Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 452 The Flower of Evil, Kajikawa Kagetsu!

Chapter 452 The Flower of Evil, Kajikawa Kagetsu!

"Although this doesn't seem too cool, this is an attack that fits the evil type."

A man wearing a black jacket and purple cropped trousers, with only a tuft of flame-like hair on his head, walked to the side of Fu Chuanzhi's body, and picked up the three demon swords with his hand wearing a gold watch.

"Yo~ The famous King Dutian, I'm not late." He said.

Du was so weak that he lay on the back of the fire-breathing dragon. His state at this time was as if Kuailong had withdrawn, and he was completely out of strength.

"Who are you?" Du asked.

He didn't know the person who came. Although this person saved his life and killed Nuo Chuanzhi, he really didn't look like a good person.

"Hey, hey, everyone is at the same level anyway, and it makes me so sad that you ask like this." The visitor put the three demon knives into an unknown space, and stroked the carapace of the iron-clawed lobster.

Fortunately, Dawu and the others knew each other, so they quickly explained, "Wu Tianwang, he is the Four Heavenly Kings of the evil line in Fengyuan area, Kajikawa Kagetsu."

Kajikawa Kageki, the current fourth king of the Hoenen Alliance, nicknamed the Flower of Evil, and the ace elf is Absolu.

Iron Claw Lobster is one of Fengyuan's few evil spirits, and Kajikawa Kageki naturally also cultivated it, but now it seems that he has quietly improved a lot during this time.

Although this iron-clawed lobster was a sneak attack, but it was able to steal Nuo Chuanzhi's heart silently, it must have already developed elements.

Hearing that it was Feng Yuan's Four Heavenly Kings, Du finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Sorry, King Huayue, you saved my life."

Du had heard the name of Huayue Tianwang, but he hadn't seen him, nor had he watched his battle video, and the ace spirit was wrong, so he didn't match the number at the first time.

At this time, although Wataru temporarily lost the ability to fight on the alliance side, Jiraki's side also died a Odake Marubukawaji.

As a killer, and a ghost king who uses himself as a fighting force, Nuo Chuanzhi's attitude towards his elves can be imagined. After his death, the Geng ghost released before also escaped.

With one increase and one decrease, the alliance side also came to reinforce Huayue Tianwang, so it can be said that the combat effectiveness has not decreased.

But at this time, Taka Shimada and Mitsuko Ikegami, who fought against the Rockets before and after, could hardly hold on.

"King Huayue, hurry up and help!" Mitsuko Chishang screamed, the fat on her face trembling.

No more than Shimada Taka and the champion-level elf Sun Rock. Although the main elf is dead, Ikegami Mitsuko has the duck-billed flame dragon, the second only vegetarian elf, but the lack of nirvana means lack of deterrence, so it is also Ares. And Athena's main direction of attack.

If it wasn't for the mutual scruples of the other party, their side would have been breached long ago.

After this voice, Athena and Ariston immediately slowed down their offensive, and turned their guarded eyes over.

Kajikawa Kageki wiped the back of her head, and said helplessly: "Hey! You know I'm good at sneak attacks and you still shout out, how can you let me help you like this."

The true essence of evil is to catch people by surprise, and to catch them off guard. Now Ares and Athena are very wary of Kajikawa Kageki, so how can he make a move.

Even if it is very powerful, it can only play a seven-point effect. I have never seen such a cheating teammate.

After all, people still need to be rescued. Kajikawa Kagetsu patted the iron claw lobster on the back, and the latter immediately understood and plunged into the soil.

The trick, dig a hole!
Although Iron Claw Lobster is a water-type and evil-type elf, it is also good at digging holes. This is the elf's own talent, and its accomplishments in digging holes are not inferior to ground-type elves.

I saw a lump of earth bulging, quickly approaching the war zone on Athena's side.

"Emperor Nabo, use protection!" Facing an opponent with unknown means, Athena cautiously chose to defend.

At the same time, he ordered the Tanabata blue bird released before to raise his position to prevent being stolen by the iron-clawed lobster.

Ares dismissed it, and directly ordered Bankiras to use the earthquake to attack his teammates, the duck-billed flame dragon, and the iron-clawed lobster indiscriminately.

A pair of tyrant's eyes lit up in the sandstorm, and then a terrifying earthquake occurred, the ground under his feet shook violently, and the terrifying ground system ability split the ground to form air waves, causing double damage to the duck-billed flame dragon.

The effect is outstanding!

However, Emperor Nabo's protection was also crumbling in the earthquake. When the iron-clawed lobster approached, the protection would basically lose its effect and become the target of the iron-clawed lobster.

Kill two birds with one stone!
Moreover, the earthquake will also cause double damage to the iron-clawed lobster in the ground. Although there is no attribute restraint, the impact will not be lower than that of the duck-billed flame dragon.

