Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 335 5 Dragon Gods VS 8 Orochi!superior

Chapter 335 Five Dragon Gods VS Yamato Orochi!superior

Ye Mengjiade's speed is not as fast as the Giant Pincer Mantis, so facing the Snorkeling Itachi with the special attack of the Creator God's brilliance, Long Yi must attack fiercely, so that the opponent has no chance to use the special attack.

"Summon Pale Mask, Rage Solution!"

Gluttony, lust, greed, sloth, anger, jealousy, arrogance.

Seven pale masks flew out of Yemengard's pupils and flew around its body. Among them, the angry mask with the side face of a raging lion was automatically enlarged and fell on Yemengarde's face, and its solution was blessed to no less than The power of ordinary secret skills.

The splashing purple acid fell on the ground covered by the projection of the bitter swamp, and on the water dragon slag where the dragon shadow wandered, large white eyes appeared, and the thick protective cover became dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, a yellow earth bead and a cyan dragon bead had already formed in the hands of Snorkeling Itachi.

It clapped its hands, and slapped the mixed beads into the ground under its feet, and then a strong sense of vibration hit, the wavy plate on the ground swelled and fell, and the violent shaking caused the solution of Yermungand to lose its aim, and itself also fluctuated on the ground Ups and downs.

Combination of secret skills - earth dragon moves!

The only unaffected place in the audience is where the snorkeling ferret is!

"Are there any other tricks?" Kitano Jasmine asked.

Every time the power of the future is used, it will bring great negative effects. Therefore, it is the first time that she has used this exclusive secret technique after the enlightenment element of the snorkeling itachi. She needs to know more about the future of the snorkeling itachi.

Hearing Kitano Jasmine's question, Snorkeling Itachi nodded, and once again condensed Dragon Pearl and Thunder Pearl.

There are many factions in the Temple of Mijina, but from the current performance of Snorkeling Itachi, it can be seen that it will choose the combined secret technique with the core of Dragon Pearl in the future.

The lightning-blinking Thunder Dragon Po made another shocking appearance, but this time the snorkeling Itachi didn't order it to attack, but made it stay aside, and condensed water beads and dragon beads again, shooting them together.

Combination of secret skills - water dragon chant!

Like Thunder Dragon Po, the water dragon did not attack after it appeared, but came to the other side of the snorkeling itachi.

"This is..." Kitano Jasmine's eyes moved, and another nirvana that was circulated in the temple sounded.

That is a powerful nirvana that belongs to the dragon type, but even most dragon element level elves can't use it!

The nirvana formed by combining the secret skills of Thunder Dragon Breaking, Water Dragon Chanting, Earth Dragon Movement, Jinglong Binding and Shuanglong Duo once again: Wulongshen!

The Pearl of Grass took shape, the Pearl of Dragon took shape, and the combined secret skill of Jinglong Binding appeared again, and they gathered into a large ball made of countless thorns and dragons floating in the sky above the snorkeling ferret.

The effect of the ground dragon's movement is still continuing, and there is a strange power in this vibration, which made Long Yi's Yemengjia unable to condense energy, and even unable to use his ultimate moves.

Of course he could see that his opponent was preparing a terrifying move, but after giving several orders in succession to no avail, Long Yi suddenly remembered other pale masks.

Not being able to use skills doesn't mean that the tricks that have been used are uncontrollable!

"Replace the arrogance mask!"

The anger mask came off and the arrogance mask with the head raised and attacking was replaced. The ground motion around Yermungandr suddenly calmed down, and the slight shock was not painful or itchy at all for its huge size.

Seeing this, the snorkeling ferret simply withdrew the rest of its strength, the ground raised a bulge under its feet, and a dragon-shaped relief appeared on it, bold and heroic.

"Give it the lazy mask."

The lazy mask flew out, but the water dragon cover around Snorkeling Itachi's body was full of dragon chants, blowing back the invulnerable lazy mask. Although the water dragon cover disappeared, it bought precious time for Snorkeling Itachi.

A Dragon Ball took shape, but it was the second Dragon Ball.

The snorkeling itachi looked up at the huge Yemengade, showed a pitiful smile, and then clapped the dragon pearls on both hands together vigorously.

Light, burst out!
Two dragon chants sounded, and two light dragons, which were extremely small compared to the other four combinations of secret skills, chased and entangled, competing for the central orb in a circle.

The combined secret technique Shuanglong Duo, this is an auxiliary secret technique specially developed by the Mijina Temple for the nirvana Wulongshen. It has no effect in itself, but it can integrate the power of the other four secret techniques to give birth to a powerful dragon energy that controls the overall situation!
Bei Nai Jasmine looked frenzied, raised her hands upwards, and shouted loudly: "Come out, the ultimate move - Five Dragon Gods!"

If the brilliance of the nirvana creation god is the glory of gods, then the five dragon gods are the most loyal servants of gods in the hearts of the people in Mijina Temple.

And at this moment, the servant of God is coming!

Thunder Dragon Po shrank and turned into an orb with a purple Thunder Dragon inside, and thunder and lightning flashed on its surface;
The water dragon chant shrinks into a pearl with a blue water dragon inside, and the remaining waves are choppy;
The Jinglong binding shrinks into an orb with a green wooden dragon inside, and its body is luxuriantly branched and leafy;
The earth dragon shrinks and turns into an orb with a yellow earth dragon inside, with a ferocious and majestic shape;

Ssangyong Duo shrinks into a pearl with a cyan dragon inside, wearing a dragon ball crown.

