Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 223 Secret Technique - Dead or Alive!

Chapter 223 Secret Technique - Dead or Alive!
Igarashi Kurosawa walked like a tiger, and stood where Ayumi Inoue had just been.

He is close to two meters tall, with a majestic build, and his muscles can't be concealed in Xia Tian. He is like a fighter, forming two opposite extremes with the handsome and thin monk Kukai on the opposite side.

However, only those who are familiar with Kurosawa know that he possesses wisdom that is completely opposite to his appearance.

"How do you want to compare?" Kukai monk asked.

Kurosawa took out his poke ball: "It's very simple. I have a unique trick that I created myself. It is the crystallization of my ten years of accumulation! But you people, you are talking about secret skills, special moves, and elements all day long!" Things like that make me very upset."

Kurosawa looked at the elf ball in his hand tenderly, raised his head and smiled, showing eight white teeth: "Let's compare, the power of my unique move! Let your Thorn Dragon King take my elf's move, next, you win; If I can't take it, I win."

It is also a trick to determine the outcome!

It's just that Benjamin's comparison before, Benjila can both attack and defend; and the comparison proposed by Kurosawa, the Thorn Dragon King can only passively accept it, and it is more inclined to test the defense ability of the Thorn Dragon King.

Kurosawa's handsome expressionless face made it hard to guess what he was thinking, but when faced with Kurosawa's challenge, he calmly nodded and agreed.

"it is good."

"Come on, Tanabata blue bird!"

The elegant and beautiful Tanabata blue bird spreads its cloud-like wings and flies into the sky.

"An evil organization once did an experiment. They tied up a person, put a blindfold on him, and told him to cut his wrist with a knife and let him bleed to death."

"Then they slashed the man's wrist with the back of the knife, without actually cutting the wound, but imitated the sound of blood dripping with the sound of a basin of water dripping into a bucket."

"A moment later, the man died. Those evil scientists dissected him and found that all the reactions of his body were the same as the symptoms of massive blood loss!"

"From this they came to a conclusion that the mind can affect the body and even cause death! I don't know if this experiment is true, but I know that extreme fear can indeed cause death."

Kurosawa showed a panicky smile, and slowly put the special earplugs into his ears.

"Sing, Tanabata blue bird."

After the sound fell, the Tanabata blue bird raised its slender neck and let out a high-pitched and beautiful cry.

Singing is the most versatile trick. Singing with different emotions can get different results, and the Tanabata Blue Bird, who is naturally good at singing and full of emotions, is even better at it.

The sound of this song is different from any song Long Yi has ever heard before, and it makes people feel excited, like a general beheading the general and capturing the flag, winning a complete victory; For the rain; as if the emperor ruled the world and ruled the mountains and rivers!
You will be at the top of Ling Jue Ding, and you will see all the mountains and small mountains!

A strong sense of pride, satisfaction, conceit, and loneliness arises spontaneously, like a bolt of lightning, just hitting the heart of the Thorn Dragon King who just broke through the element level and defeated Bangira strongly!

The timing, mood, and occasion are perfect!
The Thorny Dragon King spit out two bubbles in the water, his eyes glistened, his figure fluttered in the water, and he was instantly captured by the singing.

"Whoever says singing must use lullabies to hypnotize people." Kurosawa smiled with satisfaction.

This song is impassioned and impassioned. If it is any opponent, it will only make the opponent's blood boil and burst into a stronger combat power. However, it is used on the Thorn Dragon King who cannot attack and can only defend. Coupled with its unique experience, it instantly makes the opponent feel more powerful. are immersed in it.

And this kind of super sense of substitution is like a person in a daze, and it can completely achieve the same result as falling asleep.

"So what." Kukai was unmoved.

"Act Two, Echo, there is no way ahead of you."

Kurosawa's voice fell, and the high-spirited song of the Tanabata Blue Bird gradually eased. At the same time, the second and third lower voices appeared in the throat, as if people came to the empty mountain valley, and the singing echoed repeatedly.

"Using two voice tricks at the same time, his trick is already on the threshold of secret skills." Jingchuan Tiangong said so at the VIP seat.

