Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 356 Dad Was Kidnapped!

Chapter 356 Dad Was Kidnapped!

Fuyan Town is a small town built at the foot of Yantu Mountain, famous for its hot springs.But in fact, due to the inconvenient transportation, there are not many tourists in Fuyan Town, so the young people in the town went out one after another, leaving a large number of elderly people staying here.

This is one of the few towns that is a bit famous in Fengyuan, but there are no airboat landing points and train frequency.

Long Yi came to Zijin City by airship, and then took Jin Pengfei to Fuyan Town after departing from Zijin City. He didn't need to climb a mountain like most tourists or take a sightseeing cable car up the mountain and then down the mountain to enter the town.

However, when Long Yi finally arrived at Fuyan Town, he heard a news that surprised him.

"What did you say? You said my father, Takashi Miyazaki is missing!?"

In the police station of Fuyan Town, Long Yi, who originally came to ask for help, heard the shocking news from the chief Jun Sha, and couldn't help standing up and shouting.

"I'm really sorry!" The young Miss Junsha bowed deeply.

After talking, Long Yi learned that not only his father Miyazaki Takashi, but also his archaeological team, a dozen or so archaeological professionals, were all missing!
And time, more than a month has passed!
"At first, no one noticed the disappearance of the archaeological team. It wasn't until half a month later that the shop owner judged that the archaeological team had run out of food, but he didn't come back to replenish it. He felt something was wrong and called the police."

"When we sent people to the camp, all we saw was a messy camp. It is estimated that the time of disappearance has been more than 40 days."

"Because a large number of footprints of unified shoes were found at the scene, and after inspection, clues related to the lava mass were found, so the police decided to block the news and did not notify the family members. Please forgive me." Junsha explained.

The lava group and the water battle group are evil forces entrenched in the Fengyuan area. Although the danger and strength are incomparable with the Rockets, there are a few brushes to be able to hold Fengyuan's territory and prevent the Rockets from occupying it.

When this kind of evil organization is involved, Junsha does have the right to block the news to prevent the panic from spreading further.

Long Yi calmed down, sat down again, and asked: "What about your investigation results?"

Director Junsha turned her head and looked at a red-haired girl next to her. She shook her head helplessly and said, "Because of the shortage of manpower, there is no result yet."

That girl is Xia Shu Yasha, the owner of the Fuyan Gymnasium recruited temporarily.

Although she is a young girl who lacks experience and strength, in a small place like Fuyan Town, Yasha has become the strongest trainer since the old owner went out to travel.

But with this level of strength, it is obviously beyond our capabilities to catch the tail of the lava mass.

Long Yi frowned: "You won't ask the alliance for help?"

"The report on the application for support was sent up ten days ago, but so far, there is still no feedback." Director Junsha said helplessly.

The situation of Fengen is also very special. It and the city are called the two most conservative areas.The Fengyuan area seems to be full of high-rise buildings, and it is much more open than the old-fashioned Chengdu area, but in the bones, the rights here are controlled by deep-rooted ancient families. Even in the Fengyuan Alliance, members of each family hold power.

The older generation controls resources, while the younger generation pursues fashion and is irresponsible. This is the current situation of Fengyuan.

Even the positions of heavenly king and champion are more of an honor than fulfilling specific duties.

This is either unwilling or impossible. The former champion Dawu voluntarily abdicated and devoted himself to the pursuit of precious stones is a typical example.

In such a general environment, when the lava group and the water battle group did not touch the vital interests of the big families in power, it is natural for them to send people to fight against an evil organization like the lava group for the sake of a few archaeologists. It's an idiot's dream.

It's no wonder that Director Junsha's application has been muddled and there is no feedback.

Long had a little understanding of Fengyuan's situation, so when he heard this, his anger disappeared, but he shook his head helplessly, and cursed a few times, but he didn't know who he was scolding.

Among the four major regions of the alliance, Kanto values ​​ability, Chengdu values ​​faith, Feng Yuan values ​​blood, and Sinnoh values ​​fame.

This is also the reason why Long Yi made up his mind to develop in Kanto as soon as Aoki Zhenghe recruited him.

Because in Fengyuan, it is really difficult for a person like him who has no background and no ancient blood to get ahead.

"Give me all the information about this kidnapping, and I will find it myself." Long Yi said.

This is undoubtedly against the rules, but in terms of identity, he is the chief king of Sinnoh and the family of the victim. In addition, Junsha is also very disappointed with the Fengyuan Alliance and wants to quickly rescue the archaeological team members who were kidnapped by the lava group. So after hesitating for a while, I did it.

Long Yi started to read the materials.

It was written above that the archaeological team that Takashi Miyazaki was in originally excavated a small relic near Meteor Falls. It seems that this relic can prove why meteorites fall here every year, attracting a large number of sun rocks and moon rocks.

However, before they unearthed the relics in the data, they were raided by the lava group. According to the traces on the scene, there were no casualties, but everyone was kidnapped and disappeared.

It is worth noting that in one of the diaries that did not know who dropped it, there was a special pattern circled by a red pen, and the records that appeared to introduce this pattern on the following pages were torn off, which seemed to be from a lava mass. people did it.

"This pattern..."

Long Yi pondered, others may not be able to see it, but he has guessed about it.

This is likely to be the pattern on Gulardo's body, the ultra-ancient beast that the lava group is looking for!
The ultimate idea of ​​the lava group is to find and control the legendary beast, Gulardo, the founder of the land in mythology, and control it to destroy the ocean and become the new master of the world.

And the goal of its deadly rival, the water battle group, is the same ultra-ancient beast Kyoka, aiming to destroy the land and become the overlord of the sea.

Now it seems that it is very likely that someone in the archaeological team where Miyazaki Takashi was working accidentally discovered clues related to Gulardo.

But the problem is that all the information on the diary has been torn away. Long Yiyi doesn't know who the owner of the diary is, so he can't investigate; second, he doesn't know the information about Gulardo, so he can't trace it.

The clues here seem to have reached an impasse again.

"No, that's not right!"

Long Yi suddenly came to his senses.

"If things develop according to my expectations, then if that step is reached, the lava group and the water battle group are likely to develop like a plot. It is agreed to exchange the super ancient elves in each other's hands at that place!"

"And if it's false information, according to the style of the lava group, Dad and the others will be released soon."

This is the style of the lava group, and it is also because they don't want to offend Feng En's actual power too much before they achieve their goals.

In contrast, the methods of the Water Battle Group are much more ruthless.

"If the information held by the archaeological team is true, then more than a month is enough for the lava group to get what it wants. In the absence of other clues, that location is my only clue..."

"If i remember correctly……"

"Junsha, bring Fengyuan's map!" Long Yi suddenly stood up and said.

Director Junsha froze for a moment, then reacted, and ordered the police officers below to take out Fengyuan's map.

Long Yi glanced quickly across the map, and after a while, a familiar name awakened his memory and made him lock his gaze.

Target: Moss Island!

(End of this chapter)

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