Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 41 Punishment Mission - 7 Langfeng Disappearance Investigation

Chapter 41 Punishment Mission—Investigation of the Disappearance of Seven Wolf Peak (End)

The wolves quickly followed the scent to the underground river. Pairs of glowing eyes lit up in the darkness, and the sound of breathing filled the cave.

Helujia came up.

It glanced at the river in disgust, and spewed a crimson flame into the distance.

Call ~
The fire illuminated the cave, and two small spots on the water were fleeing quickly.

That's Mary Lully and Marsh King on the run!Of course there are Akira Fukuoka and Mai Kurosaki holding them.


Following the wolf king's order, more than thirty big wolf dogs that could only swim jumped into the river and chased after them.

Watching his men and prey disappear at the corner of the river indifferently, Helujia greeted and led the rest of the wolves to turn around and leave.

The news has been leaked, and the plan has to be advanced. It will launch an attack before the humans in that academy can react.


The dark underground river is freezing cold because there is no sunlight all year round.

At the bottom of the water, the lobster soldiers dragged Ryuichi and Fujii Mari forward with difficulty.

Because of the darkness, they could not see the road clearly, and the rocks and stalagmites protruding from the river bed from time to time also hindered them a lot.

The top of his head suddenly turned red, followed by the indistinct sound of falling into the water, Long Yi took advantage of the flashing fire to see the situation above.

The wolves are coming!

He patted the little lobster soldier to signal it to stop, silently waited for the wolves to pass by, and then quietly floated to the surface.

Call ~
Taking a breath, Long Yi looked at the shore, where there were still a large number of wolves staying.

"It seems that they won't leave in a short time. Let's follow behind quietly for the convenience of breathing." Long Xiao said, Fujii Mari said hello.

Continue to pull the lobster soldiers to advance under the water, and the few lantern fish that swim past become the only light source, and the two gradually move away from the shore.

Because of the need to take a breath, they need to surface once in a while, and the dark underwater environment severely limits their vision, so every time they take a breath, they seem to be on tenterhooks.

After advancing like this for a while, Long Yi gradually felt a little uncomfortable, so he tapped the lobster soldier to signal it to float up again.

But this time, Long Yi's head just came out of the water, and immediately saw dozens of light spots on the water not far from him.

No, it's the big wolfhound!


One of the big wolfhounds found Long Yi, howled and spewed out an orange fireball.

In an instant, the thirty or so big wolfhounds floating on the water all turned their heads.

"Little Lobster, dive!" Long Yi shouted quickly, taking a deep breath.

Call ~
The water poured into the ears, and the lobster soldiers who dived extremely fast led Ryuichi and Fujii Mari to escape the attack of the fireball, but at the moment they surfaced just now, they were surrounded by big wolf dogs.

Just now Long Yi saw that the underground river suddenly poured into a hole when it came here, it was precisely because there was no space above the water that those big wolf dogs chased Akira Fukuoka and Mai Kurosaki away.

At this moment, Long Yi has only two choices, to move forward, or to retreat and wait for the wolves to leave and go out from the cave.

The oxygen in his mouth could not allow Long Yi to think too much, after simply weighing the pros and cons, he decisively used the previously discussed signal to signal the lobster soldiers to move forward.

Moving forward is the only way out!
The lobster minion crawled into a corridor.

This corridor seems to be washed out by the water flow in the mountain, it is so narrow that Ryuichi and Fujii Mari had to stick to their bodies as close as possible.

The corridor is very long, unexpectedly long.

Gradually, a glowing green moss began to grow on the surrounding rock walls. The light provided by this moss allowed Ryuichi and Fujii Mari to see things slightly, but the situation got worse.

Because Long Yi's oxygen is running out!

As a landlubber, Long Yi's ability to hold his breath is very average. Right now, he is in the underground tunnel covered with dense water, he can't breathe a breath of air, and the long tunnel seems to have no end, which makes people feel hopeless.

Slowly, Long Yi began to feel dizzy, and he desperately covered his mouth to retain more air, but the pain of suffocation made him involuntarily want to breathe, and a series of air bubbles leaked out from between his fingers.

Can't hold it!

Absolutely can't make it to the end!

Long Yi was in despair, he couldn't think of any way to prolong his life.

Until Mari Fujii patted his hand.

The dim environment and the dizziness caused by suffocation made it difficult for Long to see her expression clearly, but he subconsciously let go of his hand covering his mouth.

A pair of red lips printed on it.

It's Mari Fujii!
He suddenly realized something, something seemed to pry his teeth, let go of his mouth slightly, and then a mouthful of air was held back.

The dexterous tongue retracted, Fujii Mari pointed to the lips of the two, Long Yi blinked and closed his teeth.

Lips parted, the girl turned her head and stared straight ahead.

The lobster minion kept going.

This corridor is really long, and it wasn't until Long Yi was suffocated by Fujii Mari for the second time that he finally saw the light representing the exit.

That is the light of the setting sun!
The sudden acceleration of the water made both of them realize something at the same time.

It's a waterfall!

It's not that big waterfall, but a small waterfall.But this small waterfall is even more dangerous, because there are steep rocks everywhere, and these rocks that have been washed by the water for an unknown amount of time are not much worse than steel in terms of hardness.

"Ah!—" The strong current threw the two of them into the air, Fujii Mari screamed desperately, and hugged Long Yi tightly.

With the howling wind, Long Yi realized that he was falling.

Below is a pool of water, but it's not known how deep it is, let alone how many rocks there are in it.

They need to save themselves!
"Use your Bibi Bird or Queen Bee!" Ryuichi shouted, but the roar and scream of the waterfall made Fujii Mari not hear Ryuichi's voice.

That's too late!

Long Yi gritted his teeth, now he can only pray to the goddess of luck.

He hugged Fujii Mari and Lobster Boy tightly, tried to adjust his posture so that he was below, and then closed his eyes.

Under the action of gravity, the soft water surface is as hard as steel. The strong impact made Long lose the feeling of his back for a moment, and Mari Fujii, who was screaming, took a few gulps because of the entrance.


The lobster minions struggled to drag the two to the surface.

"Ahem..." Fujii Asari coughed violently, while Long Yi grinned in pain.

"Hiss~ Little Lobster, take us ashore." Long Yi ordered.

Finally, after advancing in the underground river for about half an hour, they came to the shore again.

Long Yi sat up, the pain in his back made him unable to rest on the grass, although he wanted to do so very much at this moment.

It was evening, the sun was already out of sight, and only the remaining fire clouds in the sky barely illuminated the forest.

"Come out? We escaped!" Mari Fujii, who finally finished coughing, hugged Long Yi excitedly, but at the same time, he made him scream.

"Take it easy, senpai! I hurt my back!" He said, but before he could finish, he was gagged by the oncoming rosy lips.

Fujii Mari gave Long Yi a fiery wet kiss, she seemed to want to vent all the fears and fears that occurred today through this kiss, and she was not willing to let go until both of them were a little out of breath. Passed Long Yi.

A crystal clear silk thread connected the two.

This voice made Fujii Mari's face instantly reddened. She seemed to realize what she had just done just now, and turned her head away unnaturally.

"You... don't get me wrong, I would have kissed even a round bear just now."

Long Yi looked at her and shook his head: "Okay, then I don't care about you kissing me three times, it's three times!"

"Hey!" The girl yelled coquettishly with dissatisfaction, and finally dispelled some of the haze of the near death.

"Thank you, senior sister, you saved my life." Long Yi said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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