Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 323 Kikuno VS Takumi!superior

Chapter 323 Kikuno VS Takumi!superior
It took several minutes before the terrifying flame gradually extinguished and disappeared. The audience was sweating profusely and were stunned.

They are also divine beasts, but the impact Long Yi's flame bird brought to them was much higher than that of Tuomu's Darkley and Latios!

"Queen Bee!"

As soon as the flames disappeared, Ah Liu, who had returned to his position, turned over and jumped into the battle field. As soon as he landed, he was so burned that he couldn't help screaming.

Despite the unbearable heat, Aliu gritted his teeth and ran to the scorched queen bee in the center of the venue, using his natural ability to 'hear' its weak heartbeat, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At that moment just now, he was really afraid of losing the Queen Bee as a partner again after hunting the swallowtail butterfly that was lost and regained.

"Have a good rest, Queen Bee." Withdrawing the elf, Aliu looked up and saw the beautiful soaring firebird in the sky.

Although the flame bird looked a little tired and the flames on his body dimmed a lot due to the use of the exclusive secret technique, but this did not affect the strong shock it gave Aliu from looking down from a high position.

Compared with Nara Oyo, who also uses the fire element spirit, although the latter is called a hot flame, compared with the flame bird in front of him, it still feels a little worse to Aliu.

This is the real hot flame!

"Xiao Yeliu, do you want to continue fighting?" The referee asked back.As the highest-level referee in the league, he certainly knows the unspoken rules of the competition between element-level trainers.

A Liu shook his head, and said hoarsely: "No need, I admit defeat."

He only has one element elf, the queen bee, and the rest of the dragon king scorpion, hunting swallowtail, etc. are also food delivery.

The referee nodded to express his understanding, raised the red flag representing Long Yi's victory, and announced loudly: "The Four Heavenly King Xiao Yeliu lost his will to fight, and the challenger Miyazaki Ryuichi won!"

"Unbelievable, I didn't expect the first challenger to succeed in the challenge, and the new Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings were born!" The narrator shouted loudly.

Then Sirona's voice sounded: "Long Yi is indeed stronger than Ah Liu, I am looking forward to fighting him in the future."

There was an uproar in the audience, voices of surprise, discussion, and puzzlement came and went, and after a brief hustle and bustle, they unified into uniform applause.

This applause is not only for Long Yi who is the new Four Heavenly King, but also for A Liu who is the former Four Heavenly King.

"Doctor, why did Aliu admit defeat? He obviously only lost one elf." In the audience, Xiaozhi asked puzzled.

So Dr. Oki popularized the knowledge of element-level elves to the three of Xiaozhi, and let them understand the gap in the elf world.

"This is the true strength of the element-level elves. The ones you met before, Xiaozhi, actually didn't use their full strength. After all, for non-element-level elves, their unique moves are too powerful, and they can be killed or injured at every turn. Killing the elves will cause a lot of trouble." Dr. Oki said.

If the battle just now hadn't been for the queen bee's own elemental origin to hang her life, she would have died under the bombing of the flame bird's divine bird.

"That is to say, the Frozen Bird, Three Sacred Pillars, Darkley, and Latios that I defeated before were all filled with water?" Xiaozhi's eyes widened.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Oki could only remain silent.

A strong sense of frustration welled up in Xiaozhi's heart, but it soon turned into a strong motivation.

"Elemental level...Pikachu, one day, we will also reach the elemental level! Then...we have to challenge again!"

"Pickup pickup!"

Ash and Pikachu looked at each other and smiled.


In the challenge seat, Long Yi bowed to the audience amidst warm applause, then retracted the flame bird, and looked at A Liu who had just climbed up from the battle field with the help of Dragon King Scorpion.

"Wonderful game, you let me see the charm of bug elves." Long Yi said.

Ah Liu smiled when he heard the words, looking very free and easy: "Where are you, you are really strong, this time I lost."

"But next time, I will definitely win!" A Liu said seriously.

Just wait until the day I hunt the swallowtail civilization element.

The fighting power of two elemental elves is not at the same level as one.

Long Yi was taken aback, then laughed: "I'll wait for you, waiting to win you again."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then shook hands and walked towards the rest area side by side.

"Congratulations." Sitting on the seat, Kitano Jasmine said with her eyes closed.

"Thank you, I look forward to fighting with you." Long Yi said.

After the challenge of the Four Heavenly Kings is over, a qualifying match is required between the new Four Heavenly Kings to determine the order of the new Four Heavenly Kings.

Long Yi's words seemed to confirm that Kitano Jasmine could succeed in the challenge, which attracted the attention of Uncle Wang Nara the next day.

"In the second round, the king of the ground department, Ms. Sugiyama Kikuno of the Silent Quicksand vs. Takahashi Takuki! Please come on stage as soon as possible."

Concealed, the mysterious Takahashi Takuki got up and walked towards the challenger seat step by step.

After him, Kikuno also stood up.

"Grandma Juye." Long Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

Kikuno turned around.

"Come on!" Long Yi clenched his fist and said.

Ju Ye laughed: "I will not lose to young people."