The reason why secret skills are different from ordinary tricks is mainly composed of two aspects.

The first is irreproducibility.

The second is power.

If the power is not even comparable to the ultimate ultimate move and the ultimate secret technique among ordinary ultimate moves, then the value is not enough, and naturally there is no need to list it separately as a secret skill.

As for non-reproducibility, it means that all secret techniques contain special skills and knowledge.You can't learn a trick just by watching it, even if you watch it many times.

At this time, Kurosawa's self-created "Death or Life" has already appeared a unique special technique. As long as the power reaches a certain bottom line, it will naturally be recognized as a new secret technique.

After entering the second act, the artistic conception brought by the singing has completely changed. The proud, conceited and conceited Billy has decreased, his loneliness has increased, and there is even a little more irritability.

It's like a general who is victorious in all battles, but after the world is peaceful, there are no battles to fight, and heroes have no place to fight; a counselor who counts everything is jealous by the emperor in the end, and can only plow the fields; the emperor who unified the world has already reached the bottom of the pyramid. At the top of the tower, the mind is tortured by a large number of daily performances, there is no way out, and the ambitions of the past are exhausted.

Hearing the thorn dragon king's ears, let it meet him invincible in advance, look around, no goal, surrounded by a strong sense of loneliness, and feel that it will be difficult to find an opponent for the rest of his life.

"How come Kurosawa's death or life is so powerful this time?" Long Yi was a little surprised.

He still remembers the first time he saw this unique move, not only did Gala Gala, who was fighting against the Qixi Blue Bird, fall into the illusion woven by his own emotions, but even himself and the few people watching were caught in the trick.

But now, not to mention other people, even Kukai was only slightly affected by the singing, and there was no sign of hallucinations at all.

"The third act, shadow clones, singing in rounds, the world is going downhill!" Kurosawa's death or life is still going on.

The Tanabata blue bird on the field suddenly used its shadow clone and separated into four phantoms.These four phantoms stare much more than ordinary shadow clones, and they look lifelike, as if there are five Tanabata blue birds at the same time.

At the same time, the singing of the Tanabata Blue Birds changed again, one of them became low and lonely, then the second, third, fourth and fifth!

The five Tanabata bluebirds sang in turn with a time difference, causing a chorus phenomenon. Although there was no increase in the echo, the penetration of the Thorn Dragon King's emotions was more than a step faster!
The rivers and rivers are declining, and you are getting old!

In the phantom of the Thorn Dragon King, although it became the strongest elf in the world step by step, it lost its goal and was at a loss.

However, at this time, Kukai, who had grown stronger step by step, was getting old, unable to withstand the ravages of time after all, and left it.

Without Kukai, although the world is huge, it has no attraction for the Thorn Dragon King. A strong emptiness fills its heart. For the first time, suicide arose in the heart of this "invincible" elf. thought.

Feedback to reality, that is, the eyes of the Thorn Dragon King suddenly dimmed, the water polo floating in the air suddenly scattered and fell to the ground, and the Thorn Dragon King himself fell on the field, his chest heaved, and he looked out of breath.

However, even so, it still shows no signs of waking up.

"Huh?" Kukai's expression changed.

The Thorn Dragon King itself can leave the water for a short time, but only if it is in a conscious state. Leaving the water when it is unconscious is like an ordinary fish leaving the water, and will soon die of suffocation.

It stands to reason that the desire to survive is rooted deep in the soul. If an ordinary hypnotized elf encounters life-threatening danger, there is a high probability that he will be awakened by being stimulated. However, the death or life of Kurosawa made the Dragon King himself The thought of suicide was born, and this thought was perceived by the body, so even though it gradually felt suffocated, it showed no sign of waking up.

Manipulate emotions, affect the body!
This is exactly the strength of Kurosawa's unique move 'Death or Alive'!

"On this point, his tricks have reached the standard of secret skills." Jingchuan Tiangong was amazed.

A new, and very hard to defend against, attack trick!

On the side, Master Wuhui had an ugly complexion, faintly darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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