Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 34 Punishment Mission——Investigation of the disappearance of 7 Langfeng

Chapter 34 Punishment Mission—Investigation of the Disappearance of Seven Wolf Peak ([-])

Long Yi ran into Honda on the way to the teaching building.

The legend of Seven Wolf Peak is different from that of the elf cemetery. According to Honda, the basic content is similar to what was written in the email from the teaching office.

There is a strange mountain, where the head wolves of the seven wolf elves groups in the forest will decide the ownership of the wolf king in March every year.

It's just that compared with the content in the email, there is an extra legend in the strange stories passed down by the students.

It is said that there is actually a wolf king crown hidden on the Seven Wolf Peak. If a wolf elf can get this crown, then he can completely become the king of all wolf elves on the island of trainers!
Note that the king here is different from the wolf king produced in a duel every March.

The latter is a rule spontaneously established by the seven wolf groups. Other small-scale wolf groups and lone wolves do not obey the orders of the so-called "wolf king". Obey the command of the 'Wolf King'.

But the legendary wolf king who won the crown of the wolf king is the real king!It is possible to command the pack of wolves from the depths of the blood!

"Is there such a god? Did such a wolf king ever appear?" Long Yi didn't quite believe it.

You must know that wolf elves are not a single type, but several types.

A crown can become the king of all wolf elves?This is more powerful than many legendary elves, okay?

Honda Tantanshou: "Then I don't know. Anyway, the legend is like this. As for the truth, who knows?"

Long Yi knew that although Honda was well-informed, he was only a first-year freshman after all, and his family had no background, some very confidential information was out of his reach.

For example, the truth about the cemetery of the elves, such as the conditions for the elves to break through the boundaries.

A slender figure flashed in my mind, if it was her, she must be more familiar with Seven Wolf Peak.

Miyamoto Mei, the woman who sits on the throne of the student council president of the Trainer Academy, Long Yi is almost sure that she must know the real secret of Seven Wolf Peak.

But when recalling those glazed eyes, Long Yi still shook his head and gave up this idea.

This student council president is not as simple as it seems on the surface. She has a mysterious power that can affect the mind, and the system's evil energy is only 10 points left.

"Forget it, anyway, it should have nothing to do with the task and the crown of the wolf king."

Saying goodbye to Honda, Long Yi went to meet Meisha.

The two first bought enough food, which could last for almost 3 days, including the little elf's and Long Yi's own.

Then Mesa helped to choose sleeping bags, tents, wound medicine, insect repellent, compass, knife and other items that are convenient for survival in the forest, as well as a backpack.

The school uniform is definitely not suitable for trekking in the forest. For this reason, I have prepared three sets of clothes for walking in the jungle, one for wearing and two for replacement.

During the whole process, Long Yi was responsible for carrying the bag, paying the money, and trying on various clothes by the way.

The replacement of the whole set of equipment almost emptied Long Yi's treasury, and now he only has less than 2000 yuan left on his card. If he fully supplies himself and a few elves for training, he can't even last for 3 days.

"I regret returning Boss Kedora, after all, it's 100 million yuan." Long Yi said intentionally.

Meisha gave him a blank stare when she heard the words: "It's as if I asked you to choose again and you would do it this way."

"Hey... you still know me."

Meisha ignored him and helped tidy up everything.

She took out one set of clothes, wrapped the other two carefully in plastic bags, and put them in the middle of the backpack.

The humidity in the forest is very heavy. Although this backpack is said to be waterproof and moisture-proof, it is cheap after all. The specific effect remains to be seen. It is always good to be prepared.

Then there are medicines, food, tools...

While putting it on, Mesha talked about the functions of these things in the forest, where they were placed, and various places that needed attention.

Standing by the side, Long Yi couldn't help at all, listening to Meisha's concerned nagging, he just felt warm in his heart.

He sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist through his armpits.

"What are you doing, I'm busy." Meisha stopped, twisting her body unnaturally.

Long leaned his head on Meisha's shoulder, and their heads touched each other.

He whispered in his ear, "It's nothing, I just think it's nice to have you."


"Hateful." A faint voice came from inside the room.

After lunch, Long coaxed Mesa to fall asleep. Then, wearing the clothes he just bought, carrying a bulging backpack, and holding Mo Yan, the demon sword, he left the dormitory.

This load is almost 20 kilograms, and it is definitely impossible for an ordinary person to carry it for a long time, let alone trekking in the forest. However, Long Yi's physical fitness has been greatly improved recently because of his 'Qi', although it is not Easy, but tolerable.

It was just before 12 o'clock when he arrived at the assembly point, but others were already waiting there.

4 people, divided into 3 parts.

On the far left is a short girl, wearing a coat and trousers, with short silver-gray hair, sitting on a tree stump in a daze.

As soon as Long Yi knew this person, Kurosaki Mai from class A of the first grade was also a girl with facial paralysis who was once entangled by Ueda Hayato.

In the middle is a combination of a man and a woman. The man is not tall, only about half a head taller than Kurosaki Mai. He is thin and small, and wears a pair of glasses.

He is also carrying a backpack, but it is smaller than Long Yi's, and it looks a bit strenuous.

Standing next to him was a tall girl, almost 1 meters tall, wearing a hat with her hair wrapped in it.

This girl has a good figure, and she looks even more charming with makeup on.She was carrying a slanted schoolbag that was one size smaller than the companion beside her, standing there seemed to have a touch of arrogance.

The last person stood alone on the right, leaning against a tree, neither tall nor short, with a slightly square face, always with a warm smile, giving people a very reliable feeling.

"It seems that everyone is here. I am Akira Fukuoka, the one who sent you the email." The boy on the right said first.

Then Ryuichi, Kurosaki Mai, Nobi Komura and Fujii Mari also said their names.

After introducing himself, Akira Fukuoka said, "Let's exchange information first. After all, this mission is not easy. Miyazaki-kun, the two people on the missing list are classmates with you. Do you know anything? "

Long Yi shook his head: "I'm sorry, as far as I know, these two people disappeared before the start of school. There are very few people who know them. The time of disappearance is roughly between the first batch of freshmen arriving on the island and the start of school day."

Fukuoka Akira frowned at this answer, and he turned around and asked the two students in Class C of the second grade.

"I know about Oki Shiho." The boy named Nobi Komura said, "He disappeared ten days ago. It is said that he went alone because he heard that someone found a shining coyote near Seven Wolf Peak. Capture, and then there is no audio."

Flash elves are similar to genetic mutations, and are not necessarily stronger than ordinary elves of this species, but they are rare in number and expensive, and they are highly touted by some rich people.

"How is Oki-san's strength?" Akira Fukuoka asked.

Mie Kojima and Yuri Ogawa had almost no fighting power at all, and any elf in the forest had the ability to kill them, so Akira Fukuoka didn't ask.

But Oki Shiho is different. As a second-year student, although he is in Class C, one year of study is enough for him to have a certain ability to protect himself, especially in the low-intensity danger zone of the forest.

"It's so-so, the actual combat assessment score is about 60 points, and the main elves are the Dark Crow and Mosquito Frog."

Akira Fukuoka nodded, feeling confident.

It's almost at the bottom of Class C in Grade 2, even worse than many freshmen in Grade 1.

"It seems that we are lucky, and we shouldn't encounter any strong wild elves this time." He said, "The only clue so far seems to be the shiny coyotes that Oki Shiho wants to tame, anyway. Let's rush to the vicinity of Seven Wolf Peak first."

Long Yi and the others nodded, expressing that they had no objections.

So a group of people set off towards the depths of the forest together...

(End of this chapter)

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