Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 295 Secret Techniques and Elements and Letters

Chapter 295 Secret Techniques and Elements and Letters

15. Lizard King: Evolved from a one-of-a-kind Mushougong, he is the prince of a certain Mushougong clan.

Elven Race: Lizard King
property: grass

Status: healthy
Age: 3 years old
Personality: withdrawn

Talent: Heart of Plants

The heart of plants and trees: Mu Shougong, who was snatched from childhood, refused to communicate with anyone or any elves. With a withdrawn personality, it could only confide its feelings in its heart with plants and trees, and gradually awakened its special ability to communicate with plants.

Amity: 150 (cyan)

Long Yi withdrew his gaze, knowing that he had temporarily subdued the Lizard King's heart, and finally made up for the shortcomings in the grass system.

"Jiraqi, call up all the secret technique information with learning methods, as well as the most comprehensive and top elemental information you have screened out."

"Good host!"

A piece of precious information worth tens of millions was displayed in front of Long Yi without reservation, even though he had seen it many times, Long Yi's heart still beat faster.

These must not be exposed!
"If you want to quickly increase the fighting power of elves in a short period of time, secret skills are definitely the first choice!"

Looking to the left, Long Yi saw a total of 24 secret skills with complete learning methods!Although he can't use these secret skills in public because he can't explain the source, but in special cases, this is enough capital and hole cards to save his life!
Especially, when Long Yi had just beheaded a deity transformed by the ancient aura of the Miyamoto family from thousands of miles away.

Long Yi looked over one by one, and saw several common secret skills that he had seen before, such as the alliance's three major secret skills, the sparking dragon sword, the water pressure cannon, and the Senluo maze, as well as the electric system's Thunder Fist, Thunder The sickle, the creators of these two secret techniques are the kind of characters who are willing to teach, so they are widely spread.

In addition, there is also the secret technique that Yamadera Arang once used, which is a fire-type secret technique similar to a water pressure cannon, and many people know it.

There is also the signature secret technique of the Rockets, hell oppression, a unique secret technique developed for Helujia, because the documents received by a member of the Rockets in the city of Aitiya were also completely scanned.

Long Yi looked at everything, kept it in his heart, and asked Ji Laqi to add the fear of demons, double dragons grabbing beads, dragon breath, annihilating dead light, hundred cracking fists and heavy punches he knew, and added them together. Thirty full, and then together with the remaining 45 incomplete secret techniques, they were integrated into a secret technique database and stored separately.

"Master, according to other information, the more secret skills, the better. In fact, because each secret skill is more powerful than ordinary tricks, each of them will have extremely strict requirements on elves or cause Permanent physiological changes, random learning of different secret skills may cause conflicts in the elves, and many powerful elves have died because of this in history, including element-level elves, please choose carefully." Ji Laqi reminded in the air.

Since absorbing several energy crystal nuclei one after another, especially after copying the database in the brain of the Metagross, Long Yi can clearly feel that the IQ of the Jiraki-shaped system elf has improved. The program becomes more intelligent and more and more like a real elf.

"What do you mean?" Long Yi said movedly.

In terms of knowledge, Ji Laqi, who has read countless materials, is more professional than Long Yi.

"The best choice is to get a complete set of combined secret skills. The so-called combined secret skills mean that after learning all kinds of common cheats, they can be combined into a more powerful nirvana."

"The second is to choose several non-conflicting secret skills and combine them according to your own development needs. This is also the predecessor of those combined secret skills, but it needs countless inspirations and changes to become the latter."

"Again, learn secret skills with little impact alone, temporarily increase combat power while leaving enough room for improvement in the future. At this time, talent secret skills are the main ones, such as water pressure cannons, which require the generation of additional organs in the body Please try not to choose the secret technique, as it will seriously restrict the future development of the elves."

"The last time, I just learned the secret skills indiscriminately for the sake of being strong. The more secret skills you learn, the greater the chance of the elves being crippled and dead."

Only then did Long Yi recover from the powerful and weird effects of various secret skills, and realized that there was such a dangerous common sense hidden in this secret skill.

And I can't help but think of Ayumi Inoue, who has won the master of Ice King Kona, the master trainer who has the title of harsh winter, and the crystallization of the memory inheritance of Fuyuya Yasuo elves, her Benjila's set of secret skills and the combination of killing The skills are indeed perfect, far better than the secret skills that other people have randomly combined and learned.

This is the benefit of systematic learning. For formally educated successors like Du and Sakagi, they would have commonsense knowledge from the teacher's ears and orders from the very beginning, and it is impossible to make such fatal mistakes.

Fortunately, now, Long Yi also has a similar foundation.

"Open the learning materials for Thunder Fist." Long Yi said.

Thunder Fist: A growth secret skill with nine layers in total, and the power of each layer is equivalent to an increase of one's own full attack.

When learning, the elves need to compress the power of the whole body into the fist that is about to use the Thunder Fist once a day, supplemented with thunder stone powder, paralyzing fruit, plasma water...soaked in a mixed liquid, until every bone, every strand The tendons and every muscle are crystallized, and only after learning the Thunderstorm technique can one fully learn the first Heavy Thunder Fist.

In the future, you only need to learn how to superimpose thunderstorms to increase the power of Thunder Fist, but the ninth floor needs more than one million volts of electricity to strengthen the fist again. At the same time, the materials of the liquid medicine will also be upgraded, and the quality of the Thunder Stone needs to reach the elemental level. At the pearl level, paralysis fruit needs more than a hundred years, lightning strike wood that has been preserved after being struck by lightning bears fruit, and plasma water needs golden color....

