Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 45 Counterattack, 5th person!

Chapter 45 Counterattack, the fifth person!

Gu was so excited that he bent down, he wanted to feel the beauty and softness for himself!
But he couldn't do that any more in his life, because of a light, a white light.


Ye Shimada, who was dormant at the side, made a move. The first time she chopped off the bone's hands, the second time she cut across his neck, and the third time she slashed diagonally from the left shoulder to the right.

Iaido-cut the cassock!

Then turn around and put away the knife.

Because the knife was so fast, Gu froze for a moment, and didn't react until blood started to spurt from his wrists, neck and chest.

But he couldn't scream anymore, Shimada Ye's knife cut off his vocal cords and larynx.

The scattered bones fell to the ground, and at the same time Shimada Ye also completed the action of retracting the knife, the sound of the demon knife being put into the sheath without a word almost overlapped with the sound of the bones falling to the ground.

"You are safe, President." Shimada said at night, she used her body to block the blood sprayed towards Mei Miyamoto.

"Master Bone!" Hill screamed after realizing what had happened. She had no idea that the mighty bone just now turned into a pile of minced meat in the blink of an eye.

What kind of monster is this girl?Is she Team Rocket or I am Team Rocket?
"Huh?" Hill's scream attracted Shimada Ye's attention, she turned her head and frowned slightly.

Turn around, draw your knife, and unsheath it.

Iaido - volley break!

The light of the knife shot out of the body, Hill's eyes twitched, and he quickly ordered the few remaining iron-clawed lobsters to jump up to block it.

One, two, three...

The light of this knife cut 4 iron-clawed lobsters in half before exhausting its power on the fifth lobster.

This terrible lethality frightened Hill. Seeing that Ye Shimada was about to strike again, she quickly jumped into the hole where she came in, and then quickly detonated the explosives prepared in advance, and fled.


Miyamoto Mei exhaled a purple-black breath, then stood up.

"It's really thanks to you this time, Ye," she said.

In terms of strength, she is stronger than most of the professors and teachers, but in the face of the strange, colorless and odorless poisonous gas, Miyamoto Mei is only a little better than ordinary people, and she can't move until she spits out the poisonous gas.

"This is what I should do." Shimada Ye said.

They checked Gu's body and found that he was not carrying a Poké Ball under his robe, but a lot of bottles and various herbs.

This person is not an elf trainer, but a pharmacist proficient in herbalism and poison making!
"Team Rocket attaches great importance to elves above everything else. This person cannot be the captain of this operation. The woman just now should have similar status to the two outside. In other words, there is at least one enemy we don't know about!"

Miyamoto Mei quickly made a judgment: "Based on their combat effectiveness, the person we haven't seen yet is probably a cadre of the Rockets!"

Most people don't know the division of positions in the Rockets, and they don't know what the word cadre means in the Rockets, but Miyamoto Mei knows.

That means that the hidden enemy is an element-level trainer!
It is impossible for the Rockets to send a cadre to train the Island of Home to disturb the wind and rain for some ordinary elves, students and teachers. You must know that the background of these students is very complicated, especially the students in Class B. Many of them are related to the high-level members of the alliance , well-known gym owners from all over the world, famous super-class trainers and various world-renowned doctors are inextricably linked.

No one is willing to provoke such a group of people casually, not even Banmu!
Therefore, Mei Miyamoto judged that the Rockets had another purpose for this trip.

"Ye, I have to stop that person, I'll leave it to you here." Miyamoto Mei said.

Garton, Taketori, and Hill outside have not yet been subdued. It is obviously impossible to let the students who have lost the ability to resist regardless. Moreover, although Shimada Ye's combat ability is excellent, it cannot help in the battle of element-level trainers. Whatever you do, staying here is the best choice.

"No, that's too dangerous." Shimada Ye disagreed. Although Mei Miyamoto is very strong, she doesn't have much fighting power. It is very dangerous to have no one to protect her in the current situation. Behavior.

The purpose of Shimada Ye entering the trainer's island is to protect Miyamoto Mei's safety. This is her responsibility, as the successor of Iaido.