Five orbs as big as watermelons turned into five beams of light and flew into the sky, bursting out with indescribable colorful rays of light, and a colorful auspicious cloud was formed.

"Another nirvana move." Long Yi's mouth was full of bitterness, feeling the profound foundation of the Mijina Temple.

Moreover, this special move seems to be similar to the summoning type special move of the ice behemoth, it is impossible to use the timing of changing the spirit to dodge, Long Yi is ready to admit defeat.

The game can be lost, but the elf can't have an accident.

Dr. Oki couldn't take his eyes off, Sirona was in high spirits, and Namikawa Wusong couldn't help standing up.

The nirvana, this is the goal he has worked hard for all his life.

But Kitano Jasmine, who was almost ten years younger than him, had already demonstrated the second nirvana.

hold head high!
There was a shocking dragon chant from the colorful auspicious clouds, a purple scale with a single horn on its head, a dragon head flashing with electric lights protruded out, and behind it was a long neck.

There was another dragon chant, a dragon head with blue scales all over its body, huge fish fins as its ears, and a blue light shining all over its body poked out.

The third dragon chants, and this time it is a dragon head with green scales, antlers, long beard and green goatee.

With the fourth dragon chant, the yellow earth dragon's head poked out, with thick scales, sharp horns, and a terrifying dragon head with a hideous shape, with a row of spikes standing on its back.

Just as everyone was waiting for the last dragon head to appear, Long Yi suddenly caught a glimpse of a mask around Yemengade, and a thought flashed through his mind like lightning, and it was out of control.

Maybe, I haven't lost yet?

As a trainer's will quickly swept away the depression that was shocked, Long Yi uttered in shock when no one expected it: "Jomungard, use the mask of jealousy!"

"Target, the future power of Snorkeling Itachi!"

Ye Mengjiade changed the mask without hesitation.

"Long Yi hasn't given up yet! He still wants to fight!" Xiaozhi stood up, feeling a strong resonance.

Each of the seven pale masks has its own effect, and among them, the envious mask with indifferent facial features and the image of an inverted poisonous scorpion, when used on Yermungandr himself or his allies, can steal an opponent's ability and turn it into his own .

Jealousy made me unrecognizable, steal it for myself!
A painful expression appeared on the face of the snorkeling ferret, and a pale figure flew out of its body, and then turned into a ball of white light and quickly sank into Ye Mengjiad's body.

Losing the experience of the future, the five dragon gods that had already appeared with four dragon heads suddenly became unstable. Fortunately, the nirvana was almost formed. Slowly poked out.

It was a cyan dragon head with two horns, most similar to the western dragon head in Long Yi's impression, it was in the center, wearing a golden crown with colorful dragon balls inlaid on it, it was the one that the two dragons fought for just now.

On the left side of the Shenlong head are the heads of Thunder Dragon and Water Dragon; on the right are the heads of Wooden Dragon and Earth Dragon.

When the five dragon heads came out together, the huge dragon body came out of the auspicious cloud. It was 30 meters long, and it was even bigger than Ye Mengjiad including the tail. shadow.

"Five Dragon Gods." Bei Nai Jasmine closed her eyes obsessively to 'look' at the Five Dragon Gods in the sky, and said: "Long Yi, admit defeat, the Five Dragon Gods are the most loyal servants of the gods, you who don't have special skills What are you going to use against it?"

But at this moment, Long Yi looked at Yemengade wishfully, and said without raising his head: "Not now, doesn't mean there won't be in the future."

"Huh?" Bei Nai Moli was taken aback when she heard the words, but suddenly what happened just now was heard, her face changed greatly.

"not good!"

hold head high!
Yemengarde let out a roar, and a mysterious dark space appeared behind it, and a pair of dazzling scarlet snake eyes lit up in the space. Although it was bigger, the big snake that looked like it was stuck out of the dark space, Open the meat membrane to make a threat.

Racial Cheats - Dread Demons!
In the hands of Ye Mengjiade, this is a terrifying secret skill that Alliance member Jingchuan Tiangong evaluated as comparable to a nirvana!

However, the nightmare did not touch, and a pair of red pupils lit up again in the middle of the darkness, followed by the third pair, the fourth pair, and the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth pairs.

A monster whose body was so huge that it couldn't see the whole picture, with a total of eight terrifying big snake heads, hid in the dark space of the location, and made a provocative cry to the five dragon gods.

"Come on, come on, is this the special move that Yemengard will learn in the future? The special move I figured out based on the rune ritual?" Long Yi muttered to himself, his expression hard to hide his excitement.

Suddenly, the infinite darkness condensed into a mask with a terrified expression. A black shadow holding a sickle was painted on it, and red pupils flickered under the cloak, falling on one of the snake heads.

Immediately afterwards, the laziness mask, jealousy mask, anger mask, greed mask, gluttony mask, lust mask, and arrogance mask all flew into the dark and mysterious space, landed on the remaining seven snake heads respectively, and fastened tightly.

"Eight snake heads, eight masks, if there is a name for this trick, I should name it Yamato no Orochi."

hold head high!Multiplies the volume eight times.

Roar!Superimposed five-fold increase.

Five Dragon Gods and Yamato no Orochi, one high and one low, one light and one dark, two terrifying monsters that should not exist in this world, at this moment, in the main arena of the Lily of the Valley Stadium, confronted brazenly.

(End of this chapter)

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