Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 403 Under Treatment

Chapter 403 Under Treatment

The sea of ​​consciousness is a very important place for a person, it can be said to be the extension of the mind and the cornerstone of the soul.

The sea of ​​consciousness is different from the body. The wounds on the body can be easily treated. With the combination of elves and technology in the alliance, most of the injuries can't die as long as they are treated in time.

However, if the sea of ​​consciousness is injured, it will be completely different. This is an injury that directly affects a person's spirit and will. What's more, it will have a huge impact on a person's personality, forming a short-term personality mutation, like a person who has changed. one person.

Such a result, in fact, is no different from being dead, and the one alive is no longer the former self.

The trouble Long Yi is currently facing is a similar situation.He not only has to resist the erosion of his own will by the strong thoughts and wills contained in the four vigors at all times, but he will also face the fighting after the completion of the five vigors.

Especially the latter, in that kind of battle, with the current Long Yi, there is absolutely no hope of surviving, even if the body does not die, it will at most become a dementia.

In the final analysis, it was because Long Yi was too young, had not experienced enough things, his will was not strong enough, and his own will was far lower than his cultivation in martial arts, which caused this kind of almost mortal ordeal.

At this moment, under Long Yi's intentional acceptance, the phantom of the White Elephant Carrying Buddha quickly came into the dark sea of ​​consciousness, and the white elephant bursting out with pure white glory was particularly eye-catching in the pitch-black sea of ​​consciousness.

Then it saw Long Yi.

Unlike the Sea of ​​Consciousness that went to the Sea of ​​Consciousness last time, because there was no maze of mind, Bai Xiang immediately saw Long Yi's projection in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

It was a man with a faint glory.

However, around that 'person', there were horrible creatures.

Above it, a huge ape roared and roared. It was ten thousand feet tall, its head was like Mount Tai, its eyes were like the sun and moon, its mouth was like a pool of blood, its teeth were like a door leaf, and it held an iron rod in its hand. It grinned fearfully.

This is the original shape of the Lingming Stone Monkey. It is no longer thin and thin in the form of Monkey King, but fierce and ferocious like the giant ape King Kong!

In the west, a man sat cross-legged in the air, with long blond hair standing upright, and a golden sword lying on his knee, caressing him like a lover.

In the north, a blue dragon soars through the clouds and rides the fog into a ball, sometimes baring its teeth and claws, sometimes swallowing thunder and spitting electricity, moody.

In the east, a towering tree rises from the ground, the tree is full of fruits, and a figure sits under the tree, the leaves are skirts and branches, and the hair is in a bun, sleeping peacefully.

In the south, a flame was faintly swaying, and people couldn't help but worry about whether it would go out in the next second.

These auras were originally Long Yi's own powerful help, but ever since one of them broke through to the second stage of the aura return path and possessed a strong will of his own, all of them were out of Long Yi's control, not only revealing his most essential , and the weakest self-awareness, even wants to affect the main body in reverse, so as to resurrect the dead and achieve the purpose of alternative rebirth.

At this time, most of Long Yi's own consciousness has been obliterated, even the original face in the sea of ​​consciousness can't be displayed, only a vague human form can be formed.

White Elephant's mind is pure, not as twisted as humans. Since it came here to help Long Yi, it naturally won't just watch it like this.

Breaking through from the weakest fire element momentum, the white elephant carrying the Light Buddha came to Long Yiconsciousness, used the space under his abdomen to protect it, then raised his head and let out a long cry, his body was suddenly radiant, and made a commotion above him. The most vicious giant apes were forced back a little.

Secret technique - the light of the Buddha!
The continuous bright Buddha light emitted from the white elephant not only drove the giant ape back, but also warmed the consciousness of Long Yi below, helping him recover his strength.

However, this attack undoubtedly angered Monkey King, it roared angrily, swung the iron rod in its hand and hit him on the head.

Rebellious and lawless!

Sword Immortal Danfeng opened his eyes slightly, and two sword lights emerged, breaking through two paths in the Buddha's light with difficulty.

The way of the sword fairy lies in giving up the sword and having nothing else, cutting off emotion and nature, and being selfish, only then can one achieve supreme forgetfulness.

However, the Buddha's radiance of the White Elephant is universal, which implies the equality of all beings, abandoning evil and doing good, and urging people to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Therefore, not only the giant ape is angry, but the sword fairy is also angry.