Closer, closer.

The bulge on the ground was visibly approaching with the naked eye, but even in the midst of a violent earthquake, the bulge still didn't slow down, and it was almost impossible to feel that it was hurt.

"How is this possible!?" Ares didn't believe it, even if it was an elemental elf, it shouldn't be so contrary to common sense.

Could it be that one of its civilized elemental abilities has surface damage attributes?
Before Ares figured it out, the raised bulge had spared the emperor Nabo in front, entered the range of the sandstorm and came in front of Bankiras.

A smile flashed in Kajikawa Kageki's eyes, and she ordered: "Ambush the vital points!"

The iron claw lobster broke out from the ground, and its right claw was wrapped with strong evil energy, and it punched Bankiras hard.

Ares sneered, "Four Heavenly Kings of Fengyuan, are you an idiot? That's not what you use to attack the vital points, Bankiras, hit me back with the Thunder Fist!"

Lei Keshui, this is the basic attribute restraint that even the students of Trainer Elementary School understand.

Bankiras dodged the attack of the iron-clawed lobster with a sensitive step that didn't fit his figure, and his right paw, which was braving the lightning, fell hard, but it passed through the body of the iron-clawed lobster, and he lost his balance instead.


Kajikawa Kageki laughed and said, "Go ahead, give it a grand slam!"

A heavy blow hit Jirachi hard on the back of the head, and the sudden attack caught him off guard, and stars suddenly appeared in front of him.

Dawu, Athena, Ares, Shimada Taka...

All the people present were counted one by one, all of them were shocked by this sudden scene, and they didn't understand why Kajikawa Kagetsu's iron-clawed lobster was clearly in front of Bankiras, but suddenly teleported behind Ji Laqi.

"This is the true meaning of evil." Kajikawa Kageki said with a smile.

Hit the east and the west: The special ability obtained by the Iron Claw Lobster's civilized elements can create a double that is exactly the same as itself, and can transfer all the movements generated by its own actions to the double, and it can switch between the main body and the double at any time!

It was precisely because of this ability that the iron claw lobster avoided the earthquake in Bankiras, covered up the movement of sneaking close to Jirachi, and completed this wonderful sneak attack!

Ambush the vital point, hit the vital point!
His goal has been Jirachi from the very beginning!The source of this storm!

Dawu reacted immediately after being shocked, and suddenly took off the brooch on the chest of the suit with his right hand, bent down and kissed it lightly.

"Stone of Light, become my bond! Metagross, mega evolution!"


The super stone hanging on the front paw of the silver giant golden monster emits dazzling light, and the deep bond with Dawu generates powerful energy through the mysterious connection. Under the call of the rainbow-colored Peugeot, a more powerful and dazzling new form is presented in front of everyone .

Super Metagro!
"Super Metagross, use grating cannon!"

The bright silver-white energy converged in front of the four forearms of the super Metagross, forming a silver torrent to attack Ji Laqi.

"Use steel-type tricks to attack steel-type?"

At this moment, even Shimada Taka and the others don't understand Dawu's operation. Just using a secret technique casually is better than the grating cannon, right?

Only Mi Keli showed a dignified expression.


However, unexpectedly, as the top fantasy Pokémon, Jirachi actually screamed in pain under the steel grating cannon, and even his body was still turning into particles at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No one knows the steel system better than him." Mikri said in a deep voice. Even after so many years, he still didn't think of a way to break this trick.

"As long as you study the ordinary tricks deeply enough, the power may not be inferior to any secret skills or nirvana." Dawu said.

So many tricks are treasures preserved by countless elves in the evolution and elimination of generations. They themselves represent some deeper power. It's a pity that people nowadays are immersed in the elements, immersed in a variety of secret skills, must-haves. Among the killing skills, this most primitive trick was ignored.


Jirachi is suffering fatal injuries, please rescue immediately, otherwise the mission will fail and the reincarnation will be wiped out!

The three consecutive warnings stung the nerves of Ares and Athena, and the crisis of obliteration was all studied, which made them let go of their prejudice against each other in an instant.

"Bangiras, use assimilation!"

Ares gave an order with red eyes, don't look at this inconspicuous move, but it is the only nirvana that Bankiras has mastered. It can ignore protection and other defensive tricks to turn the opponent into a pile of lifeless rocks , even better than the petrochemical light, it can't be recovered at all.

But the unit price of using it is also very expensive, and it is a tactic of killing each other. After using it, Bankiras itself will turn into a pile of stones.

Athena is worthy of being the goddess of wisdom, and she didn't panic at this time, but suddenly said loudly: "I hope that Jirachi's condition will return to 1 minute ago!"

Ji Laqi suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes in his abdomen suddenly opened, a beam of light shot straight into the sky, and the second wishing sticker on the right slowly burned.

"Your wish, I will come true!"

(End of this chapter)

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