Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 420 A Novel

Chapter 420 Five Novels
Long Yi wrote "Journey to the West" not on a whim, but a long-planned plan.

A few years ago, Long Yi relied on the help of the White Elephant, one of the Four Holy Beasts of the Pure Land Temple, to suppress his arrogance and reached the peak of the second stage of the return of aura. It can be said that although there were ancients before, there was no one who surpassed him on this road people.

However, in front of Long Yi, there was no way forward.

After that, Long Yi has been looking for a way to improve his martial arts. One is that Ares' hostility has always been like a thorn in his back, making people uneasy, and the other is that the day when the Seven Star Wishing Star approaches this world is getting closer and closer. .

For Ares, Long Yi cooperated with the police after leaving Nagasaki City, arrested his only son forcefully, and killed the element spirit that Ares gave him.

Although the latter was quickly rescued by the Rockets, at least he showed his attitude, so that Ares did not dare to bully others too much, and it has stopped until now.

But Ji Laqi's threat is that no one can help Long Yi, not even the champions from all over the world.

Therefore, with little progress in elves, Long Yi set his sights on martial arts.

He almost broke Shiba and gave Master Iwata a copy of the notebook, and finally found a glimmer of hope in it.

Iwata Michi represented by Master Iwata is actually very dreamy. According to Shiba privately, even Master Iwata himself did not know why his sword was so powerful. The root cause of Bazou's boldness and divine way.

Master Iwata is a swordsman obsessed with swords. He was born in a kendo family. He showed a strong interest in kendo since he was a child. He never married and devoted all his energy to kendo.

It stands to reason that although there are few such characters, there are still a few in history, but why is it that only Master Iwata has the fighting power comparable to the head of the elves?

From the notes, Long Yi discovered that Master Iwata was relatively normal even though he was somewhat famous after he first achieved aura.

But there is one thing that is very special, that is, after Master Iwata achieved momentum, because of his good popularity and rich family, he has not made a move in front of the public for a whole ten years.

And in the past ten years, a friend of Master Iwata, a world-class host who is not a martial artist but very influential, boasted of Master Iwata's fighting power in front of outsiders and friends, and praised him as a supernatural power. Scarier than the top beasts.

Everyone knows bragging, three people become tigers, and then it spreads more and more outrageous.

This point is clearly written in Master Iwata's notes. He was also very distressed, but his mouth grew on his friend's face. After persuasion was useless, Master Iwata simply went to the deep mountains to practice.

People in the industry naturally know that this kind of boasting is exaggerated, but they can't stand too many laymen.

The influence of Master Iwata's friends was too great, and it was passed on from ten to ten, so that later, Master Iwata vaguely became the title of the world's number one swordsman.

Now the others couldn't sit still.

The number one swordsman in the world?

you too?
A group of courageous and imposing warriors forcibly "invited" Master Iwata out of the mountain, forcing him to attack the sea in front of the public, wanting to compare later and let those outside the gate know that Master Iwata is just a very ordinary swordsman of imposing level.

Master Iwata was also happy, and readily agreed.

Thus, there was the windward slash that was recorded on the milestones of martial arts, split [-] tons of seawater with a single sword, and disappeared at the end of sight.

This result was unexpected by Master Iwata, and it was also unexpected by those martial arts practitioners, but in the eyes of ordinary people who have heard the name of Master Iwata, it seems to be taken for granted.

Thus, the group of people in martial arts left in despair. Since then, Master Iwata has truly confirmed his title as the number one swordsman in the world, although even he himself does not understand why his sword suddenly has such great power .

Yes, during those years of practicing in the mountains, Master Iwata never fought with all his strength, so he was taken aback by his own destructive power.

More than 30 years have passed. Ordinary people don't know this secret, people in the martial arts world don't know it, Shiba doesn't know it, and even Master Iwata himself has long forgotten it.

But Long Yi noticed this.

Reminiscent of the agglomeration of aura, the wider the spread, the stronger the aura, Long Yi faintly had an idea.

So, he spent three years, spent a lot of money, and asked several famous writers to retouch his pens, and finally wrote five novels with his own aura as the protagonist.

"Journey to the West" belongs to the other world with the momentum of fighting and defeating Buddha and the great sage, "The Legend of Flame and Demon" belongs to the momentum of Burning Fragnaros, "Elf King" belongs to the momentum of natural Buddha and elves, and belongs to the sword fairy Buddha sword fairy The imposing "Shu Mountain" belongs to the imposing "Dragon God" of the Dragon King Folong.

Among these five novels, "The Legend of the Flame" is about the secondary elemental plane attached to the main world. Ragnaros, the king of the fire elemental plane, is summoned to the main world by evil villains, setting off a war that can be called The catastrophe of the end of the century.

