Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 43 The Strongest!Invincible!Please leave the king!

Chapter 43 The Strongest!Invincible!Please leave the king!


The white light dissipated, and a giant leave king with a height of more than three meters appeared on the field. With a weight of more than 500kg, its feet made two deep footprints.

"Is this the spirit of Instructor Da Yuanjin?"

Hundreds of students watched all this through the camera, most of them have never seen this ruthless teacher make a move.

"It's unbelievable. It stands to reason that the height of an adult leave king is only a little over two meters. Teacher Da Yuanjin's size is too big!"

Cold and powerful!
The giant leave king stood there with a gloomy expression, and even the slightly funny pink pig nose would not affect others' evaluation of its strength in the slightest.

"Burn all these weeds that get in the way!" Da Yuanjin ordered.

Immediately, the teaching assistant who used the fire elves stepped forward, jetting flames from the hands of various types of fire elves, and every time the flame swept across the grass, it would startle tens of hundreds of coyote dogs.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of hyenas and a few Dai Rubi, Hei Lujia, and big wolf dogs jumped into the air!
Da Yuanjin seized this moment: "Please leave the king, use the destructive death light!"

The leave king beat his chest heavily, a pair of eyes under the high protruding eye bones flashed a cruel light, and then roared angrily.


The golden destructive death light energy was born out of nowhere, and all the elves who touched this beam of energy were swept away, and most of them suffered injuries above bone fractures.


There is no limit to the pack of wolves, and even if hundreds of their companions are lost at this moment, there is still no hope of victory. More big wolf dogs and black Lujia lead their degenerate ones to rush up.

"Use Earthquake!"


Roaring, the leave king jumped into the middle of the pack of wolves, and the strong shock wave knocked all the coyotes and Dai Rubi nearby to the ground, and most of the big wolf dogs and Hei Lujia were also staggered.


A powerful big wolfhound jumped on the back of the leave king and bit fiercely, but its sharp teeth couldn't bite the thick skin of the monster under it.

A few black Luga used flame attacks in the distance, and the blazing flames were useless except to ignite the hair on the leave king's body.

More big wolfhounds rushed up, Wang Wang didn't dodge or dodge, grabbed the tail of the big wolfhound on his back, and then swept across with all his strength.

The huge force knocked away all the big wolfhounds that rushed up, and the big wolfhound that he used as a weapon even had its skull shattered and its spine broken.


The excited leave king showed his greatness by hammering his chest among the wolves. The coyotes and Derby who had the largest number had no effect on him, and the big wolf dogs and black Luga who acted as the backbone couldn't even break through it. defense.

Powerful and invincible!
The students staying in the air-raid shelter were shocked. It was hard for them to imagine that a single elf could be so powerful. Facing the wave of thousands of elves, the lone army still had the upper hand!


The two Hei Lujia who had learned purgatory sprayed red hellfire towards the King of Leave. This flame annoyed it, and it jumped several times in a row.

The two black Luga died.

"Another earthquake!" Da Yuanjin crossed his arms, not surprised by the situation at this time.

In the face of absolute power, a weak numerical advantage is meaningless!

Another earthquake, waves of ring-shaped shock waves visible to the naked eye radiated around the center of the leave king, all stunned Coyotes and Deluby received more serious injuries in the coma on the way, and many of them injured their internal organs , life is not long.

"No wonder the wild leave kings are so lazy and have such terrifying power. There is no doubt that every leave king is an absolute king of the forest. They have the capital to be lazy!" a student murmured.

After the monthly exam, many freshmen went to check the information on the questions in the exam. Among them, the question about the lazy characteristics of the lazy people, the answer is that before they evolved into hyperactive apes, all the lazy people lived under the protection of the king of leave. Hence the lazy feature.

And the laziness of the leave king is because of his absolute strength!
Every leave king is a king in a forest!
The leave king on the grassland stopped most of the charging wolves, and the few fish that slipped through the net would die in the face of the defense line composed of dozens of elite assistants.

Members of the pack of wolves died one by one, and the wolves of all tribes behind finally couldn't sit still, and led their guards to rush up one after another, and surrounded the king asking for leave.

And that wolf king—Hei Lujia!


The scarlet flames of hell appeared again, the flames were scary red, like burning blood, it was the real flames of hell.

Da Yuanjin was also taken aback when he saw this scene: "Hei Lujia who has reached the limit of race! How is this possible!"

The color of this flame is the sign that the fire attack of this Heluga has reached the limit of the race, and because of the particularity of Purgatory, its fire attack is stronger than some other fire elves who have reached the limit of the race!

Da Yuanjin knows how terrifying an elf who has reached the limit of his race is, and his leave king is like this, and he is only one step away from a super-class trainer who is equivalent to a heavenly king and a master trainer.

It stands to reason that it is almost impossible for wild elves to reach the limit of race...

Before he had time to think about the strange situation of this black Lujia, Da Yuanjin quickly ordered his leave king to block the attack.

The leave king also understood the horror of this flame. It stretched out its hands forward. The thick palms had already been tempered like steel, and blocked Helujia's flame attack from the front.

But this is not enough!

The king's two-handed defense may have been trained to be very strong, but it is not an elf who is good at defense after all. Facing Heluga's purgatory attack, which also reached the limit of race, a painful expression soon appeared on his face.

It burns!

But this is what Da Yuanjin wants!

"Use empty energy!"

Among the special moves of ordinary attributes, there is a very special one, which needs to be paralyzed, burned, or poisoned to exert its greatest power.

This is empty energy!It is a trick to use the body's own sense of crisis to maximize potential and energy!

A stream of transparent energy rushes out of the leave king's throat, knocking away the purgatory flame in front of him like a bamboo, and rebounds to Hei Lujia with the power of the flame.

In the eyes of Long Yi and the others, Hei Lujia, the mighty wolf king, was knocked into the air by the air, and the screaming sound was no different from that of a wild dog.

The six wolves looked at each other, gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

Two big wolfhounds bit the leave king's arm, two bit his thigh, culled towards his chest and back, and one aimed at his throat.

The remaining big wolfhounds and Hei Lujia wandered around the periphery, and whenever the leave king showed a slight gap, they would pounce ferociously and bite.

This is the wolf pack, the existence that is best at group combat!

The pack of wolves that fell on the leave king was blown away by a strong air, leaving only the two wolves on the arms still holding on.

The leave king looked at the two elves with a cruel smile.

"Heavy arm hammer." Da Yuanjin closed his eyes.

The earth trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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