Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 447 Day 1

Chapter 447 The First Day

Live it!

Yoshiaki Ikegami gloated in his heart, but asked with a calm face: "Jilaqi, I have made a wish according to your request, now can I send the original Gulardo back and restore everything here to its original state? "


As a fantasy Pokémon born from wishes, Ji Laqi is born with the ability of telepathy, how could he not see through Ikegami Yoshiaki's inner thoughts.

However, it is running out of time now and has no time to intrigue with this human being. Ji Laqi can use his status and status, so he did not open his mouth to poke it, but said coldly: "My purpose is to meet Miyazaki Ryuichi , since he didn't show up, the previous agreement naturally doesn't count."

"You are cheating!" Ikegami Yoshiaki said angrily, "I have already made a wish, and it is your reason for not recruiting him, and there is no conflict with our transaction!"

"Whatever you say, anyway, when I see Miyazaki Ryuichi, when will I send Gulardo away."

"Since making a wish doesn't work, then do what you can, if you still want everything to return to the original state."

Ji Laqi yawned a lot as he spoke, wiped his eyelids like a child who hadn't woken up, curled up naturally, and the two streamers behind him wrapped him tightly like a small quilt.

"I'm sleepy. Remember, you only have less than seven days left."

After speaking, a teleportation disappeared.


Ikegami Yoshiaki thumped the back of the armored bird under him heavily, and let out a cry of pain.

After angrily scolding Ji Laqi and Miyazaki Ryuichi, as well as the remnants of the lava mass that made a wish to summon Groudon, feeling the scorching heat behind him, Ikegami Yoshiaki finally reacted, and walked towards Farnes City Advance quickly, while activating the Raykuza-level emergency warning of the Hoenn Alliance Supreme Council.

You know, the front of the original Gulardo is the city of Farnes with a population of over one million!This is the most important basic disk of the Ikegami family in this world!
The old houses in the stone forest were destroyed as well. Although the loss was still heavy, after all, the loss of face and clansman was a lot.

But Farnes City is different. If Farnes City is destroyed, not to mention whether the Ikegami family will be boycotted by the angry Hoenn people, the direct loss alone may reach one-tenth!

This is the headquarters of the Ikegami family!

Fortunately, the Miyamoto family is keeping a low profile and licking their wounds because of the turmoil and the lack of seniority of the new family; the Shimada family is plotting the cheats and assets of Michi Iwata because Master Iwata is unwell. It's Ikegami's house.

As the current Patriarch of the Ikegami family, Yoshiaki Ikegami is naturally the highest-ranking member of the Hoenen Alliance. As soon as Ray Kongza issued an early warning, he immediately mobilized the huge Hoenn Alliance.

There is a saying that peaceful rule is always better than turmoil and war.Since the Fengyuan Alliance was destroyed in one fell swoop by the lava group and the water battle group, and the Pale Association established by Long Yi suppressed all dissatisfaction in the underground world, the efficiency and sense of identity of the residents of the alliance are currently ranked second in the world. The Sinnoh Alliance guarded by Lorna.

Although it was late at night, the huge Hoenn Alliance still responded quickly. The alarm in Farnes City was sounded, and a large number of police and medical personnel escorted nearby residents to the air-raid shelters in an orderly manner.

This is an air-raid shelter specially designed for war. It has been ignored at first, but since Lei Huang led the elf riots to destroy the city in one fell swoop a few years ago, it was immediately picked up by the Chishang family, and the underground of countless communities and companies Garages have also been modified to serve as temporary air-raid shelters.

The people of the Ikegami family have already tested that the lava formed at the end of the original Gulardo will cool down into magma rock after it is far away. At that time, it can be easily broken by weapons or elves, and the ground will not be affected. impact, so the safety of residents hiding in the air-raid shelters can be guaranteed.

Not only that, the nearby Third Legion quickly evolved towards the city of Farnes under the military order. The commander-in-chief of the legion tried to launch two intercontinental missiles. Unfortunately, in the face of the mighty power of the original Gulardo, even its scales could not be broken. Being shot and exploded by the sharp stone attack has no effect except to irritate it.

The crimson lava burned half of the sky red, and the huge primitive Gulardo walked towards the sea with heavy steps. Buildings collapsed on the way, houses burned down, and everything was submerged in flames and explosions.

Although the Hoenen Alliance has responded very quickly, saving the lives of most citizens and elves in Farnes City, the financial losses in factories, buildings, etc. are still immeasurable, and every moment is like Yoshiaki Ikegami. It's like cutting the flesh of the heart.


The next day, at four in the morning.

"Long Shidu, I have met Chairman Chishang."

In the city closest to Farnes City, the travel-worn Duo cupped his hands at the leader, Ikegami Yoshiaki, whose face was blackened and hadn't been washed.

"It's Du Tianwang, sit down quickly, it's great that you can come." Yoshiaki Chigami hurriedly greeted.

Although Du is a member of the Chengdu League and the chief king of the Kanto League, everyone knows that he definitely has the strength of a champion, and his character is jealous. Yoshiaki Ikegami couldn't welcome such a helper.