The home field of the story is the Sinnoh area. In front of the flames of Ragnaros, the Sanshenggu and the Sinnoh Alliance were defeated one after another. Finally, relying on the Mijina Temple to wake up the Divine Pillar King Regichkas, the joint efforts of everyone reluctantly cooperated The Fire Slate of Creation God Arceus drove it back to the Fire Elemental Plane, and the price was that the Fire Slate was lost to the Fire Elemental Plane, and the Pillar King Regichkas had to fill the gap forever.

The story of "Elf King" is that somewhere in the sea, there is a mysterious continent isolated from the world. One day, the passengers of a shipwrecked cruise ship were lucky enough to float to the island of elves, and found that there are not only many extinct ancient elves on it. , there is also a kind of humanoid creature that is handsome in appearance, slender but agile and intelligent--the elf.

The humans rescued by the elves were quickly sent back to the Kanto Continent, but some greedy people announced the existence of the elves and the elves island, which caused an uproar.

In the story, evil forces similar to Team Rocket invaded the Elf Island. With the help of a special elf, they successfully landed on the island and began to kill and plunder.

However, the strength of the elves is stronger than imagined. Facing the human aggression, they brazenly launched a counterattack.The most powerful elf king can even compete with the top beasts by himself. After killing the dark Rogia created by the villain boss, he exiled all the humans who landed on the island and isolated the elf island again.

This time, even the special elf couldn't find the existence of the elf island.

"Shushan" tells about a place called Shushan, where a group of people who practice special kendo live in seclusion. However, because a certain disciple escaped by stealing treasures, the Shushan Seven Swords were ordered to go down the mountain to track down, but they competed with ninjas, onmyojis, local kendo, and karate. Stories of fierce battles erupting from other genres.

In the end, warriors from all over the world gathered to attack Shushan, and were wiped out by the master of Shushan with a single sword. The warriors had no choice but to invite the living Buddha of Lingling Tower, who was the peak of the third stage of the Dao, to make a move, but lost the move of the master of Shushan.

Since then, the living Buddha has retired, and Shushan Mountain has been closed, and it has become another myth in martial arts and a holy place.

"Dragon God" is about an archaeological team discovering that in the super ancient civilization, in addition to the various known beasts in various places, there is also a dragon god whose existence is unknown.

The archaeological team met Celebi by chance, and the frightened Celebi traveled back to the super ancient times through time and space. While experiencing the ancient style, he also realized the cruelty and bloodiness of ancient mythical beasts, and even saw the dragon god. Fight with the top beasts such as Fengwang, Lugia, and Rikuza.

At the end of the story, the ancient Huayan monster representing evil was sealed, the Dragon God, Phoenix King, Lugia and other gods and beasts returned to their respective territories, and the archaeological team was also sent back to the modern world by Celebi.

"Journey to the West" tells the story of a monk named Xuanzang in the Chengdu area who wanted to travel to the West after the death of his master.

The first mountain he climbed after going out was Wuzhi Mountain. Under this mountain, the once famous elf Monkey King Sun Wukong was imprisoned.

This Monkey King is a flaming monkey with dreamy bloodlines, with countless changes.In his hand is a wishful golden cudgel that can be large or small, and weighs more than ten thousand jun. It has all kinds of secret skills and nirvana, but because it was too lawless at the beginning, it offended the previous elf leader of the alliance and was suppressed here.

The monk accidentally released the monkey. The monkey was grateful and agreed to escort the monk to the west. On the way, he helped him tame a lazy long-haired pig, a strange force for carrying luggage, and a flaming horse for transportation.

In the adaptation of Journey to the West, the roles of the rest of the characters have been cut. Xuanzang encountered various trainers, mythical beasts, and dream elves on his journey to the west. The difficulties on the way were overcome one by one with the help of Monkey King.

There are a total of 81 powerful opponents worth mentioning, which are called 81 difficulties.

At the end of the story, the monk returned to the city from Sinnoh, boarded the Silver Mountain, joined the Pure Land Temple and became a holy monk.

And Sun Wukong, the former Great Sage Equaling Heaven, has been reborn at this time and has become a fighting and defeating Buddha, ranking first among the holy beasts of the Pure Land Temple. Even if the other four holy beasts unite, they are not its opponents.

These five novels are all top-notch in terms of writing style and plot, plus Long Yi's Pale Association's promotion regardless of money, quickly became popular all over the world.

Afterwards, with the investment of a lot of money, corresponding comics, fans, advertising endorsements, peripheral products, TV dramas, and movies appeared one after another. The five protagonists in the story soon became famous and became world-renowned loud IPs.

The stories of Sun Wukong, the Dragon God, Ragnaros the Fire Demon King, the Elf King, and Shushan Sword Immortal are well known, and their abilities are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But at this moment, Long Yi received a bad news from Jingtu Temple.

The most senior holy monk in the Pure Land Temple, Master Liaosheng, has passed away.

(End of this chapter)

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