Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 454 Closing

Chapter 454 Closing
As time passed, the mask formed by the female warrior's shelter became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It won't last a few minutes."

Athena said, "Jilaqi, if you still refuse to grant my last wish, then let's die here together today."

Ji Laqi sighed. This strange space at the special level has indeed cut off most of the connection between it and the Millennium Comet. Although it can still communicate through the wishing lottery, other skills and unique moves cannot borrow power.

The current situation can indeed be called a dead end.

"Well, what's your wish. Get out of here? Or kill everyone around?"

"No! Neither!" Athena said.

Even if he escaped here by relying on Ji Laqi, and was targeted by the three major families of Hoenn and the Long Shi family at the same time, it would not be easy even if he went out.

It is even worse to kill people directly. With so many elves present, who knows if there are any weird secret skills or special moves.

"Since they want to lure Gulardo away, let's satisfy them."

"Jirachi, send the god of the ocean, Kyoka, to me!"

Didn't they want to use Kyoka to lure Gulardo away?

Then send them a real Kyoka!

Even Athena and Ares have heard of the names of these two mythical beasts, and they know that they are simply natural enemies, and they will kill each other when they meet, let alone a beauty pretending to be Kyoka. Nass is here.

Even if they can't kill everyone, the Fengyuan Alliance will be overwhelmed and have no time to deal with them!
Ji Laqi nodded, seeing that time was running out, he hurriedly said: "I will fulfill your wish!"

The white beam of light rose into the sky for the third time, and even Sun Rock's Special Skill Strange Space couldn't completely cut off this connection.

The third wish came true!
When the white light dissipated, a huge blue elf appeared on the grass.

It has a whale-like shape, with two huge pectoral fins, each fin tip has four white square structures, and the tail is split into four strips in a strange shape.

The god of the sea, Kyoka!

The wave of teleportation awakened the sleeping Kaioka. When it opened its eyes, a large cloud appeared in the sky immediately, and the torrential rain fell.

Kyoka Traits, Rain!


A deep telepathy sounded, and Kaioka was suspended in the air, a little blue light burst out, and suddenly exploded to tens of meters in length, his body was full of blue light, and he transformed into the original form.


Thunder light raged in the black cloud, one thunder after another fell, and the ground inside the strange space quickly converged into small streams.

The original Kyoka exclusive feature, the Sea of ​​Origin!

This is not over yet, a series of blue light spheres condensed on Gaioka's side, suddenly burst out a dazzling blue energy beam, breaking the strange space of Sun Rock mercilessly.

Primal Kyoka's exclusive nirvana - root wave!
The root wave that still had enough power fell to the ground, producing a terrifying explosion like an atomic bomb, and the energy mushroom cloud slowly rose, completely attracting the eyes of the original Gulardo.

"Primitive... Kyoka."

Shimada Taka lost his voice. A primitive Gulardo has already made the entire Hoenen Alliance helpless. Now there is another top beast of the same level as it, and the two sides are still hostile when they meet.

In such a situation, if the first generation Lie Kongzao does not come out, the entire Fengyuan area will be destroyed in sevens and eighties!

Dago, Mitsuko Ikegami, Mikoli, and Tojin all felt powerless, and even Athena and Ares, who caused all this, were shocked by the destructive power of the original Kyoka.

There were only two people present, so it was not surprising.

One is Jirachi. Although it relies on the Millennium Comet to barely qualify to be on par with these two, it all depends on the three wishing sticks on its head. Now that all three wishes have been used up, it has entered the cooling-off period to match one of them. Either one is actually a bit cowardly.

The other one is Kajikawa Kageki who appeared last.

"Finally used up, the third wish." Kajikawa Kageki smiled, facing the scene of the confrontation between the original Kyoka and the original Gulardon, he felt extremely relaxed at this time.

Not in vain for his patience so far, Ji Laqi's three wishes are finally gone!

The figure disappeared in a flash, and Ares just felt a burst of heart palpitations, but suddenly felt a pain in his chest. An ordinary palm was slapped on it, his bones were shattered, and his internal organs were burned.