"Thank you, Chairman." Du flicked his cloak and sat down, his eyes fell on the remaining few people.

The first one was a slender young man wearing a black suit and a red tie, and wearing steel ornaments.

The former champion of Fengyuan, the only son of the president of Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the largest consortium, Zifuqi Dawu!

The second place is a man in a green dress, a white hat, and a white cloak, who looks like a male model.

Fengyuan's current champion, Dawu's friend, the survivor of the water, the disciple of Adam, the head of the gymnasium in Liuli City, Morikawa Mickley who is better than blue!

The third person is a middle-aged woman with an ordinary appearance, a very obese figure, and gorgeous red lips.

The fourth place is a man in a military uniform with a cold temperament, a square face, and an expressionless face.

The fifth person is an old man leaning on a cane, hunched over and leaning on a rosewood dragon-headed cane. He looks like someone owes him a lot of money. He is dressed in a luxurious red Tang suit.

After Wataru was seated, Yoshiaki Ikegami made introductions respectively.

The first two are indeed the former champion Dago and the current champion Mikri, under the call of Ikegami Yoshiaki, to solve the threat of the original Gulardo.

The third is named Ikegami Mitsuko, who is also one of the important figures of the Ikegami family, with a champion-level combat power.

The fourth place is Shimada Taka, the pillar of the Shimada family, a lieutenant general in Feng Yuan's military, and a champion-level combat power.

The fifth place is Takashi Miyamoto, the only remaining champion-level elder of the Miyamoto family branch. He surrendered decisively when the other two elders died one after another. The task of having to send the highest combat power was sent by Miyamoto Treasure.

Including Long Shidu who came here spontaneously, there are six champions in total. This is the current main force against the original Gulardo.

After all, this world is a world of elves, and everything is dominated by elves. Even though guns and other firepower have been developed, they are still good enough to deal with trainers and ordinary elves. Far from being as good as a few champion trainers.

After waiting for a while, Qianli, the current owner of the Fengyuan Orange Gym, who once had the title of driving Liekongzuo, walked in and sat at the end.

"Everyone!" Ikegami Yoshiaki looked around, his face blackened by the smoke was pale all night, and he said in a deep voice, "It doesn't matter what my original intention is to be able to come here when Fengyuan is in danger. As the current chairman of the Hoen Alliance, Akira expresses his deepest gratitude to you.”

"After this incident, regardless of success or failure, everyone will receive a first-class medal from the Fengyuan Alliance!"

Du and the others got up quickly, humbly and acceptingly.

After the courtesy, Ikegami Yoshiaki turned on the electronic screen, which showed the original Gulardo who was walking forward, and the raging fire that intensified behind him.

"The threat of the original Gulardo is imminent. Farnes City has fallen. Although the Greystone Town in front has been evacuated urgently, there are not so many air-raid shelters and underground garages. Once the original Gulardo catches up, there will be death. .”

"Therefore, your first task is to snipe the original Gulardo! You can defeat the best, if you can't, try to change its advancing route!"

Yoshiaki Ikegami has already experienced the horror of the land of the end. In order to prevent the unnecessary loss of the champions in front of him, he described the characteristics of the land of the end in detail, and Dawu and the others frowned.

Ikegami Yoshiaki looked at Qianli again: "Qianli, I know that what you drove was just an ordinary Rayquaza before, and it has been lost, but after all, you have this experience, so I hope you can go to the Pillar of the Sky and find it. Rayquaza help!"

"This is a very difficult task, but only Rayquaza can appease Gulardo's anger!"

Qianli looked at the sea chart that Ikegami Yoshiaki handed over, took a deep breath, and involuntarily clenched the emerald fragments around his neck.

"I'll try my best." He said, his voice still hoarse.

"In addition, the original Gulardo came from Jilaqi in response to the wish of the remnants of the lava mass. The world has underestimated Jilaqi's wisdom. Its goal of awakening this time is the terrifying snake king Ryuichi Miyazaki. If it can Find Miyazaki Ryuichi, and Ji Laqi promises to send Gulardo away and restore everything to the original state."

"But Miyazaki Ryuichi has been hiding for a long time. No one knows where he is. Even Ji Laqi can't find him with my wish. Therefore, if Miyazaki Ryuichi can be found, it is also a way." Ikegami Yoshiaki said.

"Using humans to trade with elves? What kind of solution is this!" Du said angrily.

Dawu also said: "Although I love elves, I can't do such a thing."

Milik, Chisato and Shimada Taka reconsidered one after another.

Yoshiaki Ikegami could only put it down and not mention it.

After some discussion, when they were ready, everyone left one after another.


At the same time, in the main god's space, an S-level task was issued to the three holders of A, B, and C certificates at the same time.

S-rank mission: Find Miyazaki Ryuichi!

Goal: Find Miyazaki Ryuichi and bring him to Farnes City, Hoenn Region within seven days.

Task Reward: Any Wish!
Mission Punishment: Obliterate!

(End of this chapter)

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