Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 418 Years

Chapter 418 Years
"Wind Speed ​​Dog loses his ability to fight, Hao Li wins!"

"Because Misa Takagi's three elves were all incapacitated, Senbei Onijima won the Nagasaki Duel Contest!"

"Let's give Onijima a big round of applause!!!"

When the wind speed dog was floating on the water unconsciously, the referee immediately announced the result of the game loudly. Under the call of the host, there was warm applause and a lot of shouts calling the name of Onijima Senhei.

"We still lost." Mesa regretted.

Although she drew the most favorable water venue in the final, the water venue of the Nagasaki Duel Contest is not a pool with a few wooden boards, but six thick stone pillars, so the flame chicken is not affected. Not as big as expected.

Under the absolute strength gap, although Misa played steadily, Onijima Senhei was not a reckless or blind believer in the flame chicken trainer, so he lived up to expectations and won the game and the championship of the competition.

Amid the cheers of the audience, Meisha left the stage sadly. The audience's focus was on the champion, and no one cared about the unremarkable runner-up.


"Congratulations, Senbei contestant, congratulations on winning this year's competition." Mayor Matsumoto Naoki, as the award presenter, delivered the trophy symbolizing the championship to Onijima Senbei.

The other two judges and special guest Long Yi applauded from the sidelines.

"Thank you."

Onijima Qianbingwei, who got the trophy, didn't care, but looked at Long Yi beside him with a ruddy face, and said excitedly: "Brother Long, I did it."

"Good job." Long Yi replied with a smile, "But don't forget the occasion, the whole audience is waiting for you."

Matsumoto Naoki and Kawatani Chizuru showed such smiles, and Nakamori Yuka's expression remained unchanged.

Hearing what Long Yi said, Onijima Senhei suddenly realized, and quickly raised the trophy high, which drew long cheers.


There is no such thing as a runner-up or a third runner-up in similar small competitions. If you don't become a champion, you will lose everyone.

On that night, Onijima Senhei participated in the celebration dinner as the champion. After the dinner, Long Yi told him the exact location of the Sky Pillar and how to find it from Rikuzao.

Whether Onijima Senbei's green caterpillar can evolve into Rikuza Ryuichi himself doesn't know, nor does his Rikuza, all of this needs to be explored by Onijima Senhei himself.

In this regard, Long Yi can't help Kijima Senbei, because there is one of the most powerful Rikuza in the world on the top of the Sky Pillar, and that Rikuza hates the impure blood of Rikuza very much. Just happens to be one of them.

Therefore, everything needs Chibei Onijima himself.

Besides, Long Yi also called Tang Chen Huang Yan.

Onijima Senbei did not hide the contribution made by Tangchen Huangyan in this game, including the matter of the flame chicken, which was released to Long Yi.

Long Yi was very happy that the two could become friends, and also praised Tang Chen Huang Yan for his selfless act of taking out the flame chicken, but he did not accept Tang Chen Huang Yan as an official disciple.

At Long Yi's current level, every move is no longer his business alone.

Accepting apprentices is a major event, especially for Kaishan disciples.

Although Tang Chen Huang Yan has a good character, his talent as a trainer is really mediocre, and he can't meet the standard of becoming Long Yi's apprentice.

In this regard, although Onijima Senhei and Tangchen Huangyan are very sorry, they have no ability to change, and can only persuade themselves/friends to continue to work hard.

After reuniting with Onijima Senhei and Tangchen Huangyan, Long Yi sent the two of them away, and left the hotel with Lux's teleportation.

Where did he go?

Naturally, they went to find Meisha.

It can be said that Meisha's careful thinking is under Long Yi's control throughout the whole process. Although the appearance of Asada Junko, Honda Keming and Flaming Chicken disrupted Long Yi's plan, fortunately, it did not affect the result.

The relationship between Long Yi and Meisha has not deteriorated, but there is an obstacle in the middle, which is Meisha's self-esteem.

Her self-esteem does not allow herself to be with a person with too much difference in strength. She wants to prove that her ability is not inferior to anyone else, and that she is a good wife and helper for her husband, not a vase.

But it's a pity that she fell in love with the cheating Long Yi.

This made Mesa very entangled, and she went further and further in the entanglement.

After spending the night with Mari, Long Yi fully realized his feelings, so after learning about Meisha's itinerary, he deliberately pretended to ignore and forget about Meisha in the competition, giving the latter a hard-working stimulus.

The best result is actually for Meisha to win the championship, and then Long Yi explained on the spot that it would be best if he could show his current strength.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the rapid changes.

But that doesn't affect the ending.

Relying on the positioning coordinates left by Lacus on Meisha, Long Yi quickly found Meisha who was in a daze by the lake.

Relationship matters are actually not that complicated. Long Yi has sufficient EQ, is handsome, strong and rich, and the person he is facing is his ex-girlfriend. The two parties have a solid relationship foundation. What is lacking is actually to pierce the window paper. , just remove that obstacle.

Under Long Yi's persuasion, Meisha finally let go of her knot and reconciled with Long Yi.

Long Yi took the opportunity to say that he could help Meisha's elves become stronger quickly, but the level of the elements was a natural barrier for everyone, even Long Yi couldn't help Meisha overcome it.

"That's enough." Satisfied, Meisha turned her head and slapped Long Yi again, "If there is such a way, you didn't tell me earlier, did you deliberately make fun of me?"

Long Yi didn't dare to say a word, he laughed and dealt with it.


After solving his own crisis and making up for his emotional shortcomings, Long Yi's life in the next few years can be said to be smooth.

The Pale Society he established based on the lava group and the water battle group has grown larger and stronger. With reasonable management, advanced technology and sufficient funds, it has become a top ten huge business empire in the Fengyuan area, and It is one of the most powerful forces in the world to control the gray and black areas of Fengyuan with full power.

In the later stage of development, in addition to the original team, Long Yi recruited more than a dozen outstanding management personnel, scientific research personnel, and fighters, some of whom were outstanding children from various Fengyuan families, and even those in power; Some are geniuses of ordinary birth.

These three groups of people were divided into three factions, which restrained and competed with each other. Under Long Yi's control, they presented a perfect balance, which led to the great development of the Pale Society.

And Long Yi's long-distance emotional race also came to an end when he was 25 years old. He and Meisha held the most prestigious and famous wedding in Fengyuan area that year. There are countless powerful trainers, and it can be said that the event is unprecedented.

The following year, Misa gave birth to a daughter, named Miyazaki Shino, nicknamed Crystal.

Long Yi is naturally very precious to this jewel in the palm, not only let Lacus take care of it all the time, but also give her the race-limited Pippi as a toy.

Because the dream monster disappeared, Lux had lumps in her heart, so she couldn't return to Xanadu and stayed in the Kirulian stage.

Pippi didn't know why, but couldn't evolve into Pixie, even if Long Yi used the Moon Stone for it.

Two years later, Meisha once again gave birth to a son for Long Yi, named Keigo Miyazaki and nicknamed Jin.

So far, the development of the Pale Society has reached a bottleneck, and Long Yi's relationship with the Pure Land Temple has been greatly eased after a few years.

He resigned from the position of Chief Heavenly King of the Sinnoh area, but wrote novels in Fengyuan.

take a name...

"Journey to the West"

 After friend A broke up, friend B, who had met his parents, also broke up tragically. . .I don't know what to say anymore

(End of this chapter)

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