Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 348 All staff duel, Dragon 1 VS Shinji! 2

Chapter 348 All staff duel, Ryuichi VS Shinji!two

Dragon King Scorpion, one of the main spirits of Shinji, the nature of the scorpion is poisonous and evil, and it is proficient in certain insect-type tricks. It is really a kind of spirit that is very restrained by the Lizard King.

"It's Dragon King Scorpion, then come back, Lizard King!"

Long Yi chose to change the elf, and with his right hand raised and lowered, the Lizard King who was standing proudly disappeared without a trace, and the other elf fell heavily.

Boss Cordora, here again!

"Dragon King Scorpion, use the poisonous water chestnut!"

Shinji chose to take advantage of Long Yi's use of changing spirits to use Poison Ling to spread the field. Although Boss Kedora appeared much faster than ordinary trainers changing spirits, its reaction was still not enough to stop the action of Dragon King Scorpion.

Poof... bang!

The purple energy ball exploded in the sky, and countless purple sharp arrows shot from the sky, submerged into the soil on the ground to hide, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Boss Kedora raised his foot and looked at the soles of his feet. Some poisonous water chestnuts were looming, but it was impossible to break through its steel helmet and iron armor, and it was useless.

Looking at the seemingly safe field, Long Yi heard Xiaozhi's pain from being tortured by this poisonous water chestnut during the competition, and said with a light smile: "It's better not to use this kind of trick, Boss Kedora, use earthquake."


Boss Kedora jumped up violently, and under the terrible weight, it collapsed a large area of ​​its foothold instantly, and a ring-shaped shock wave visible to the naked eye oscillated around Boss Kedora as the center.Under the attack of the powerful earthquake trick, all the poisonous water chestnuts hidden in the soil on the ground were swept away, and the earthquake shock wave wrapped in the poisonous water chestnut rushed towards the Dragon King Scorpion with unabated momentum.

"Come back, Dragon King Scorpion."

Shinji changed the spirit, and after the earthquake passed, he released his third spirit.

"Duckbill Flame Dragon, prepare to fight!"

The duck-billed flame dragon with fierce eyes appeared on the stage. This is also a powerful elf cultivated by Shinji. It once caused considerable pressure on Xiaozhi by the lake of wisdom.

"Spray flames!"

"Interesting. Boss Cordora, use the heavy impact!"

The scorching high temperature is sprayed from the gun holes of the two flame-throwing guns of the duck-billed flame dragon. Facing the crimson flames, Long Yi's Boscodora has no fear at all. The powerful steel energy wraps itself, carrying With an unstoppable momentum, he rushed towards the duck-billed flame dragon.

boom! boom! boom!
Like a heavy tank, Boscodora's sprint made the passers-by change color, while the duck-billed flame dragon, which looked tall and terrifying when fighting against Pikachu, looked like a child facing a strong man in front of Boscodora. Seemed so weak and helpless.

Boss Kedora is not good at energy attacks, so the steel-based energy shield that hit the surface was quickly broken by the flames of the duck-billed flame dragon, but it has a steel-like will and physique, and the fire-burning body The pain didn't make Boss Kedora flinch, on the contrary, it aroused its anger, making the collision more powerful.

The last flame exploded in front of the duck-billed flame dragon, and Boss Kedora, who was sprinting all the way against the flames, was already turning red, but his eyes were ferocious and terrifying, and he bumped headfirst into the duck-billed flame dragon's body regardless.


The duck-billed flame dragon flew high amidst the screams. It is not a kind of elf that is good at defense. The huge size and strength gap has already caused the duck-billed flame dragon to be severely injured by this blow. At least two or three ribs were waved. Scodora crashed.

This is not bad, if it is an elf like Little Lada or Pikachu, if it is hit head-on by Boss Kedora, it may die if it is stepped on.

Boss Kedora showed a ferocious smile, and shot a destructive and deadly light at the duck-billed flame dragon in the sky. The latter flew high again before landing, and was obviously unconscious in the air.

"The duck-billed flame dragon loses its ability to fight, and Boscodora wins!"

"This kind of power..." Shinji gritted his teeth.

Whether it was the previous Lizard King or the current Boss Kedora, they were all powerful opponents comparable to his ace elf, but for Long Yi, it seemed that he had thrown out the roadside elf casually.

Is the gap between ordinary trainers and element level really so big?

He doesn't even use elemental sprites!
At least... at least one of your elves must be defeated!
Shinji raised his head, his eyes fell on Boss Kedora who was scratching his red body, his eyes became firm.

"Taitai Turtle, get ready to fight!"

The ultimate evolution of Shinji's initial spirit, the Tutai Turtle, appears.

It roared habitually, and then seemed to recognize its opponent this time, its eyes became sharper.

Long Yi said happily: "Oh! It must have evolved from the tender seedling turtle at that time. It's been a long time since I saw you."

