Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 297 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 1

Chapter 297 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 1
"See? That's our destination, the green field!"

On the noisy helicopter, a man who looked exactly like Aoki Masakazu shouted loudly to an older and more stable man, while holding down his hat hard to prevent it from being blown away by the strong wind.

The dragon wearing earphones nodded, grabbed the cabin door and poked his head out.

Under the feet, a magnificent, unbelievably wonderful scene broke into Long Yiyan's eyes arrogantly, as if the magical land that only appeared in fairy tales suddenly came to reality, full of dreams, strangeness and beauty.

The green field was originally the most beautiful grassland in Chengdu, and it is known as the most wanted spot for all Chengdu girls, not one of them!

But now, the once beautiful grassland is gone, replaced by a large blanket of crystals reflecting colorful luster in the sun.

The grass has been crystallized, the perianth has been crystallized, and the two huge crystallized flowers in the center of the grassland are shining brightly, strange and beautiful.

"It's hard to believe. A few days ago, this was the most beautiful place in Chengdu. However, since the world-renowned Dr. Xiuli Snowdon disappeared during an exploration of the ruins, his only daughter, Xiaomei, has been attracted by her for some unknown reason. Hundreds of Phantom Elf Unknown Totems."

"Under the influence of the mysterious power of the unknown totem, the green field began to crystallize centered on Dr. Snowton's house. Not only did the scope of crystallization expand day by day, yesterday even the legendary elf in the Chengdu area ran out of it, one of the three holy beasts. One Emperor Yan!"

It was also the first time I saw it with my own eyes. Mirai Aoki, who opened the cabin door from the other side, paused at this point, with strong curiosity in his eyes.

Human beings' research on the unknown totem has always been very limited, and Dr. Xiuli Snowton, who disappeared this time, is one of the top figures in the world.

The meaning of Yandi's appearance is even more different. Each region has its own unique legendary Pokémon. Kanto has three holy birds, Chengdu has three holy beasts, Fengyuan has three holy pillars, and Sinnoh has three holy mushrooms.

However, the three holy birds and the three holy pillars exist in plural, but the three holy mushrooms and the three holy beasts are unique, and there is only one in the world.

As Mirai Aoki, he may have seen or learned about the Three Sacred Birds and the Three Sacred Pillars, but there is very little information on the Three Sacred Beasts and the Three Sacred Mushrooms, so he became very curious.

"It is said that this Emperor Yan is different from the description in the legend. The same crystallization will appear on the ground wherever it steps. The specific reason is not clear. And it also snatched a woman in public. I heard that the person and Dr. Oki Closely related." Mirai Aoki recounted all the information he knew.

Long nodded while listening, unconsciously exerting force with his right hand, leaving a few slight fingerprints on the cabin door.

Others don't know, so can it still not know the reason?

The scene in front of me is undoubtedly the movie version of the Pokémon I have seen before, the emperor of the crystallization tower!

The unknown totem crystallized the castle because it sensed Xiaomei's mood, and the Yandi was also the product of Xiaomei's phantom materialized through the unknown totem, not the real Yandi.

Not to mention the woman who was snatched away by the false Emperor Yan, is the mother of the protagonist Xiaozhi, and Hanako who is inseparable from Dr. Oki.

"It seems that the ability of the unknown totem should be similar to the aura flow among the warriors. It uses powerful spiritual power to materialize illusory creatures and objects. It should be regarded as an element-level ability. I just don't know that this is a single unknown totem. Ability is still a qualitative change after superposition."

"I know the cause and effect, but I can't match the time. At this time, Xiao Zhi should have been traveling in the Fengyuan area."

"However, this is the real world, and the timeline in the previous life animation has been criticized by people, and the difference is understandable."

"The danger this time should be the unknown totem group who ran away later and the imaginary Emperor Yan. They really wanted to kill me. It is impossible for an ordinary trainer to complete this task alone."

Countless thoughts quickly flashed through Long Yi's mind, but he didn't intend to go deep before he understood the power of the unknown totem's crystallization, and asked to land.

Aoki Mirai didn't urge him either, and asked the helicopter pilot to go around and fly towards the only elf center nearby.

There are Dr. Snowton's butler and assistants, as well as Junsha, Joey, and Dr. Oki, who have the latest first-hand information.

On the ground, a bulldozer savagely smashed the crystalline plants in front of it, and drove towards Snowton's mansion, which had turned into huge crystalline flowers.