On the other side, the moody Dragon King and the extreme elves were also enraged, and each launched an offensive, and the four great forces besieged the white elephant.

Due to the south, the flame suddenly expanded and turned into a fire spirit, with eyes and hands, but no mouth and no feet, it was the fire element.

The fire element is the most explosive, impulsive and irritable, and it is the representative attribute of destruction. At this moment, the white elephant is in fierce conflict with the other four auras, which immediately fits the artistic conception of the fire aura. Therefore, Long Yi's fire aura accelerates and expands, and it is about to usher in the aura that belongs to it. will.

Under the siege of the four great auras, the endless Buddha's light retreated steadily and was indomitable. It was never broken, and continuously shone on all the auras, trying to influence and persuade them.

The fire element in the south changed again and again, from a flame to a fire element, and from a fire element to an elder of the fire element. After being stimulated layer by layer, it finally transformed into a huge fire spirit, wearing a red armor, with an extra A sledgehammer is none other than Sufras, the legendary hammer.

At this moment, Long Yi's last aura, the fire-type aura of the Balrog King Ragnaros, also officially broke through and awakened, possessing his own will: Heaven and earth, I am the only one!

All the five spirits entered the path of imposing return. The second level of unity of intentions, and was about to break through the white elephant's defense in one fell swoop, and then decide the final winner, but the white elephant smiled slightly, showing a humane smile.

The Buddha on its back suddenly said: "The Buddha said: what I see and what I hear are all Buddhas."

Special nirvana - Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong!
Circles of light one after another came from the back of the Buddha's head with a blurry face, each circle getting bigger and bigger, full of nine levels of Buddha's light.

The five major forces who were preparing to attack suddenly wailed in unison, and white light radiated from the inside of the body, at first it was only a little bit, then the five sense organs and seven orifices, and finally even the pores of the whole body were emitting white light.

Long Yi subconsciously lowered his head, seeing a vast expanse of whiteness, when the white light dissipated, the surrounding scene was quite different.

The originally dark sea of ​​consciousness space has become a vast sea of ​​clouds, the sky is blue and the clouds are white.

In front of them, there were five people lined up. Although they had different shapes, they were all dressed in cassocks, with kind faces and compassionate faces.

There are those with hairy faces and thunderous mouths, those with sharp ears and handsome faces, those with meticulous faces, those with red faces like fire, and those with first-born horns.

Behind him, on the throne of the 27-fold lotus platform, a big Buddha shines brightly, with a white elephant below and the blue sky above.

The Buddha stretched out his hand and said, "You can be the Fighting Victory Buddha; you can be the Natural Buddha; you can be the Sword Immortal Buddha; you can be the Burning Flame Buddha; you can be the Dragon King Buddha."

The five great spirits bowed down together and said, "Thank you Buddha."

Then the 'Buddha' lowered his head with a smile, and looked at Long Yi: "You can sit a boy for me."

The youngest present was several feet tall, Long Yi was as insignificant as an ant in front of them, under the gaze of the 'Buddha', he lowered his head...


"Master, why isn't it over yet?" A strong monk in his 40s approached Jueyuan and whispered in the first seat of the mighty hall.

The people present were quite puzzled by the actions before the birth, but two of these people were quite disturbed by this.

One is the host Jueyuan, and the other is the first Master Wu Chi of the Weiwu Hall.

Only they know that Master Liaosheng, who seems to be on the verge of death, was once the No. 1 monk among the monks of the Jingtu Temple, and he is also invulnerable with perfect God of War tattoo.Now, even though his qi and blood are withered and half of his foot is already in the coffin, he has made another breakthrough in martial arts, and has faintly touched the edge of the third level.

The way of the samurai, the spirit of the third level is more magical than the second level, and there are very few people who have reached this level in history.

And one of its major characteristics is the whim, knowing the destiny.

Although Liaosheng couldn't fight anymore, since he said that, it means that the Jingtu Temple will usher in a catastrophe in the near future, which is so big that even an eminent monk like Liaosheng will have to fight to fight life and death.

Therefore, both Jueyuan and Wuzhi were very disturbed.

"Amitabha." After all, Jueyuan is the presiding officer, with a higher level of cultivation, clasped his hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said softly: "Just sit with peace of mind. The white elephant cooperates with the ten thousand Buddhas. No matter what the momentum is, you must bow your head obediently. Take refuge in my Buddha."

Humans, of course, can't escape...

(End of this chapter)

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