Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 306 Besiege and Kill His Majesty Thunder!

Chapter 306 Besiege and Kill His Majesty Thunder!
The dazzling blood-colored cross made Lei Huang's head sink, and the sharp claws of the blood-winged dragon tore through the defense, leaving a hideous wound.

The injured Lei Huang turned into countless electric currents and dispersed, and then re-gathered into a shape not far away, with an unconcealable mockery on his unharmed face.

The Blood Wing Wyvern turned to look at it.

With a 'poof' sound, a cross wound suddenly exploded on Lei Huang's head, red with a little golden blood splashed everywhere, scarlet eyes filled with unbelievable astonishment.

"Do you think this bloody culling move is so easy to pick up?" Xuelei sneered.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually moved away from the sky over the Manjin Hotel under the blowing of the hurricane-manipulating Superbi Diao, and Leihuang's geographical advantage was also lost.

The unbelieving Lei Huang once again turned into lightning. However, although the elemental body is powerful, it also has its fatal weakness, that is, after the transformation, the defense power will drop to almost nothing.

Ah Ju, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, immediately ordered the moth to attack, and the overwhelming poisonous cloud fell, less than half of the current was directly corroded by the terrible toxin, and most of the remaining current was contaminated by the toxin and turned purple. Only a small group escaped the catastrophe, and condensed into a mini Leihuang the size of a palm.

Ye Mengjiade looked down at the mini Thunder Emperor in front of him, and the phantom of the horrible swamp appeared around him, and white ghosts wandered in the swamp, dull and dull.

In Lei Huang's eyes, Yemengard's figure suddenly rose infinitely, like a giant snake devouring the sky and consuming the earth, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, meteorites fell from the sky with red flames, and the land was vast and everywhere. Doomsday scene.

In the giant snake's mouth, a colorful phoenix king was bitten motionlessly, and then the giant snake raised its head and swallowed it in one gulp.

The ultimate trick - the face of fear!

The king is dead!
The miniature Leihuang fled with fear in his heart, but a pair of eagle claws fell from the sky and grabbed Leihuang up to the sky. At the same time as it fell, countless sharp wind blades struck from all directions, blood, flesh and fur splattered, and turned into one after another. Subtle golden current.

"Toxic toxin!"

A mass of purple venom flew over, corroding and melting all the current.

The moth lightly flapped its wings and landed on Aju's shoulder. The wound on the Blood Wing Wyvern was still bleeding continuously. After Super Bi Diao stopped the storm, the dark cloud brought by the Thunder Emperor stopped over a park. Long Yi Gently stroking Jormungandr's body.

"Emperor Lei is dead?" A Xing, who was wearing a ninja suit, appeared beside A Ju and asked.

Fei Yu, who had always maintained a calm and strong image, couldn't help raising his head, and two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"All the electric currents have been wiped out, even if it turns into an elemental body, it should be dead." Ah Ju said.

Blood and tears looked into the distance: "Fortunately, the electric elves did not riot. Otherwise, even if we notified the military in advance, casualties would inevitably be avoided."

Although Xuelei is an Interpol, he doesn't have too much hostility towards the military, and he doesn't want to see anyone sacrificed.

Lei Huang is dead?

All the electric currents have been wiped out, the three senior element-level trainers have all made this judgment, Lei Huang should be dead.

Another three holy beasts died because of him, Long Yi didn't know what it was like, he just felt extremely aggrieved.

"Although Lei Huang hates humans, his heart to love electric elves is true." Long Yi said.

Hearing the words, Xuelei seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly raised his head: "No!"

"Although Lei Huang loves the electric elves, he doesn't mind a little sacrifice, otherwise he won't drive them to attack Kikyo City!"

"The reason why it didn't direct them to attack is because it knew it was useless, and it knew it was a trap!"

"Knowing that it's a trap and still coming, it shows Lei Huang's confidence in his own strength, it is probably not dead yet!"

"But it's already so powerful." A Xing hesitated.

If it were Long Yi and any of them, it would be impossible for any of them to face the siege of four opponents of the same level at the same time and persist for so long, or even gain the upper hand for a while.

The reason why Lei Huang was defeated was not because it was not strong, but because it had no trainers, its wisdom was limited after all, and it fell into the trap set by Xuetear and Ah Ju.

"No, it must not be dead." Xuelei stood on the edge of the roof, looking at the dark clouds hanging over the park.

As if in response to his words, a thunderbolt fell from the dark cloud and landed on the rockery in the park. At the same time as the gravel was splashed, a golden mighty elf appeared and looked up at the Manjin Hotel. direction it seems.

