki Takashi sighed, held Mieko's hand, looked at Ryuichi with complicated eyes, and said, "Go, be careful, don't cause trouble."

"Okay." Long Yi took his younger sister Mayu's hand and walked out of the door, the moment the door closed, there was faintly suppressed crying from behind.

Mayu looked very happy, her round face was like a sunflower in full bloom.

Walking out of Zijin Hotel, Long Yi stopped, looked at his sister beside him: "Tell me, Mayu, where do you want to take me."

"Hehe, I knew I couldn't hide it from my brother." Mayu smiled, and hugged Long Yi's arm coquettishly, "Actually, it's a new friend I made, she said her brother is a very good trainer, and then I told him She said my brother did too, but she didn't believe it, so..."

"So you want to pull me over to compete with her brother?" Long Yi completed what Zhenyou hadn't finished.

Long Yi didn't bother to ask how he made this new friend, the feelings between little girls always come very quickly.

"Hmm!" Mayu nodded heavily.

"Then let's compare by the way, whose elder brother is stronger?" Long Yi said again.

Feeling a little embarrassed now, she blushed and lowered her head, giving a soft 'hmm'.

"Okay, I promise."

Although it's a joking comparison among little girls, Long Yi doesn't mind having an elf battle if it can make his younger sister really happy.

"Yeah—I know that brother is the best~"

Zhenyou hugged Long Yi and kissed him hard on the face.

"Let's go, I made an appointment with her to meet in the park."

This park is not far from Zijin Hotel, only a few hundred meters away.That's why Mayu was able to make friends with that little girl.

The brother and sister held hands and walked to the park with easy steps.

The area of ​​this park is not large. There is a small artificial lake in the center. A path has been laid around the artificial lake. Next to it are flat grass and some trees. Of course, they are all bare now.

Since it was the first day of the new year, there were not many people in the park, so Long Yi saw a man and a woman standing by the lake at a glance.

The woman was about the same age as Mayu, wearing an orange down jacket, ear muffs, and gloves, but her lower body was a black miniskirt and trousers, and her feet were small red leather shoes.

The man should be a little older than himself, in his early twenties, with a crew cut, even in winter, he only wore a black sweater and brown leather jacket, and casual trousers on his lower body.

"True! Here, here!" The girl waved her hand and greeted loudly, at the same time the man beside her looked at Long Yi.

It's a rather stressful, scrutinizing gaze.

Mayu and Long Yi walked over quickly.

"Oona, this is my brother Long Yi~"

"This is my brother, Kazuno!"

The two little girls gave a brief introduction.

Long Yi looked at the man named Yi Ye.

"Hello, my name is Miyazaki Ryuichi, my sister has caused you trouble." Long Yi stretched out his hand.

The reason why he agreed to his younger sister Zhenyou's coming was also to see if her new friend was a serious person.

"It's on my side. My name is Jingtian Yiye, and I'm Oona's elder brother." The other party stretched out his hand to hold Long Yi together.

Long Yi used a little bit of force, but he didn't expect that the man who called himself Jing Tian Yiye had strong hands.

The two of them may have just wanted to test it a little at first, but in the end they used more and more strength. Although the expressions on their faces could not be seen, the muscles in their arms were bulging and trembling slightly.

"Excellent." Jing Tian Yiye's hand trembled suddenly, and he forcibly separated from Long Yi.

"You're not bad either." Long Yi said.

This person has practiced!

Originally thought it was just an ordinary little girl's bragging, at most a little level, but now Long Yi doesn't see it that way.

The physical fitness of ordinary people is not so good!
"Then, fight?" Long Yi said.

Jingtian Yiye nodded: "Okay, how about winning or losing in one game?"

"Okay." Long Yi said he had no objection.

The two little girls held hands and pushed aside, each working hard to cheer for their brother.

Long Yi and Jing Tian Yiye looked at each other with a smile, and each stepped back a little.

"Go, Tyrannosaurus!"

The 7-meter-long Gyarados fell into the artificial lake, making waves and roaring, which shocked two little girls who had never seen such a ferocious elf.

"It's... scary!" Jingtian Oona's expression changed, and she almost cried from fright.

Mayu was also taken aback, but because it was Long Yi's elf, and for the sake of face, he pretended to be calm and said: "That... of course! This is my brother's elf!"

"This Gyarados..." Jing Tian Yiye observed for a while, silently put back the poke ball in his hand, and then took out another one.

"Go, giant marsh monster!"

The giant marsh monster with a height of 1.5 meters landed in front of Jingtian Yiye, and the huge gap in size made Oona lose confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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