This is the Thunder Fist, trained to the highest level of the ninth level, it can burst out the terrifying power of the elf's own full attack 9 times!
But it needs to completely crystallize a palm, and this conflicts with the Hundred Crack Fist that Abi Lang has already practiced. Forcibly practicing it will only lead to the abolishment of the Hundred Crack Fist!And the Hundred Crack Fist is a secret skill that fits well with heavy punches, that is to say, if Long Yi doesn't notice this and asks Abilang to learn Thunder Fist, its combat effectiveness will not drop for a long time Lift!

And after learning the Thunder Fist, the right fist has been completely crystallized, and there is no chance to abolish the Thunder Fist and relearn the Hundred Cracks Fist.

This is what Ji Laqi said about the practice being disabled.

"What about the elements?" Long Yi asked.

Although secret skills are important, the elements are the long-term goal!

"The information has been integrated, and the reason for Ao Yu's breakthrough failure has been found."

An article was opened before Long Yi's eyes, the title was "Selection of Elements".

Do elements need to be selected?
The answer is, yes!
And it's important!
Elements are the ultimate goal pursued by countless trainers throughout their lives. However, many of them don't understand how this path should be taken, and they just try their luck and fiddle with it.Occasionally, one awakens, and it is so happy that it does not know the north, south, east, and west.

But that's just luck.

Not everyone has this kind of luck.

Long Yi's Ao Yu has reached the limit of perfect race, much more perfect than Hunter K's so-called race limit elf, and also experienced a sudden life-and-death crisis, breaking through himself at the juncture of life and death.

But it still doesn't have a breakthrough element.

Because there is no direction!

Ji Laqi said: "Using the crisis of life and death to break through is equal to winning a force to push the door between life and death, and the direction is equal to the door. Without direction, it is to push hard against the wall. The result of the battle of life and death is either death or nothing. Progress has to survive."

Only now did Long Yi know the reason for Ao Yu's failure, he didn't find the right direction, even if he let him fight to the death ten thousand times, it would be a waste of effort.

"So what's the direction?"

Jiraki waved his hand and clicked on another document titled "What is an element?" ".

Long Yi read it while listening to Ji Laqi's explanation. There is a detailed description and explanation of the elements in this document, which is much more complete, correct, and complete than Long Yi's previous hearsay and patchwork knowledge.

What are the elements?
Some elements are a kind of ability, a kind of talent.Such as the control of sand, such as the growth of grass, such as death, such as various energy attributes, and even the elements of enlightenment, are also in this category.

The communication mentioned by Dade Temple Wood said that after the enlightenment of the elements by the element-level elves, they can mobilize the energy particles between the heaven and the earth to fight. This is just a result, an intuitive appearance brought by the elements, but not the elements themselves.

The element itself is the awakening of a certain talent!This element is the most mainstream. It only needs the power to push the door, and the most important talent, and understand the direction of the door, and there is a high probability of breaking through.

Long Yi nodded while watching and listening, he thought of Monk Kukai who broke through in the college competition.The purification element of his thorn dragon king is obviously also of this type, and it is the purification talent that has been awakened.

Ji Laqi continued: "The second type is secret skills."

Long Yi was taken aback, and raised his head.

Secret skill elements?How do these two words fit together?
The answer is, cause and effect.

According to Jirachi, there are some special secret skills, as long as they are practiced to the highest level, they can also use this to break through the elements.

The emergence of this kind of secret technique is the result of the fact that the elements are too difficult to find another way; the second reason, and the main reason, is that it gives some elves without talent the hope of breaking through the elements.

Yes, the biggest feature of this kind of secret technique that can break through the elements is that it allows elves who have no talent to have talent after learning the secret technique!

And if it is an element of enlightenment, it is naturally also the element of talent corresponding to the secret technique.

"In fact, Thunder Fist is also a secret skill of this kind. After breaking through, it can transform the element of thunder, and all of its electric-type tricks will have an explosion effect." Ji Laqi revealed another piece of information.

"The third and last one is a special element."

"The main characteristic of this type of element is that it makes elves embark on a path that does not belong to elves. For example, the aura of a samurai, such as the chakra of a ninja, such as the shikigami of an onmyoji."

"Because these professions also have the strength to compete with element-level elves. If an elf breaks through to this level, it is naturally an element elf. It's just that compared with other element elves, its own unique skills cannot be increased."

"As for the racial limit, this only affects the success rate caused by the power of the elves to push the door, and it is not a necessary condition. Even if the racial limit has not been reached, as long as you find the right way and have a way to use force (element secret skill), then it is only a matter of time before you break through .”

Long nodded, quietly read the two documents, and slowly digested the information given by Ji Laqi.

Since then, he has no doubts about the elements.

dong dong dong~
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Long Yi asked with a frown, he had already greeted several acquaintances, and no one had disturbed him in the past month, the knock on the door seemed a bit abrupt.

"Miyazaki-kun, there is a letter from you." A somewhat familiar female voice at the front desk came.

"Hold on."

Opening the door, it turned out to be the waitress in charge of the mail package.

"Give it to me." Long Yiyi thanked him and took the letter.

After closing the door, Long Yi turned over and over again, this is a letter without a signed sender.

Opening it casually, I saw a large blank on the letter paper, only a line of words written in familiar handwriting in the middle.

"Long Yi, I need your help!"

"Aoki Masakazu."

(End of this chapter)

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