Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 339 Dragon 1 VS Wusong!Down

Chapter 339 Long Yi VS Wu Song!Down

It's not that Long Yi is crazy, nor is it too late to take back Yemengarde, but he just wants to experience the trick of the torrent of history.

This is based on Juye's promise that even if the elf suffers irreparable damage, he can ask Wusong to help him recover, and it is also an evaluation of this trick by the curious champion Sirona.

Sinnoh champion Sakurai Sirona once commented on this move after seeing the historical torrent for the first time: This is the closest secret skill she has ever seen to the level of a nirvana.

According to Sirona, one day Wusong can make this move have the effect of ignoring defense, then this move of historical torrent can be called a nirvana.

Yes, it is indeed the most mainstream choice to combine several secret skills with one elf, and then form a nirvana, but this does not mean that all nirvana are composed of several secret skills.

A single nirvana also exists!
Of course, what made Long Yi most determined was naturally the precedent of Aso Mikoto's Menus successfully resisting the historical torrent.

From Long Yi's point of view, the historical torrent of Wusong's Bronze Bell may really have the potential to be improved into a nirvana as Sirona said, but before that, it cannot escape the category of secret skill power after all.

And as long as it is still within this range, even if the arrogance mask cannot be completely removed, it will not suffer too much damage.

At least it will never happen that it degenerates into an Arbor snake.

Invisible fluctuations radiated from around Yemengade, and the snake pupils hidden under the mask radiated a long light, ignoring the colorful energy column showing the change of dynasty and the vicissitudes of life, under the action of the mysterious force field of the arrogance mask. Slender until annihilated into nothingness.

A mask with arrogance effect is better than Mikoto Menus' attention?

This is only because, in the face of eternal death, history is nothing more than that.

The arrogance mask magnifies Yermungandr's pride hidden deep in his blood as a terrifying serpent, and for this serpent that guards the gate of death terror in the underworld, history is actually meaningless.

The effects of the seven pale masks all correspond to the same emotion, the stronger the corresponding emotion and the higher the quality, the better the effect.

Therefore, in the face of this natural arrogance, the torrent of history will return in vain in Yemengjia.

Of course, Long Yi and Wu Song would not be able to guess the inside story for a while. Long Yi was surprised by the effect of the arrogance mask, and Wu Song was very surprised, and he couldn't help but overestimate the defensive ability of the arrogance mask.

hold head high!
Just when the two sides were briefly surprised, Yemengard launched an attack without anyone commanding.

The arrogance mask depicting a rooster fell off automatically, and the angry mask depicting the side face of a lion was put on, and then Yemengard slammed headfirst into the bronze clock.

This collision did not use a unique move, it was purely relying on his own terrifying strength.

The golden bell of the heroic spirit, which was only a little thinner under the bombardment of the flame bird and the divine bird, trembled violently under the impact of Yermungandr, and a male heroic spirit that drove the earth turtle disappeared with a scream. There was a small gap in the golden bell.

"This is..." Long Yi's eyes lit up.

"Not good!" Wu Song's expression changed drastically.

Sirona in the commentary room smiled and said: "Wu Song is in trouble, the biggest weakness of Heroic Spirit Admiralty has been discovered."

In terms of the person who knows the heroic spirit Jinzhong best in this world, the first is Namikawa Gosatsu himself, the second is Sirona, and the third is Nara Oyo who has a rough understanding. In fact, Kikuno and Aliu did not really face each other in battle. I have used this trick.

Their understanding of the Heroic Spirit Admiralty was limited to the Nara Daye Flame Monkey's terrifying Supernova Explosion Punch, and they couldn't even break the defense.

However, at this moment, Long Yi's Ye Mengjiad taught everyone a new lesson.

Heroic Spirit Admiralty has a huge weakness!
It is outstanding for energy defense, but very weak for pure physical defense.

hold head high!
After attacking once, Ye Mengjiad roared up to the sky. For it guarding the gate of the underworld, the existence of heroic spirits is no different from that of stowaways, and it can see through the essence of this secret technique almost at a glance.

A dark and mysterious space appeared behind Yemengard, and there was an ancient bronze gate in the dark space, which was the gate of the underworld that separated life and death in countless legends—the gate of terror!
Then, under the control of Jormungandr, the Gate of Terror cracked slightly, and the wind of oblivion that belonged exclusively to the Bitter Swamp blew out from it, blowing through the bronze bell and the golden bell of the heroic spirits, making half of the heroic spirits on the golden bell tremble , and then annihilate into nothingness.

These heroic spirits wiped out by the Forgotten Wind are the imprints left by dead people and elves. This imprint is nothing in itself, but after being strengthened by Wu Song's heroic golden bell, it faintly gets in touch with the main body in the Bitter Swamp.

If the latter has not lost his sanity, he will be able to spread some power through this slight connection, and over time, it will form something like a ghost to help the main body get out of trouble.

This is not allowed by Yemengard, and it is also its duty as the guardian of the underworld.

The Heroic Spirit Admiralty, which had lost half of its heroic spirits, became much dimmer, from bright golden yellow to light yellow.

Wu Song called out, "What did you do?"

In fact, Long Yi himself didn't understand what happened, but how could he admit it at this time, pretending to be confident and said: "Of course it's a fight. Yemengard, let's hit again!"

Wu Song was not sure whether the Heroic Spirit Admiralty, whose color had dimmed a lot, could withstand the impact of the big snake, and quickly ordered: "Use super weight!"

Superweight is another secret trick created by Wu Song for the bronze bell, which can instantly increase its weight dozens of times.