It's Lei Huang!
He really isn't dead!
Lei Huang, who was reborn from thunder, did not have a cross wound on his head this time. He shook his body and suddenly let out a roar.

A face of nine thunderbolts fell around Leihuang, and nine electric elves with a golden texture were born.

Raichu, Electric Dragon, Naughty Bullet, Three-in-one Magneto, Electroshock, Thunder Fairy, Lantern, Thunder Beast, Roentgen Cat.

As a wild animal elf, even if the IQ of Lei Huang is very high, he can't compare with humans after all. The secret skills and tricks he created are pitifully few. The one he used just now is the unique secret skill he created by chance because of his long-term protection of electric elves— — Summon the Ultralisk!
Each of these nine thunder beasts has its own intelligence, and its strength is equivalent to the extreme elves of the race, and it absolutely obeys the orders of the Thunder Emperor, and because its body is composed of thunder and lightning, it can transform into an elemental body like its main body, but the effect needs to be higher. It's worse.

As long as they are under the thunderstorm cloud, these nine thunder beasts are almost immortal. Even if they leave the range of the thunderstorm cloud, as long as they are replenished with electricity, their energy and injuries can be quickly recovered.

This kind of trick is naturally very useful in the face of siege, but if you participate in the battle of advanced element level, it is not enough, so Lei Huang didn't use it just now.

go!Go kill!Go wreck!To destroy!
The nine Thunder Beasts responded and scattered in all directions, while the Electric Light Monster dived into the bottom of the pool and swam along the pipes.

Soon, there were screams, explosions, screams, and lightning flashes from all directions.

"Damn Thunder Emperor!"

"Bastard, I will kill you!"

Long Yi and the others on the rooftop stared at him with eyes wide open, but faced with the characteristics of Lei Huang's almost immortal body, they were a little powerless.

Blood Tears suddenly looked at Long Yi: "If I can make Lei Huang unable to elementalize, can your Ye Mengjiad kill it?"

Long Yi was taken aback, and quickly replied: "It should be possible, as long as he is sucked into the Gate of Death Terror, Lei Huang will definitely die."

"Okay, wait for my order."

Fei Yu and A Ju looked at each other, and Fei Yu said: "A Ju and I are in charge of covering and providing opportunities for you."

Ah Ju turned to A Xing and said, "Let Nakamura Eiko notify the police and army to kill those nine electric elves."

"Good father." A Xing nodded.

After a good discussion, the people quickly teleported to the park through Long Yi's Lacus, and before Fei Yu and A Ju launched an attack on Lei Huang, the latter pounced on him first.

A series of golden electric currents, together with Lei Huang and the thunderstorm clouds in the sky, rushed towards Fei Yu with great momentum and courage.

The ultimate electric trick - Crazy Volt!
"Stop it with a tornado!"

Super Bi Diao created a huge tornado in front of Lei Huang, but the latter just hit it, and the tornado collapsed directly, turning into countless air currents.

It's not Mad Volts!Crazy Volt definitely doesn't have such a great power!

"The Wind Barrier!"

Super Bi Diao lowered the height and wanted to turn into a blue protective cover, Ah Ju's last moth fired a highly poisonous stream at Lei Huang, Long Yi and Ye Mengjia had to wait for the opportunity, and Blood Tears commanded the Blood Wing Wyvern to go forward and kill.

The bloody cross lights up, it's the bloody culling just now!

However, just before Super Bi Diao was about to turn into elements, Lei Huang forcibly ate the bloody culling of the blood-winged dragon and the poisonous liquid of the last moth, and opened his mouth to let out a roar.

A layer of red light appeared on the surface of Super Bi Diao's body. It was stunned for a moment, and it couldn't help but return to Fei Yu's elf ball.

General trick - Roar!

A trick that can force the elf to return to the poke ball!
There is no obstacle between Fei Yu and Lei Huang.

The latter suddenly turned into a golden-purple lightning, which split into two parts while flashing across everyone's retinas. The purple one sank into the ground, while the golden one flew into the sky and merged with a thunderbolt, transforming into the Thunder Emperor again.

Fei Yu lowered his head in a daze.

A strong electric current erupted on him, and this element-level trainer was turned into coke without even making a sound. All the elf balls were destroyed at the same time, and the elves inside were annihilated in the space shattering.

The element-level trainer Feiyu, the elemental elf Bobo of the Emperor Diaohuang—death.

(End of this chapter)

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