He glanced at Boscodora again.

The battle with the duck-billed flame dragon caused a lot of injuries to Boss Kedora, and the ground system has a four-fold power bonus to him. Boss Kedora itself does not have a strong dodge ability, so it is very dangerous to fight rashly.

Long Yi resolutely changed the spirit: "Come back, Boss Kedora."

"When you meet an old friend, you have to look like an old friend. Come out, Iron Claw Lobster!"

Waking up from the source, the iron claw lobster shook off the mud on its body and stood up.

6. [Iron-clawed Lobster]: A strong Iron-clawed lobster, the domineering has penetrated into the bone marrow, and has the courage to drive away any enemy.

[Elf Race]: Iron Claw Lobster
【Attribute】: water, evil
[Status]: healthy
【Age】: 5 years old
【Character】: Domineering
[Exclusive Plane]: Land of Origin
[Intimacy]: 200 (purple, trustworthy)

[Talent]: Strange force pliers, hard shell armor, adaptability

Strange Force Claws: Its pincers possess enormous power.

Hard Shell Armor: Its carapace is very hard.

Adaptability: Elves with strong adaptability can survive in any harsh environment.

[Racial limit value progress]:
Racial limit value: 100% of water-type energy, 100% of evil-type energy, 100% of normal-type energy; 100% of physique.


Hey Zha!

Turtle and Iron Claw Lobster confront each other as soon as they meet, and they refuse to give in to each other. The former may recognize the latter, but Iron Claw Lobster doesn't necessarily remember the defeat of the year, it's just pure domineering.

"Did that lobster soldier evolve?" Shinji guessed the identity of the iron-clawed lobster from the reaction of the tortoise. Facing an opponent of both water and evil, he did not choose to change the elf because both sides had advantages. Instead, he launched an attack directly: "Taitai turtle, use hundreds of millions of tons to absorb!"

Long Yi knew that this Turtle's unique move was quite powerful and had a good attack surface, but the disadvantage was that its speed was not good, and its defense was not so good.

Facing the absorption of billions of tons pierced by the three sharp swords of the earth platform turtle, Long Yi chose to dodge.

"Get out of the way!"

Although the lobster soldiers have also evolved, their speed has not dropped much, at least it is more than enough to avoid the absorption of hundreds of millions of tons by the earth turtle.

Three green lightsaber-like attacks plunged into the soil, and the iron-clawed lobster, which moved sideways to avoid it, raised its double pincers, and returned dense foamy light.

The speed of the earth turtle is not as good as that of the lobster minion, and the foam light hits it head-on, and the effect is good.

Shinji frowned: "Harden the plants!"

This move is the ultimate grass-type trick. A thorny plant shoots up into the sky, and then turns and stabs at the iron-clawed lobster.

The speed of hardening plants is much faster than the absorption of hundreds of millions of tons, and the speed of the iron-clawed lobster on the shore is not enough to dodge, so Long Yi directly chose head-to-head.

"Use Crab Punch!"

Dozens of small crystal blue water droplets rotated in an X shape around the iron claw lobster's large pincers. During the violent vibrations, it swung its crab fist and slapped the attacking hardened plants away time and time again.

A hardened plant suddenly emerged from under the Iron Claw Lobster, hitting the latter's body unexpectedly. However, under the protection of the hard shell armor, the lobster soldier was almost flawless. Before breaking its carapace, all All physical attacks will be greatly weakened.

The unsharp hardened plants knocked the iron claw lobster into the air, and the latter was hit by the remaining hardened plants in the air. However, under the protection of the hard shell armor, the damage caused by these attacks was not considerable.

The iron claw lobster fell to the ground and quickly got up again. Except for a little concussion injury, it was not seriously injured.

Compared with hardened plants, if hundreds of millions of tons of absorption can hit, the damage to the iron claw lobster will actually be greater.

When the iron claw lobster stood up, the earth turtle fell into a state of rigidity due to the use of hardened plants, and Long Yi took the opportunity to start a counterattack.

"Water jet, sword dance, sneak attack!"

A large amount of water bursts and carries the iron claw lobster soaring into the sky. During the flight, the energy of the two sharp arrows is respectively integrated into its two large pincers, increasing the bonus.

Then, the iron claw lobster that quickly approached the tortoise hit the tortoise's skull with a punch, and turned it over with another uppercut, exposing the brown belly carapace.


The iron-clawed lobster didn't need Long Yi's orders, it continued to use water jets to stretch its height, and then the double clamps made a cross, and under the vibration amplitude of a large amount of water system energy, it slammed down on the belly of the earth turtle.

Crab punch, hit the nail on the head!

The energy of the blasted water system stirred up smoke and dust, and the iron-clawed lobster fled away in the dust, leaving the Tutai Turtle with its belly upturned and unconscious in place alone.

Turtle, lost the ability to fight!

(End of this chapter)

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