Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 39 Punishment Mission——Investigation of the disappearance of 7 Langfeng

Chapter 39 Punishment Mission—Investigation of the Disappearance of Seven Wolf Peak ([-])

"It's not easy now." Nobi Komura seemed to have discovered something, "If I'm not mistaken, the man-eating beast might not be anything else, but this black Luga that came out of nowhere!"

This guess surprised others.

There's nothing scarier than meeting a man-eater, if ever, while also being the boss of a pack of giant elves!

This means that under the leadership of this man-eating beast, thousands of coyotes, big wolf dogs and a small number of Dai Rubi and Hei Luga will be full of aggressive desires towards humans, and even gradually evolve into a man-eating herd!
And the only place where humans live on the island is the Trainer Academy...

"We have to pass this news back to the teachers of the academy! Mari, and Miyazaki-kun, I'll attract the attention of those elves later, you sneak into the cave and destroy the upper rock structure at the entrance of the cave, and when the time is right, Fukuoka-kun will use you The electric elves covered our retreat, and then sealed the hole, and everyone fled through the waterway."

Now is not the time to discuss, and the wolves are pressing on every step of the way, and the others quickly express their understanding.

"Be careful." Akira Fukuoka said.

Nobi Komura nodded, and then jumped out before a large number of coyote and big wolfhound transformed from forward to charge.

"That black Luga over there, come and fight, I want to subdue you!"

The second-year senior changed his usual timidity and pointed at Hei Lujia, who was suspected of being the wolf king, acting like an ordinary trainer who was delighted by hunting.

The wolves stopped advancing.

Nobi Komura was overjoyed, and immediately knew that he had made the right bet.

This Black Luga has only been the leader for a little over a month, and it was not one of the seven wolf pack leaders before, but appeared out of nowhere, without a foundation for rule.

Although he became the so-called wolf king under the ancient rules of the wolves, his influence on the wolves is actually very weak, and orders must be conveyed layer by layer through the leader wolves of each group.

And the ordinary members of the wolf pack below were also skeptical of the airborne wolf king.

Nobi Komura took advantage of the atmosphere of the wolves and succeeded in temporarily separating the wolf king from the alpha wolf and the wolves.

The alpha wolves hope that this human can subdue the wolf king so as to restore their dominance; the ordinary wolf pack members hope to see the strength of the new wolf king through fighting with human trainers, and make up their minds to follow.

Hei Lujia looked at Nobi Komura and let out a howl in response.

It accepts the fight!

"Very good!" Nobi Komura threw out a poke ball, "Go, Iron Armor!"

A dark purple armored shell appeared on the hillside, looking at Hei Lujia with a sneer.

"Use Saling!"

Every thorn on the shell of the armored shell emits white light, and then countless white lights fly into the sky like sharp arrows and fall to the ground, leaving triangular hard thorns on the ground.

"How about it, although the speed of the armored shell is not fast, your speed will be restricted in this way." Nobi Komura said intentionally, sneaking a glance behind him, Ryuichi and Fujii Mari had quietly returned to the cave.

all the best!
Sa Ling is not only to paralyze the wolf king Helujia, but also to hinder the charge of the wolves later.

Hei Lujia looked down at his feet, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It was very intelligent, as if laughing at the pitiful struggle of the armored shellfish.

Then it attacked, spewing flames in a straight line!

What a big fire, the height of ordinary Hei Lujia is about 1.5, and the size of this wolf king in front of him has already caught up with Long Yi's height, and the flames it spouts are even more brilliantly red, terrifyingly red!
Nobi Komura did not dare to neglect, and quickly ordered: "Water cannon!"

The armored shell sprayed out the water cannon, a large amount of water collided with the scarlet flames, and there was a loud 'chi' sound in the air, and then countless water vapor rose from the impact of the trick.

The powerful water cannon was actually stopped by a mere spray of flames when it had an advantage in attributes!

"How is this possible!" Nobi Komura couldn't believe his eyes, it didn't match what he had learned!
There was also a commotion among the wolves, obviously they did not expect their new wolf king to be so powerful.

Especially those few wolves subconsciously took a few steps back, obviously they all suffered a lot from the scarlet flames.


Hei Lujia roared angrily, the pillar of flame became thicker, and moved the battle line to the armored shell bit by bit!

Tiejiabei is about to lose!
Nobi Komura hurriedly yelled: "Use the shrink shell!"

The moment the water cannon disappeared, a large amount of flames hit the shell of the armored shell and burned blazingly. The surging flames formed a wall of fire due to the impact, and a small amount of flames floated over the shelled shell to the top of Nobi Komura's head. The high temperature twisted his hair.

Hei Lujia withdrew the flames, revealing a reddish carapace, and then quickly returned to purple.

The carapace was loosened, revealing the body of the iron shell shell inside.


Nobi Komura breathed a sigh of relief: "It's useless, the shell of the armored shell is also one of the best defenses of all elves, and your flames can't hurt it at all."

"Use the poisonous water chestnut!" Nobi Komura asked Tiejiabei to add the poisonous water chestnut to the water chestnut.

Now, the entire hillside is densely packed with thorns, dangerous and deadly.

Hei Lujia was obviously irritated by the armored shell's actions, it spewed red flames again, and Nobi Komura was so skilled at making the armored shell shrink its shell to defend itself, even without using a water cannon.

The flame burned the shell of the iron shell, and Helujia was still strengthening the power of the flame.

The scarlet flame became darker and more intense, until finally it even turned into a blood-like color.

Under the burning of this kind of flame, the carapace that the armored clam is known for is slightly red at first, and then gradually the whole body starts to turn red, and slowly turns into a bright red.

Nobi Komura began to feel that something was wrong.

"No, this is not a jet of flame, it cannot have such a great power!"

A trick suddenly flashed through Nobi Komura's mind, it was a fire-type trick that could only become incomparably terrifying in the hands of Hei Lujia and Dai Rubi.

"This is purgatory! Hellfire!" He finally called out the name of this trick!

In the ancient legends of Chengdu, Hei Lujia has been living as a servant of the god of death in horror stories. The wounds of people and elves burned by its flames are difficult to heal, and the cry of Hei Lujia at night is also extremely terrifying.

The old people believe that the fire of Hei Lujia is a flame from the region, which has power that does not belong to the world. Those who are killed by it will be imprisoned in the skull on Hei Lujia's chest and suffer the torture of purgatory. Only the elves can be freed.

Later, with the development of science, people learned more about elves. They gradually knew that the wounds caused by Heluga were difficult to heal because their flames contained toxins. It's a unique fire-type move, but I don't know why this move is particularly powerful on Hei Lujia, far stronger than other fire-type elves who have learned Purgatory.

Under the burning of purgatory, the hard shell of the armored shell, which is said to be invulnerable to incendiary bombs, became hot and soft. Unable to bear all this, the iron armored shell finally opened its shell, and was then taken into the purgatory. Fire burns away consciousness.

The armored shell fell, and He Lujia put away the flames and stood there proudly.

It killed a powerful elf that restrained itself, and it was not damaged at all!

(End of this chapter)

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