Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 187 Fierce Battle at Corydal University!

Chapter 187 Fierce Battle at Corydal University!


Long Yi was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the super rifle in his hand, there were 5 jet-black bullets in the magazine, and there were quite a few of them.

"what happened?"

The rest of the room looked over.

Jing Tianyiye strode over, looked out the window, and a huge black object suddenly rushed into the sky amidst the smoke and dust.

"Everyone is in a fighting state! Our guests are here!"

Long Yi took a look, it was a fire-breathing dragon, its body was covered with black armor, it could be said that it was armed to the teeth.

The ground trembled, and another black monster stepped out of the smoke and sprinted towards the Science and Technology Museum.

Boss Cordora, a ground monster more terrifying than Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus!

Its body is also covered with jet-black armor, and it is thicker and heavier than the armor on the sky fire-breathing dragon!
Then another elf wearing exoskeleton armor rushed out of the smoke and dust. It was a beast-shaped elf running on all fours, and in the blink of an eye, it surpassed Boscodora, who appeared earlier.

Moo! ~
A familiar mooing sound from a cow made Long Yi confirm the identity of this elf—Kentaro!

The exoskeleton armor on this Kentaro is even thinner than that of the Charizard in the sky, but special joints are installed on the limbs. While Kentaro is running, this design can make it run faster. Save effort!

The menacing Kentaro slammed into the wall of the Science and Technology Museum, and a ripple spread from the impact point. The entire Science and Technology Museum immediately shook violently, and a large amount of dust fell from the ceiling.

"what happened?"

"what happened!"

"Boss, now is not the time to talk about this. For your safety, please leave this building with me immediately!"

The walls were cracked and the lights were flickering. A group of people who were listening to Akiichi Furuno's speech left immediately under the escort of their respective drivers and bodyguards. At the same time, Long Yi and members of the combat team of the Zijin City Special Police Brigade also left.

Kentaro's forelimbs were raised high, and then he stepped down hard.

The ground trembled for a moment, and a terrible crack spread from its feet, and the gushing air cut the entire Science and Technology Museum into two halves, and then...


The ultimate trick of the ground system - the ground crack!
"Get rid of that Kentaro!"

Jing Tianyi gave an order, and more than a dozen members of the combat team commanded their elves to swarm up and surround the Kentaro.

"Swamp Leap Fish, use mud bombs!"

"Big wolfhound, use the shadow ball!"

"Coal turtle, use jet flame!"

The tricks of various attributes fell on Kentaro. The latter lowered his head. The exoskeleton armor coated with special paint on his body helped him resist the damage. It's like the night didn't rest.

Kentaro suddenly burst into trouble, a sudden attack knocked a coal turtle out, and then the three flexible tails instantly turned steel-like silver-gray, entwining a Hula who wanted to attack from behind.


The heavy foot broke Huola's ribs, and a wave of healing fell on Huola, but it could only relieve its pain.

Jing Tianyi frowned, and released his giant marsh monster.

"Use brute force to subdue it!"

The giant swamp monster leaped towards Kentaro, but although the Kentaro fell into extreme anger, he still didn't lose all his sanity, and resolutely gave up and seriously injured Yula, avoiding the pressure of the giant marsh monster.


Under the action of the powerful qi, Kentaro's speed accelerated to his peak in just a few seconds, and he slammed headfirst into the waist and abdomen of the giant swamp monster.


Jingtian Yiye's giant marsh monster is bold and bold, neither dodging nor dodging, stretched out his hands in the fierce battle, and accurately grabbed the horns on Kentaro's head.

Brute force!

The muscles on the giant bog monster bulged one by one, and the huge strength endowed by the unique move abruptly resisted Kentaro's charge, and even pushed back a step.

Long Yi saw the opportunity and directly pressed the trigger.

A pitch-black bullet hit Kentaro's buttocks, and a large amount of black ice energy exploded, freezing most of Kentaro's body, and his eyes were confused for a while.


With a roar, the giant swamp monster forcefully knocked Kentaro to the ground, stretched out his hand, and the armor on his neck was torn off by brute force.


