Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 194 Bibi Bird and Alternate

Chapter 194 Bibi Bird and Alternate
Evolution, the most important thing in every elf's life!
The white light dissipated, and a vigorous Bibi bird hovered in the sky.

Compared with Bobo, Bibi has a larger body and sharper beak and claws. On the basis of the original monotonous body color, there are more colorful tail feathers and top feathers, and the shape is much more heroic.

Since this evolution is the most common evolution mode, Long Yi's Bibi Bird did not have any special abilities, and its appearance was exactly the same as that of an ordinary Bibi Bird—except that it was much bigger.

Long Yi called up Bibi Bird's information immediately.

7. Bibi Bird: Bibi Bird is very well developed, and his abilities in all aspects are far superior to Tongji!
Elf Race: Bibi Bird
Status: healthy
Age: 1 years old
Personality: Lively

Amity: 200 (purple)
Evolution progress: 80% of flight-type energy, 80% of normal-type energy, 60% of steel-type energy; 80% of physique.

"Steel type? Bibi Bird, have you learned that move yet?" Long Yi asked suddenly.

Hearing the words, the bibi bird in the sky uttered a loud and clear cry, and the sound rushed into the sky like a sharp whistle, arousing a large wave in the forest.

The Bibi bird suddenly accelerated, steel-like silver emerged from its wings, and then lightly slid across the branches of a big tree.

No slamming, no knocking.

Like a sharp steel knife falling, the branch cut off without a sound and fell to the ground.

Wings of Steel!
"Okay, you really learned this trick!" Long Daxie.

The attack methods of elves like Bibibird are relatively monotonous, usually body impact and flying energy strikes. However, these two have little effect when facing rock-type elves with outstanding defenses and restrain themselves, and are at a great disadvantage.

The appearance of Steel Wings made up for Bibi Bird's weakness in this aspect.

Although it is not necessary for Bibi Bird to fight elves with these attributes, it is hard to say that he will not encounter them in the future.

Matsumoto Xiaoxuan watched from the side with his eyes shining: "Strong! So strong! Long Yi, your bibi bird is probably stronger than some weak bibi birds! It's just evolved!"

"As long as you lay a solid foundation, your Bobo can do the same." Long Yi said.

Matsumoto Xiaoxuan shook his head: "No, although many people know this truth, it is too difficult to really do it. Resist the temptation of evolution and carry out training with weaker and weaker effects. One day you will not be able to resist."

What's more, in many cases, even if the trainer does not want the essence, the elves will actively or passively violate their will, which is also a difficulty.

"Then I can't help it." Together, Long looked at Bibi Bird, "Bibi Bird, show me the new skills you have learned after evolution."

Bibi Bird demonstrates one by one.

It doesn't have many newly learned tricks, one is Steel Wing, the other is Tailwind, and the other is Storm.

Tailwind is an auxiliary trick, which allows Bibi to blend into the wind better, greatly improving speed and dodging ability, combined with lightning flash, swallow back and high-speed movement, it is completely hard to defend against.

Most importantly, Shunfeng is also one of the magic skills of the flying system!

The elves who have learned to follow the wind are more sensitive to the energy of the flying system, and they will improve faster. Frequent integration into the wind will allow the elves to better control the energy of the flying system, and it will be easier to learn the unique skills of the flying system.

The other move, Storm, is an advanced skill of Gale Storm.

The flying energy in Bibi Bird's body is much stronger than Bobo's, so it has enough energy to create a storm and set off a hurricane. The destructive power is terrible, and it is one of the ultimate tricks in the flying system.

"Not bad, not bad." Long Yi was very satisfied with Bibi Bird's performance.

This kind of elf is a bit unpretentious, but specialization does not mean that it is not strong, and the final evolution Bi Diao is definitely the most powerful elf among all bird elves!
In addition to the newly learned tricks, due to the surge of energy in the body and the increase in strength and speed after evolution, the power of some tricks that Bibi Bird has already known before has also been strengthened.

For example, Air Slash, Flash of Lightning, Swallow Return, etc., are much more powerful.

After a period of time, Long Yi slowed down Bibibird's training, letting it focus on getting familiar with the new body and new strength after evolution.

At the same time, the pressure on others such as Flying Mantis and Lobster Minions has increased a lot.

After all, apart from the Flying Mantis, the other ones that haven't evolved have gradually been unable to keep up with Long Yi's footsteps.

The days passed, and the time soon came to March [-]rd.

What is March [-]rd?
This is a special day. On the earth, March [-]rd refers to the time when the festival of ghosts begins, and it is also the beginning of the night tour of the Japanese Hyakki.

Then day by day, the ghost festival and the human world overlap more and more, until the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when the gates of ghosts are wide open and ghosts walk at night.

In the world of elves, March [-]rd also has a similar special meaning.

But this day is not the day when the so-called ghost world is opened, but the day when a breath of the gate of death and terror spreads in the main world, attracting the gathering of dead souls and monsters from all over the world.

On July [-]th, the gate of death and terror opens, creating a suction force, which will suck all these undead, evil spirits, and monsters into the Bitter Swamp.

It is precisely because of this that the period from March [-]rd to July [-]th is the time when people see ghosts and ghosts most frequently. After July [-]th, similar encounters will be much less.

But this year's March [-]rd has another special meaning for Long Yi.

This is the day when his arbo snake begins the rune ritual!

At night, Long Yi drew a snow girl on a piece of paper according to the steps of the Rune ritual, and then put it into a careful refrigerator with a bowl of snow inside.

Snow, on behalf of the Snow Girl.

In the following 99 days, Long Yi needed to draw 99 different portraits of monsters, and also prepare items that could represent such monsters.

Then on the hundredth day, all these things were moved to the side of the road to create a fake Hyakki Night Walk.

This false Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts will allow the Gate of Death and Terror to actively communicate here, and then the elves mixed in it can communicate with this legendary 'Gate of Hell'.

And because the elf is not dead, it is a living life, and it will not be sucked into the bitter swamp, which can be said to be a ghostly idea.

"I don't know how strong the fear demon created in this way will be." Long Yi put the snow girl's paper and snow in the refrigerator, looking forward to it.

He had already prepared all the materials before, and now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Because of preparing for the Rune Ritual, Long Yi didn't plan to do any adventures, closed special training, etc. during this period, he just trained, studied, made friends, etc. step by step every day.

The days passed day by day, before July [-]th came, Long Yi waited for the graduation day first.

Graduation season is always sad. One by one, the seniors and sisters in the third grade said goodbye to their familiar friends. Most of them actually did not come to the island of training after the annual vacation, but there are always some nostalgia.

There are those who drink and revel, those who buy and sell goods, and those who are reluctant to leave.

The whole island seems to be filled with the smell of reluctance.

But soon, the freshman welcome party in early April diluted the trace of residual sadness.

This year's trainer academy recruits don't seem to be as good as they used to be, perhaps because of the previous Rockets attack.

The number of new students in class A and class B has dropped significantly, but the number of new students in class C has not decreased but increased compared to previous years.

Whenever he sees those juniors who are enthusiastic about everything, Long Yi seems to see himself when he just crossed over to this world.

"Are you Miyazaki Ryuichi?"

One day, a man with short blue hair found Long Yi.

 A friend's mother was brainwashed by pyramid schemes, and then lied to him, and escaped today by jumping off the building, scaring us half to death
  I would like to advise everyone to stay away from pyramid schemes and cherish family affection

(End of this chapter)

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