The compacted ground was melted into magma by the flame bird's high temperature, and then cooled and solidified.

After the challengers and guardians arrived in place one after another, the organizers changed to a brand new battle venue, and then announced the same battle rules.

"Since both parties have no objection, I declare that the competition...begins!"

At the start of the game, Juye changed his kind expression, and his eyes suddenly became stern: "I will use the sandstorm hippopotamus."

Nearly three meters tall and nearly five meters long, the sandstorm hippopotamus with its terrifying mouth opened and two meters in diameter made a shocking appearance. Yellow sand flowed out of the holes on its back, and a small pile soon accumulated on the ground.

"Ah! It's that sandstorm hippopotamus from back then!" Xiaoguang exclaimed, and Xiaozhi's expression became serious.

"Finally we have enough opponents, let me see the level of Sinnoh's Four Heavenly Kings." Tuomu said, obviously enough arrogant words, but in line with his status as the champion of the Suzuran Conference and Darkrai in his hand, Latios's two divine beasts and spirits make people feel so taken for granted.

"Ready to fight, Darkrai!"

Gloomy and dark, Darkrai, suspended in mid-air, possesses a strange charm that makes people have nightmares just by looking at it.

This is the real nightmare god!

"A quick fix, Darkrai, use the black hole."

"It's appeared! Darkrai's signature secret technique, a black hole that can force 100% of opponents to sleep!"

A pitch-black energy ball appeared on Darkley's raised right hand. For all the trainers who were eliminated by Tuomu, this black hole was a nightmare memory.

"Dig a hole." Juye calmly ordered.

The huge sandstorm hippo sank into the ground at a speed that didn't match its own size, and the black hole smashed into the soil, but nothing happened.

"For a trainer, the most important thing is excellent observation skills."

"Let me see your observation skills, sandstorm hippo, blow up the sand!"

The small beach of yellow sand left by the sandstorm hippopotamus, the hole drilled into the ground is circular, and the surrounding ground is quickly deserted under the action of magical power. In the blink of an eye, the entire battle field has changed from a standard field to a sand field. And these sands are not ordinary yellow sands, but quicksands!

Those who fight against Juye must first face this harsh fighting environment!It's a pity that today's opponent is Darkrai, who can hover and fly, and the quicksand field is useless against him.


Suddenly, there was an inexplicable wind, and the wind blew the yellow sand, and then it quickly evolved into a strong sandstorm, which made the field blurred, and Tuomu had to cover his eyes with his hands sideways.

Features of Sandstorm Hippo: Sand blowing!

And it's blowing sand at the element level!
"this is……"

Tuomu tried hard to observe, but the dense sandstorm blocked his vision, not to mention the sandstorm hippopotamus, and even Darkrai disappeared from his sight.

The sandstorms are mutual, and it stands to reason that Juye couldn't see what was going on in the arena at this time, but she just gave the order: "Flame Fang!"

A burst of flames exploded in the sandstorm, followed by Darkrai's painful cry and a heavy landing.

"Hit?" Tuomu stared wide-eyed and observed, but was forced to turn his head away by the sand.

"Darkley, fly into the sky!"

The whistling wind was accompanied by the sound of crackling sand hitting the wall. Darkley didn't appear, but screamed continuously from the ground.

It was bitten by the sandstorm hippo and dragged down into the quicksand!

Takumi's mind, which could not observe the occupation with his eyes, became more and more active.

"Quicksand Hell." There were countless dense gnawing sounds in the sandstorm, and Darkley's screams gradually subsided.

It can't go on like this!

Taumi, who had tasted the horror of the Kikuno quicksand world, immediately made such a judgment. He had a premonition that if the battle situation entered the stage of quiet quicksand, then his Darkrai would have already lost.

"Darkley, center yourself and use a large-scale black hole!"

The black light flashed away in the sandstorm, and then the sound of gnawing disappeared. A moment later, Darkley flew into the sky and escaped from the range of the sandstorm, but his condition was very bad, and his physical strength was in jeopardy.

"Come back Darkrai, Latios, use Praying Rain!"

Tuomu decisively exchanged the elves, and as Latios launched a blue light ball into the sky, light rain as dense as a cow's hair fell, and the sandstorm gradually subsided, exposing the completely deserted ground and half of his body, who was sleeping soundly Sandstorm Hippo.


"Come back Latios, Darkrai uses Dream Eater!"

Darkrai is in dire need of recovery!

The invisible Darkley phantom attacked the sandstorm hippopotamus, but a red light was one step ahead of it, turning the sandstorm hippopotamus into red light and taking it away.

Kikuno took back the elves!
"I said, observation." Kikuno smiled and nodded his eyes, then switched the elves.

"Long Longyan, big characters explode!"

Tuomu's face changed: "Not good!"

The Longlong Rock that has not yet landed bursts out countless white lights from the inside of its body in the air, and then a rumbling explosion occurs. Tuomu's eyes are pierced by the light of the big explosion, and his eyes are white. , it has been put down.

One step makes a world of difference.

"Darkley and Longlongyan lose their fighting ability at the same time!"

(End of this chapter)

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