The terrifying weight made the bronze bell no longer able to levitate through the force of thought, and it hit the ground leaving a deep hole.

At the same time, Yemengard's impact also arrived. This time, the bronze bell was directly hit by it to create a dent, and then Yemengarde's tail slapped violently. On, the special ability of the opponent's torture bell was triggered.

Ye Mengjia shook his head in agitation, and blood-red lines appeared on the lion pattern on the angry mask on his face, but they were intermittent and did not form a whole.

Long Yi, who also heard the sound of the bell, had a headache and felt countless voices asking him various historical questions in his mind, but as a red flame burned through, and his pupils turned red, these voices disappeared at the same time.

Long Yi is not Mikoto Aso, he has the ability to directly fight against the bronze bell, let alone resist the bell's ringing.

Because of its excess weight, the bronze bell held Yemengard's slap and didn't even move.

At this moment, Wu Song thought that Long Yi and Ye Mengjiad were both trapped in the torment of the torture bell, and ordered: "Use the trick space!"

A strong purple light flashed in the eyes of the bronze bell, and then a rectangular purple wonderful space expanded, covering the entire battle field within it.

Trick space, a trick that is very difficult to learn in the super power system, is used in this space, the slower the elf, the faster it will become; and the fast elf will become very slow.

The Bronze Bell itself is not an elf who is good at speed, and it is almost impossible to move after using the secret skill to overweight.However, with the trick space, it is enough to make it have a terrifying super fast speed!

The bronze bell that could not move was raised again, and it was as light as a feather, as if the law of gravity had been changed in this space.

"Heroic Spirit Golden Bell again!"

Heroic Spirit Admiralty has the disadvantage of being in the same place, and its effect will decrease within a short time after being defeated, but this does not hinder Wu Song's choice. What he needs is only the carrier of Admiralty, not its actual defensive effect.

The dim golden bell of Heroic Spirit reappeared, and Wusong ordered the bronze bell to be placed horizontally, with the mouth of the bell facing Jormungandr, and it revolved around the latter at a terrifying speed.

"Use Shock Bell!"

A strong bell that seemed to be able to crush steel burst out, and after being amplified by the Heroic Spirit's golden bell body, it turned into a circle of substantial sound waves visible to the naked eye and rushed towards Yermungandr. It seemed that even the air was trembling on the way.

Wu Song had tasted the bitterness of Long Yi before. Facing the arrogant Yemengade, the torrent of history he was proud of had no effect, and he also felt the powerlessness of the lack of means of attack.

Fortunately, he was more than ten years older than Long Yi, and the long time allowed him to create another secret technique of purely physical attack, which is to shake the bell!
Moreover, the Shocking Bell can be matched with the Golden Bell of the Heroic Spirit to enhance it. Wu Song is already making a trial match for his nirvana!
"Dig a hole!"

Long Yi spoke suddenly, startling Wu Song.

What made him even more unbelievable was that Ye Mengjiad didn't seem to be too much affected by the torture bell, and reacted quickly.And the trick space also boosted the slow Yemengard, allowing it to quickly penetrate into the ground with a skill that didn't fit its huge size, avoiding the shocking sound of the bronze bell.

"The wave of evil!"

A tidal wave of black energy spewed out from the huge hole left by Jormungandr, and the evil energy that could also be amplified by plane projection had a strong impact on the trick space that was essentially constructed with superpowers.

A crisp sound fell, and the grotesque trick space was shattered, first turning into pieces like stained glass, and then disintegrating into countless colored light spots and disappearing.

"Bronze Bell!"

Losing the room for tricks, the bronze bell affected by the super weight fell to the ground immediately, and at this time Yemengard poked his head out from the hole and smashed the thin golden bell of the heroic spirit into pieces. "The mask of jealousy, stealing the brand of history!"

Wu Song would have had another chance, the 'resurrected' bronze bell from history could eliminate the negative effects of overweight, and the ready history torrent could catch Ye Mengjia by surprise.

But Long Yi didn't give him a chance, the poisonous scorpion pattern on the jealous mask flashed by, the bronze clock was inexplicably missing something, and Yermungand was adding something.

At this point, Long Yi was almost sure of the victory, and ordered: "Anger mask, let's have another wave of evil."

Ye Mengjia nodded, this time the wave of evil was no longer scattered, but condensed into a light like Darkley, accurately hitting the hard-to-move bronze bell, and the effect was outstanding.

"There's no need to fight, I admit defeat." Wu Song shook his head and stopped.

The super-weight secret technique cannot be cleared up in a short time. Wu Song didn't have this problem because of the existence of the historical brand, until he met Long Yi, the historical brand became invalid, and it immediately became his fatal flaw.

With Namikawa Wusong conceding defeat, Long Yi became the chief of the new Sinnoh's four heavenly kings!

As the highest combat power on the surface of the alliance, everyone who becomes the king of heaven has a lot of benefits, and as the chief king of heaven, Long Yi has the qualification to challenge the champion Sirona!

"Then Long Yi, I have to solemnly ask you now, do you want to challenge the current champion, Ms. Sakurai Sirona, the Guardian Heavenly Dragon?"

The host handed the microphone to Long Yi's mouth, and the cameras in the audience started shooting from all angles.

Long Yi took a deep breath, looked at the tall and slender beauty in front of him who was almost as tall as himself, and said firmly: "Of course!"

"I, Ryuichi Miyazaki, the new chief king of Sinnoh, here officially challenge Miss Sirona!"

"Miss Sirona, I hope to have a wonderful battle with you." Long Yi said.

Sirona brushed the blond hair next to her ears and laughed: "I'm looking forward to it."

(End of this chapter)

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