One blow, Ares dies!
Turning around and swinging her legs, Athena's body was suddenly protected by an energy shield, but a burst of sword energy suddenly broke out, and the protective shield shattered like glass shards. Athena had a good brain, but she was no match for simple brute force. die.

This sudden change stunned everyone, even Gaioka cast a curious look.

I haven't seen such a strange human being for a long time!
"who are you?"

Dawu warned.

Feng Yuan's evil four heavenly kings definitely do not have such terrifying skills!

"I'm sorry everyone, it happened for a reason, it's really helpless."

A young voice sounded, and then Kajikawa Kageki's appearance melted like a wax figure, turning into another appearance.

Once the number one heavenly king of Sinnoh, the master behind Fengyuan's underground forces, the pale association, caused the fuse of this series of events.

Ryuichi Miyazaki!

After avoiding Ji Laqi's first wave of teleportation, Long Yi quietly approached Farnes, and using the transformation ability of Dou Yu Buddha, he pretended to be the evil king Kajikawa Kazuki and sneaked into the battlefield, successfully waiting until Ji Laqi was the weakest moment.

"Now is not the time to talk about the past, please allow me to settle some personal matters first."

"Gulardo and Gaioka, I know your purpose, if you can wait for me for a while, I am willing to lead the way for you!"

Did Gulardo and Kyoka have a feud?

But that is the old calendar. Ever since the people of Rift and its ethnic group Meteor and the People of Fire and the People of Water attacked Gulardo and Kyoka in the super ancient times, their enemies have changed.

And those who know this, not to mention unique, but definitely rare.

Coincidentally, Long Yi is one of them!

So while Du, Dawu and the others stared blankly, facing Long Yi's guarantee, the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka really thought about it seriously, and stayed quietly to watch the show, even the land of the end and the beginning. The Sea of ​​Origin is also controlled within a certain range.

It wasn't until this time that Long Yi was completely relieved, and turned to look at Ji Laqi who was fixed in place by Ye Mengjiade's black eyes.

"Jilaqi, now it's your turn to settle the score between me and you." Long Yi said.

Reasonably speaking, Ji Laqi played an indispensable and important role in Long Yi's current achievements, without the system it bestowed, Long Yi would not have been able to get to where he is today.

But the latter's covetousness for Long Yi's body has never disappeared. It is Ji Laqi's only hope to regain his freedom. Return to the previous state.

The contradictions between the two sides are completely irreconcilable.

After going through many games, and finally waiting for Ji Laqi to use up the wishing lottery, Long Yi finally saw the dawn of solving the trouble.

"For the sake of my future, please die." Long Yiyi raised his hand, and several vegetarian elves, such as Bone Fighting Dragon, Huiyuan, Flame Bird, Purgatory Two-headed Dragon, Jinpeng, Giant Pincer Mantis, etc., were released. .

Except for the fire-breathing camel that was far away in the base of the Pale Association, the megalodon shark that was given away, and the hard-to-show Liekongzuo, he took out a total of 8 plain elves.

This is a terrifying number unimaginable for ordinary people!
Under the siege of these eight elves, Ji Laqi, who was at his wit's end, didn't make any waves. After struggling for a while, he fell under the heavy punch of the Bone Fighting Dragon.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi, don't think you have won." Ji Laqi coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"I am the incarnation of the millennium comet, and I am immortal! Wait until the next millennium, and I must crush your descendants to ashes!"

After saying these harsh words, Ji Laqi finally breathed his last, transformed into a purple spar, turned into powder and flew away.

Just like it said, if the Millennium Comet exists for a day, Jiraki will not really die.

It can still be reborn until the next millennium!
"After I die, don't care about the flood." Long Yi said softly.

Descendants after a thousand years?

At that time, it will be up to future generations whether they can survive this catastrophe.

"Human, tell me now, where is it!"

Long Yi put away a few elves, turned around, looked up at the primitive Gulardo as huge as a mountain, and the primitive Kyoka as huge as an aircraft carrier.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know where the original Raykon sits." He said frankly.

(End of this chapter)

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