However, things were not as easy as imagined. The bulldozer was pushed back by the crystallized pillars that suddenly appeared on the ground before it advanced very far. After the edge was overturned, it was completely crystallized. I'm afraid the first human death is about to be born.

"Don't you care about the alliance?" Long Yi asked with his lips pursed.

This is simply playing with other people's lives!

Mirai Aoki shook his head: "Dr. Snowton's stop John and the butler immediately evacuated the servants in the mansion after discovering the crystallization phenomenon, and evacuated the tourists who were on the green field at that time through the Chengdu Alliance, so so far no Casualties."

"According to the current rate of crystallization expansion, there are still seven days to cover the entire green field, threatening nearby small towns and villages. Therefore, we must take action within five days. If the problem of crystallization has not been resolved or delayed by then, The Chengdu League will send someone to take over, and the mission will naturally fail."

The implication is that Long Yi must restore the situation within five days, he must die or complete the task, otherwise the transaction will fail, the Aoki family has not obtained the benefits they want, and withdraws the political protection of Long Yi.

Without a strong backer in the alliance, facing malicious targets from those in power, even if Long Yi has become an imposing warrior, unless he finds a new backer or joins the Rockets and other evil organizations, he will surely struggle.

This world, after all, is a world ruled by the Alliance of Elves!
"I see." After a moment of silence, Long Yi replied.

The sound of the rumbling propeller is deafening, the crystals on the ground are still slowly spreading, and the iconic pattern in the center of the elf can already be seen in the distance.

Suddenly, a rapidly approaching unknown object was detected on the radar. About a moment later, an orange-yellow fire-breathing dragon flew from the sky. When the helicopter saw a dragon roar, the two passed each other and flew straight towards the crystallization tower. go.


"Where did the fire-breathing dragon come from?"

Ignoring Aoki Mirai's question, Long Yi quickly poked his head out to look back, saw the fire-breathing dragon approaching and used jet flames to burn a big hole in the crystal tower, but before it folded its wings and entered, a purple A red fireball flew out of it, almost hitting the fire-breathing dragon's belly.

"Turn around! Turn around!"

The fire-breathing dragon cautiously floated in the air, and a majestic elf with brown hair and a mask jumped out of the cave, quickly climbed around the crystallization tower, and soon came to the top of the tower.

"It's Emperor Yan!" Aoki Mirai exclaimed.

Although human beings don't know much about the three holy beasts, there are a lot of video data, and the true faces of the three holy beasts are all preserved in data.

The helicopter planted Long Yi and Aoki Mirai approaching carefully, the fire-breathing dragon and Yandi confronted each other, the roars seemed to be communicating, but soon the negotiations between the two parties broke down, Yandi sent out the purple-red fireball just now, and the fire-breathing dragon counterattacked with jet flames.

Flame time, high heat distorts the air.

The purple fireball from Emperor Yan and the flames from the fire-breathing dragon were in a stalemate in the air. This scene seemed to anger Emperor Yan. It spit out a fireball again, and it swelled and magnified instantly after it merged with the previous one. It sprayed flames in front of the soaring purple fireball. Unable to resist, he was knocked away like a broken bamboo, and fiercely slammed into the fragile belly of the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon wailed and fell from the sky. On the way down, it tried to regain its balance. However, a thick spike suddenly appeared on the crystallization tower. The falling fire-breathing dragon was caught off guard and hit it directly. Overwhelmed.

Standing on the top of the tower looking down, Emperor Yan jumped down, one front paw pressed the fire-breathing dragon's neck, and a purple fireball emerged from its mouth, ready to give it the final blow.

"Enough! Dad, enough is enough!"

Emperor Yan turned his head, and a little girl in a dress shouted at the melted gap in the crystal tower.

It hesitated for a moment, let go of its front claws, and kicked the fire-breathing dragon away, watching it crash into another crystallization tower, and watching it barely fly up.

"Get out of here! Don't come again!" Emperor Yan roared, and returned to the crystallization tower, the spit out spikes retracted, and the gap on the tower began to heal.

The injured fire-breathing dragon clutched its broken left arm, unwillingly glanced at the crystallization tower, and flew away.

Looking at the direction, it is also heading towards the center of the green field elves.

The plot has changed.

Long Yi thought.

"That girl must be Dr. Snowton's daughter Xiaomei." Aoki Mirai said, and ordered the driver to drive towards the elf center.

(End of this chapter)

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