"Roger that!"

A giant claw crab climbed up to Kentaro, stretched out its huge pincers, and clamped it hard!

Blood splattered.

"Finally dead." Jingtian Yiye breathed a sigh of relief.

The defensive power of this exoskeleton armor is stronger than he imagined, but fortunately, it is just a dead thing after all, and how much it can play depends on the elf wearing the armor.

That Kentaro, in addition to being a little stronger, has a little more power, that's all.

"But the remaining two won't be so easy to deal with."

The pitch-black fire-breathing dragon hovered in the sky, and the heavily armed Boss Kedora approached with heavy steps.

"Furuno Mingichi! You despicable thief, do you think that a few people from the Zijin City SWAT team can protect you? Dreaming!!!"

There is a loudspeaker on Boscodora's body, from which the angry voices of the Zone guards come out.

"Nonsense, I invented this myself!" Furuno shouted angrily, but the students and businessmen around him all looked at him suspiciously.

Whether it's shape or performance, the exoskeleton armor worn by the elves attacked here is too similar to what he introduced!
Guard Zone obviously had no interest in arguing with Akiichi Furuno on this issue: "Charizard, use the jet flame!"

The fire-breathing dragon hovering in the sky received an order, and immediately folded its wings and swooped down at a high speed.

"Everyone, be on guard!" Kazuno Keita yelled, "Miyazaki, can you knock it down?"

The super bullet of Desperate Black Ice can definitely freeze this fire-breathing dragon.

"No, it's too fast, I can't hit it." Long Yi simply shook his head.

Except for touching the gun twice during the military training at the university, he has never touched it since then, so one can imagine the accuracy.

Jing Tianyi moved his mouth, wanting to give Long a super rifle to the sharpshooter of the special police team, but he still didn't say anything because of his background.

The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth, a little red star lit up from the depths of its throat, and then turned into a crimson flame and swept down.

When passing through the mouth, a special device on the exoskeleton armor constricted the sprayed flames, making the scattered flames more concentrated, like a whip with solidified flames.

"Giant Claw Crab, use Crab Fist!"

"Swamp Leap Fish, use mud bombs!"

"The giant marsh monster, use the water cannon!"

In terms of strength, this fire-breathing dragon is even worse than Jingtian Yiye's giant marsh monster. However, with the increase of the exoskeleton armor, its jet flames pierced through the crab fist of the giant claw crab and the mud of the marsh jumping fish successively. Explosive bomb, and then persisted for a few seconds under the water bubble of the giant marsh monster before being forced to retreat.

Water cannon, flying leaf blade, shadow ball.

All kinds of tricks attacked the fire-breathing dragon, its wings suddenly opened, and gusts of air flowed out from the special holes in the armor under the wings, instantly raising the height of the fire-breathing dragon and dodging this wave of attacks.

Long Yi suddenly shot at Boshi Kedora in the distance, because the steady hands he acquired through martial arts training allowed him to have a good aim when facing such a fixed target.

Click click!

The dark ice blocks Boscodola, but red lines suddenly lit up in the dark ice, and then a large amount of water vapor rose up, and the ice was melting rapidly!
"It's useless, that heavy armor must be equipped with a heating system, which can instantly generate a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and the threat of ice is very low to it." Furuno Mingichi said.

He seemed to have aged a lot suddenly, and he no longer looked as energetic as before, and the people around him also silently distanced themselves from the old man.

Just as he said, the ice formed by the desperate black ice bullet was quickly melted by the heat, and the angry voice of the Zone guard came from the loudspeaker: "Attack! Tear them apart!"


Boscodora remained motionless.

Long Yi suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, before my bullets run out, you don't need to worry about that Boscodora."

Perhaps the heating device can indeed melt the ice, but the impact of the black ice of despair on the soul and spirit needs to be borne by Boscodora himself.

Long took a look at the bullet.

There are 3 rounds left.

 I'm back!
  Do you guys miss me?

(End of this chapter)

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