Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 37 Punishment Mission——Investigation of the disappearance of 7 Langfeng

Chapter 37 Punishment Mission—Investigation of the Disappearance of Seven Wolf Peak ([-])

"Senior, aren't you going to do something?" Long Yi asked, Kurosaki Mai and Fujii Mari did not lower their voices at all, their conversation was completely heard by Long Yi and Fukuoka Akira.

I always feel the rhythm of kneeling. Is such a team really okay?
"Ahem." Fukuoka Jing coughed twice, if Long Yi read correctly, he seemed to be blushing?
No, it must be the rays of the setting sun, it must be.

"Listen to my junior, if you encounter a war between two women, your wisest choice is to do nothing." Fukuoka Akira solemnly taught Long Yi the experience of those who have experienced it, and added a sentence at the end : "It doesn't matter how old these two women are."

The sun gradually shifted, and the clear voices of Boboqun returning home sounded over the forest, and the tents of Long Yi and Fukuoka Jing gradually took shape.

Kurosaki Mai and Fujii Mari were the first to come back. They each held some apple-like fruits. Behind them was Marumou and Mary Luli, and the two elves held branches in their hands.

Akira Fukuoka slapped herself on the face: "Girls, I'm glad you brought us fresh fruit, but what happened to those branches?"

Mai Kurosaki was expressionless, and Mari Fujii looked strange: "Didn't you ask me to pick up firewood?"

Long took a look and shook his head.

The branches in the hands of the two elves are all dark brown in color, and some of them have water droplets on them.

What is the use of such firewood?

Akira Fukuoka explained: "It would be dangerous if the skin of the king of marsh becomes dry, so once it leaves the water, it will always distribute the moisture in its body to keep its skin moist. It is strange that you let it hold the branches without getting wet. , and Mary Luli is too close to the Marsh King, and the water elf itself is attracted to water vapor, so the branches on its hands are also wet."

Fujii Mari glanced back. Although it was much better than the one held by the Marsh King, the branch Mari Luli was holding was indeed damp and could not be used to light a fire at all.

"I haven't spent the night in the forest, how can I understand this." She blushed.

Even Kurosaki Mai, who had a poker face of ten thousand years, couldn't help but twitched at the corner of her mouth at this moment.

"Miscalculation." She took out the elf ball and took it back to the marsh king, "Please act as if nothing happened." She said, put the apple on the ground, turned and walked back.

Fujii Mari bit his lip, put down the apple and followed.

She didn't want to look useless than that underdeveloped little bean sprout.

Long Yi and Akira Fukuoka continued to work.

Then Nobi Komura came back.

He was followed by a Haoli, easily carrying two buckets full of water, while Nobi Komura himself carried a pile of pebbles.

"This can be used as a firepit." He said, and his tone returned to the feeling of weakness when we met.

"Good job Nobi-kun, can you help Miyazaki-kun, he's not very good at pitching tents."


Nobi Komura can memorize the steps of setting up a tent backwards. Although his strength is not very good, he has great strength.

With his help, Long Yi quickly fixed his tent.

"Phew~ I never thought it would be so hard to set up a tent, thank you, Nobi-senpai." Long Yi wiped his sweat.

At this time, Fukuoka Akira was also set up, and with the sound of footsteps, Kurosaki Mai and Fujii Mari walked out of the forest, holding dry firewood in their hands.

"Good start, let's get the fire going."

The place they chose to camp was a clearing in the forest by the river beach, with forests on three sides and a river on one side, with two tents on the left and right.

Akira Fukuoka chose an open space in the middle of the tent.

He first surrounded a simple firepit with cobblestones picked up by Nobi Village to prevent the fire from spreading.Then I put some branches inside, not just laying them flat, but high and low, like a campfire, leaving enough gaps for air circulation.

"Does anyone have a fire elf or a unique fire skill?"

"I have," said Mari Fujii, unleashing a lava bug that ignited the branch with sparks.

The dead branches that had been eaten away by moths made a loud bang, and the orange flames burned quietly, illuminating a few immature cheeks.

It’s always good to have a fire, and a flame is full of hope and reassurance, especially in the wild.

Except for Akira Fukuoka, it was actually the first time for the rest of the team to spend the night in the wild, so they were inexplicably relieved when the flame was lit.

Mai Kurosaki, who also had a poker face, seemed to have raised a corner of her mouth.

"Good start, now that we have a fire and a tent, it's time for a nice camping dinner." Akira Fukuoka pulled food out of his backpack—some instant cans and pelleted elf food.

Ryuichi's food was the same as his, Nobi Komura brought instant cup noodles, Fujii Mari's canned fruit, and Kurosaki Mai silently took out an energy bar from his pocket.

"Come out, my friend."

Pikachu, Magneto [-] in [-], Wool Sheep and Luke Cat, Akira Fukuoka released some of his elves.

Long Yi also released his spirit.

Huiyuan, Arbo Snake, Korakola, Lobster Minions.

Geng Gui doesn't need to eat, and the carp king is going to put it in the river overnight.

The elves of Nobi Village are Hao Li, Pellas and Tiejiabei; the elves of Fujii Mari are Bibi Bird, Mary Luli, Lava Worm, Goonuniu and Queen Bee; duck.

"Come on, let's serve dinner, everyone." Several people prepared food for their elves one by one.


The lobster minion picks up some pixie treats in his pincers, then lets go and watches them fall, looking listless.

Long Yi gave it a light kick with a spoon, then shook his head: "Don't be picky eaters."


The lobster soldier chose to protest, but the protest was ineffective, so he had to eat obediently in order not to be hungry.

The Arbo snake lowered its head and sniffed, spit out the letter, and swam towards a tree in the distance without saying a word—it usually slept wrapped around the tree when it was resting.

Long Yi didn't care about it, it's okay for Abo Snake not to eat for a few days.

Kela Kela and Huiyuan are the most obedient. One sits on the ground with two small hands holding food to his mouth, and the other lays there, eating deliciously with his mouth.

At this time, Haibara's injury has almost recovered, but he is a little weaker than usual, and some hair on his back is gone.

Long handed the food of Abo Snake to Kurosaki Mai: "Here, although it's not much, but at least it can fill their stomachs."

Kurosaki Mai didn't even prepare much for her own food, let alone the elf's.

"Do you have any plans for my young girl's body?" she said, crossing her arms in horror.

Long Yi shook his head and put the plate on the ground, he gave up hope for Kurosaki Mai's mouth.

At this moment, the sky was slowly getting dark, and several people sat in a circle around the campfire.

Ryuichi and Fukuoka Akira warmed the canned food, while Nobi Komura boiled some water to soak the cup noodles.

Call ~
Open the lid, a strong smell of meat hits, the dark beef with rich soup, although it is not delicious, but it is rare in this forest.

The sky is high and the land is wide. On this island far away from civilized society, leaving the only human building and sleeping in the wild overnight, a different feeling floats in my heart.

Fujii Mari suddenly hummed an unknown song, didn't sing, just hummed simply, and stared at the night sky with big eyes twinkling at the eyeliner.

Long Yi and the others listened quietly and ate quietly.

Soon, the song was over.

"It's a beautiful song, it reminds me of the taste of my hometown." Long Yi said with a smile, and there was a meaning in his smile that others couldn't understand.

"Thanks, my mother taught me that," she said, smiling beautifully.

(End of this chapter)

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