"Be obedient, Ye!" Miyamoto Mei tried to persuade Shimada Ye, but it obviously didn't work.

But soon the clever student council president thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

I was able to be fine because of the special ability inherited from my family to expel the poisonous gas, but Shimada Ye obviously had other methods.

If there is anyone present who can be as immune to poison gas as she is, and who can reassure Ye...

Then there is only him!

"Well, how about you protect everyone here, and let Miyazaki-san accompany me?"

"Long Yi?" Shimada Ye was taken aback.

The two girls looked around, and soon found Long Yi with an embarrassed face.

Long Yi had no choice but to stand up.

At this moment, all the eyes around him fell on him following the conversation between the two.

He was dressed in crumpled and neat clothes, with messy black hair, and there was a Bobo lying on it.

The fairly handsome face looks more masculine because of the aroused energy. With a height of 1 meters and a strong body, although it seems a little embarrassed at the moment, it can still make people feel reliable.

Especially the knife hanging around his waist, which was almost identical to Shimada Ye's, strengthened the confidence of everyone who had just seen Shimada Ye's tyrannical force.

This is someone to trust!

"If it's Long Yi, then I agree." Shimada Ye nodded.

Mei Miyamoto smiled and said, "What do you mean, Miyazaki-san?"

Long Yi had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and knew that he was in a difficult position at the moment, so he said decisively: "I know, I will do my best to protect your safety."

He knelt down and adjusted the postures of several friends so that they could be more comfortable, then hugged Meisha, and kissed her lightly on the lips in front of hundreds of people.

"Wait for me to come back." He said, then took Bobo, Huiyuan and Lobster Soldier back to the poke ball, raised the sword and Miyamoto Mei and walked towards the gate.

Meisha stared at Long Yi's back, tears fell down involuntarily.

How much she wanted to tell him not to leave, even in the face of other people's reprimands, but the poisonous gas made her unable to say anything, and could only cry silently.

Must come back!must!

Mesa screamed in her heart.

On the other side, Long Yi finally walked up the stairs with Mei Miyamoto.

The air-raid shelter is built on the second basement floor of the teaching building, and is connected to the main building through stairs.

Although the school called it a bomb shelter, in fact it was more like a solid basement, with nothing but a large space.

The first floor of the basement is a utility room, and there is nothing to see. The two continued to go up, and soon came to the lobby on the first floor through an iron door.

Except for the hall at the gate and a few small rooms next to it, most of the area on the first floor is covered by a large auditorium.

The place where Long Yi and Miyamoto Mei came up was a small room on the side of the hall. When they opened the door of the room, the two immediately found that the entire first floor was shrouded in thick white mist, and they could hardly see anything.

"Kubi, use your mind."

Chubby is the sun elf that Mei Miyamoto often hugs.

This mist was very strange, and they turned a blind eye to the hurricane caused by a large number of flying elves, so they couldn't help but be careless.

Fortunately, it does not affect the mind power of the sun elves.

Chubby quickly checked out the current situation with his mind, and passed the perceived scene to Miyamoto Mei through telepathy.

"Teacher Da Yuanjin and his teaching assistant team were trapped outside the teaching building. They were surrounded by wolves, but there were not many of them, but a fast elf was staring at them, so they couldn't escape for the time being."

Long Yi guessed that this might be the black shadow in the fog seen by the camera, which is also the original form of the big tengu in the legend of the academy.

"There are people on every floor of the 1st to 4th floors, they are very scattered, and they are motionless. I guess that after the Rockets trapped Da Yuanjin and the others, they sent most of the wolves to break into the teaching building. The remaining teachers and professors I had to disperse the attacks, and then I was assassinated one by one by that bone-chilling man." Miyamoto Mei analyzed, and the facts were actually similar to what she said.

Then she finally found the target: "I found it, in the principal's office on the fifth floor, there are strong fighting fluctuations there!"

Long nodded, ready to fight: "This is a good thing, the battle shows that the school has not been completely subdued, and the Rockets have not succeeded."

Mei Miyamoto nodded: "Kubi, teleport us to the principal's office on the fifth floor."

The sun elf nodded, with a flash of super power in his eyes, and the two of them disappeared in place immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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